408 lines
14 KiB
408 lines
14 KiB
# This script is taken from openAI's baselines implementation and adapted for hInt-RL
# ===================================================================================================================
import random
import operator
from collections import namedtuple
import torch
import numpy as np
Experience = namedtuple('Experience', field_names=['state', 'action', 'reward', 'next_state', 'done', 'goal'])
class LinearSchedule(object):
def __init__(self, schedule_timesteps, final_p, initial_p=1.0):
"""Linear interpolation between initial_p and final_p over
schedule_timesteps. After this many timesteps pass final_p is
schedule_timesteps: int
Number of timesteps for which to linearly anneal initial_p
to final_p
initial_p: float
initial output value
final_p: float
final output value
self.schedule_timesteps = schedule_timesteps
self.final_p = final_p
self.initial_p = initial_p
def value(self, t):
"""See Schedule.value"""
fraction = min(float(t) / self.schedule_timesteps, 1.0)
return self.initial_p + fraction * (self.final_p - self.initial_p)
class TanHSchedule(object):
def __init__(self, schedule_timesteps, final_p, initial_p=1.0):
"""This is a tanh annealing schedule with restarts, i.e. hyperbolic tangent decay.
schedule_timesteps: int
Number of overall timesteps for which to anneal initial_p to final_p
initial_p: float
max value
final_p: float
min value
self.schedule_timesteps = schedule_timesteps
self.final_p = final_p
self.initial_p = initial_p
self.tt = 0
def value(self, t):
if t > 0:
# otherwise random play steps are active
self.tt += 1.
tanh = np.tanh(self.tt/(self.schedule_timesteps) - 4.)
return (self.initial_p + self.final_p) / 2. - (self.initial_p - self.final_p) / 2. * tanh
def restart(self):
print('Resetting tanh cycle...')
self.tt = 0
class SegmentTree(object):
def __init__(self, capacity, operation, neutral_element):
"""Build a Segment Tree data structure.
Can be used as regular array, but with two
important differences:
a) setting item's value is slightly slower.
It is O(lg capacity) instead of O(1).
b) user has access to an efficient `reduce`
operation which reduces `operation` over
a contiguous subsequence of items in the
capacity: int
Total size of the array - must be a power of two.
operation: lambda obj, obj -> obj
and operation for combining elements (eg. sum, max)
must for a mathematical group together with the set of
possible values for array elements.
neutral_element: obj
neutral element for the operation above. eg. float('-inf')
for max and 0 for sum.
assert capacity > 0 and capacity & (capacity - 1) == 0, "capacity must be positive and a power of 2."
self._capacity = capacity
self._value = [neutral_element for _ in range(2 * capacity)]
self._operation = operation
def _reduce_helper(self, start, end, node, node_start, node_end):
if start == node_start and end == node_end:
return self._value[node]
mid = (node_start + node_end) // 2
if end <= mid:
return self._reduce_helper(start, end, 2 * node, node_start, mid)
if mid + 1 <= start:
return self._reduce_helper(start, end, 2 * node + 1, mid + 1, node_end)
return self._operation(
self._reduce_helper(start, mid, 2 * node, node_start, mid),
self._reduce_helper(mid + 1, end, 2 * node + 1, mid + 1, node_end)
def reduce(self, start=0, end=None):
"""Returns result of applying `self.operation`
to a contiguous subsequence of the array.
self.operation(arr[start], operation(arr[start+1], operation(... arr[end])))
start: int
beginning of the subsequence
end: int
end of the subsequences
reduced: obj
result of reducing self.operation over the specified range of array elements.
if end is None:
end = self._capacity
if end < 0:
end += self._capacity
end -= 1
return self._reduce_helper(start, end, 1, 0, self._capacity - 1)
def __setitem__(self, idx, val):
# index of the leaf
idx += self._capacity
self._value[idx] = val
idx //= 2
while idx >= 1:
self._value[idx] = self._operation(
self._value[2 * idx],
self._value[2 * idx + 1]
idx //= 2
def __getitem__(self, idx):
assert 0 <= idx < self._capacity
return self._value[self._capacity + idx]
class SumSegmentTree(SegmentTree):
def __init__(self, capacity):
super(SumSegmentTree, self).__init__(
def sum(self, start=0, end=None):
"""Returns arr[start] + ... + arr[end]"""
return super(SumSegmentTree, self).reduce(start, end)
def find_prefixsum_idx(self, prefixsum):
"""Find the highest index `i` in the array such that
sum(arr[0] + arr[1] + ... + arr[i - i]) <= prefixsum
if array values are probabilities, this function
allows to sample indexes according to the discrete
probability efficiently.
perfixsum: float
upperbound on the sum of array prefix
idx: int
highest index satisfying the prefixsum constraint
assert 0 <= prefixsum <= self.sum() + 1e-5
idx = 1
while idx < self._capacity: # while non-leaf
if self._value[2 * idx] > prefixsum:
idx = 2 * idx
prefixsum -= self._value[2 * idx]
idx = 2 * idx + 1
return idx - self._capacity
class MinSegmentTree(SegmentTree):
def __init__(self, capacity):
super(MinSegmentTree, self).__init__(
def min(self, start=0, end=None):
"""Returns min(arr[start], ..., arr[end])"""
return super(MinSegmentTree, self).reduce(start, end)
class ReplayBuffer(object):
def __init__(self, size):
"""Create Replay buffer.
size: int
Max number of transitions to store in the buffer. When the buffer
overflows the old memories are dropped.
self._storage = []
self._maxsize = size
self._next_idx = 0
def __len__(self):
return len(self._storage)
def add(self, obs_t, action, reward, obs_tp1, done, goal):
data = (obs_t, action, reward, obs_tp1, done, goal)
if self._next_idx >= len(self._storage):
self._storage[self._next_idx] = data
self._next_idx = (self._next_idx + 1) % self._maxsize
def _encode_sample_torch(self, idxes):
sample = [self._storage[i] for i in idxes]
batch = Experience(*zip(*sample))
return torch.stack(batch.state), torch.stack(batch.action), torch.stack(batch.reward).squeeze(), torch.stack(batch.next_state), \
torch.stack([torch.tensor(batch.done)]).squeeze(), torch.stack(batch.goal)
# old implementation from
def _encode_sample(self, idxes):
obses_t, actions, rewards, obses_tp1, dones, goals = [], [], [], [], [], []
for i in idxes:
data = self._storage[i]
obs_t, action, reward, obs_tp1, done, goal = data
obses_t.append(np.array(obs_t, copy=False))
actions.append(np.array(action, copy=False))
obses_tp1.append(np.array(obs_tp1, copy=False))
goals.append(np.array(action, copy=False))
return np.array(obses_t), np.array(actions), np.array(rewards, dtype=np.float32), np.array(obses_tp1), np.array(dones, dtype=np.uint8), np.array(goals, dtype=np.uint8)
def sample(self, batch_size):
"""Sample a batch of experiences.
batch_size: int
How many transitions to sample.
obs_batch: np.array
batch of observations
act_batch: np.array
batch of actions executed given obs_batch
rew_batch: np.array
rewards received as results of executing act_batch
next_obs_batch: np.array
next set of observations seen after executing act_batch
done_mask: np.array
done_mask[i] = 1 if executing act_batch[i] resulted in
the end of an episode and 0 otherwise.
idxes = [random.randint(0, len(self._storage) - 1) for _ in range(batch_size)]
return self._encode_sample_torch(idxes)
class PrioritizedReplayBuffer(ReplayBuffer):
def __init__(self, size, alpha):
"""Create Prioritized Replay buffer.
size: int
Max number of transitions to store in the buffer. When the buffer
overflows the old memories are dropped.
alpha: float
how much prioritization is used
(0 - no prioritization, 1 - full prioritization)
See Also
super(PrioritizedReplayBuffer, self).__init__(size)
assert alpha > 0
self._alpha = alpha
it_capacity = 1
while it_capacity < size:
it_capacity *= 2
self._it_sum = SumSegmentTree(it_capacity)
self._it_min = MinSegmentTree(it_capacity)
self._max_priority = 1.0
def add(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""See ReplayBuffer.store_effect"""
idx = self._next_idx
super(PrioritizedReplayBuffer,self).add(*args, **kwargs)
self._it_sum[idx] = self._max_priority ** self._alpha
self._it_min[idx] = self._max_priority ** self._alpha
def _sample_proportional(self, batch_size):
res = []
for _ in range(batch_size):
# TODO(szymon): should we ensure no repeats?
mass = random.random() * self._it_sum.sum(0, len(self._storage) - 1)
idx = self._it_sum.find_prefixsum_idx(mass)
return res
def sample(self, batch_size, beta):
"""Sample a batch of experiences.
compared to ReplayBuffer.sample
it also returns importance weights and idxes
of sampled experiences.
batch_size: int
How many transitions to sample.
beta: float
To what degree to use importance weights
(0 - no corrections, 1 - full correction)
obs_batch: np.array
batch of observations
act_batch: np.array
batch of actions executed given obs_batch
rew_batch: np.array
rewards received as results of executing act_batch
next_obs_batch: np.array
next set of observations seen after executing act_batch
done_mask: np.array
done_mask[i] = 1 if executing act_batch[i] resulted in
the end of an episode and 0 otherwise.
weights: np.array
Array of shape (batch_size,) and dtype np.float32
denoting importance weight of each sampled transition
idxes: np.array
Array of shape (batch_size,) and dtype np.int32
idexes in buffer of sampled experiences
assert beta > 0
idxes = self._sample_proportional(batch_size)
weights = []
p_min = self._it_min.min() / self._it_sum.sum()
max_weight = (p_min * len(self._storage)) ** (-beta)
for idx in idxes:
p_sample = self._it_sum[idx] / self._it_sum.sum()
weight = (p_sample * len(self._storage)) ** (-beta)
weights.append(weight / max_weight)
weights = np.array(weights)
encoded_sample = self._encode_sample_torch(idxes)
return tuple(list(encoded_sample) + [weights, idxes])
def update_priorities(self, idxes, priorities):
"""Update priorities of sampled transitions.
sets priority of transition at index idxes[i] in buffer
to priorities[i].
idxes: [int]
List of idxes of sampled transitions
priorities: [float]
List of updated priorities corresponding to
transitions at the sampled idxes denoted by
variable `idxes`.
assert len(idxes) == len(priorities)
for idx, priority in zip(idxes, priorities):
#print priority
assert priority > 0
assert 0 <= idx < len(self._storage)
self._it_sum[idx] = priority ** self._alpha
self._it_min[idx] = priority ** self._alpha
self._max_priority = max(self._max_priority, priority)