# Watch And Help Dataset Codes to reproduce results on WAH dataset[^1] [^1]: Modified based on WAH train and test codes, (see WAH)[https://github.com/xavierpuigf/watch_and_help] ## Data Extact `dataset/watch_data.zip` ## Neural Network Run `sh scripts/train_watch_strategy_full.sh` to train the model To test model, either use trained model or extract checkpoints `checkpoints/train_strategy_full/lstmlast.zip` Run `sh scripts/test_watch_strategy_full.sh` to test the model ## Prediction Split Create artificial users and sample predictions from 10% to 90% ``` cd stan sh split_user.sh sh sampler_user.sh ``` ## Bayesian Inference Run inference to get results of user intention prediction and action length (0% to 100%) for all users ``` Rscript strategy_inference_test.R ``` Plot intention prediction results and 10% to 100% of actions results ``` sh plot_user_length.sh sh plot_user_length_10_steps.sh