# Keyboard And Mouse Interactive Dataset # Neural Network ## Train Set training parameters in train.sh Run `sh train.sh` to train the model ## Test Run `sh test.sh` to run test on trained model Predictions are saved under `prediction/task$i$/` # Split Prediction Run `sh sampler_user.sh` to split prediction to 10% to 90% Run `sh sampler_single_act.sh` to split prediction individual action sequences. # Bayesian Inference Run inference to get results of intention prediction for all users and plot results ``` cd stan Rscript strategy_inference_test.R sh plot_user.sh ``` Run inference to get results of intention prediction (0% to 100%) for all users and plot results ``` Rscript strategy_inference_test_full_length.R sh plot_user_length_10_steps.sh ``` Run inference to get all action sequences (0% to 100%) of all users for intention prediction ``` Rscript strategy_inference_test_all_individual_act.R ``` Plot results of user intention prediction of all action sequences ``` sh plot_user_all_individual.sh ``` Plot the user intention prediction results (0% to 100%) of all action sequences ``` sh plot_user_length_10_steps_all_individual.sh