import pytorch_lightning as pl import torch from torch import nn from torch.optim import AdamW from src.utils.positional_encoding import PositionalEncoding from src.object_description_encoder.object_description_encoder import ObjectDescriptionEncoder import torchmetrics as metrics from transformers import get_cosine_schedule_with_warmup from transformers import AutoModel from src.combiner.option_a import CombinerOptionA from transformers import AutoTokenizer class TransformerModel(pl.LightningModule): def __init__(self, config, output_path=None): super().__init__() self.output_path = output_path self.config = config['model'] self.train_config = config['training'] self.train_acc = metrics.Accuracy('multiclass', num_classes=40) self.val_acc = metrics.Accuracy('multiclass', num_classes=40) self.test_acc = metrics.Accuracy('multiclass', num_classes=40) self.best_val_acc = 0 self.loss_for_best_val_acc = 0 self.best_train_acc = 0 self.combiner = CombinerOptionA() self.initialize_text_encoder_and_feature_mapping() self.positional_encoder = PositionalEncoding( d_model=self.model_input_dim, dropout=self.config['dropout_p'], max_len=self.config['dim_feedforward'] ) encoder_layer = nn.TransformerEncoderLayer( d_model=self.model_input_dim, batch_first=True, dropout=self.config['dropout_p'], dim_feedforward=self.config['dim_feedforward'], nhead=self.config['n_heads'] ) self.encoder = nn.TransformerEncoder( encoder_layer=encoder_layer, num_layers=self.config['n_encoder_layers'], ) self.loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() if self.config['feature_type'] == 'object_text_features': self.object_description_encoder = ObjectDescriptionEncoder( d_model=self.config['v_emb_dim'], config=self.config ) # maps the output from the pretrained lm to as smaller size used for the encoding of the object description (reduces transformer size) self.linear_projection_object_description = nn.Linear(self.pretrained_lm.config.hidden_size, self.config['v_emb_dim']) # tokenizer for translation from ids to text self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.config['pretrained_lm_name']) def initialize_text_encoder_and_feature_mapping(self): if self.config['use_pretrained_lm']: self.pretrained_lm = AutoModel.from_pretrained( self.config['pretrained_lm_name'], add_pooling_layer=False ) self.pretrained_lm.eval() # don't train the paramteres of the pretrained lm = True # for param in self.pretrained_lm.parameters(): # param.requires_grad = False # initialize the projection layers to map the embeddings to the correct input dim # either use the emb_dim as done in aloe (v_emb_dim * n_heads) or the emb_dim specified in the config if self.config['projection_as_in_aloe']: self.model_input_dim = self.config['n_heads'] * self.config['v_emb_dim'] self.linear_projection_video = nn.Linear(self.config['v_emb_dim'], self.model_input_dim - 2) self.linear_projection_text = nn.Linear(self.pretrained_lm.config.hidden_size, self.model_input_dim - 2) else: # take embedding size from config and map the video features from their size to the chose emb size self.linear_projection_video = nn.Linear(self.config['v_emb_dim'], self.config['emb_dim'] - 2) self.linear_projection_text = nn.Linear(self.pretrained_lm.config.hidden_size, self.config['emb_dim'] - 2) self.model_input_dim = self.config['emb_dim'] else: # either use the emb_dim as done in aloe (v_emb_dim * n_heads) or the video_emb_dim (2 is either added or subtracted because of the input ids) if self.config['projection_as_in_aloe']: self.model_input_dim = self.config['n_heads'] * self.config['v_emb_dim'] else: self.model_input_dim = self.config['emb_dim'] self.linear_projection_video = nn.Linear(self.config['v_emb_dim'], self.model_input_dim - 2) self.embed = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=self.config['vocab_size'], embedding_dim=self.model_input_dim - 2) def append_ids(self, tensor, id_vector, axis): id_vector = torch.tensor(id_vector, device=self.device) for a in range(len(tensor.shape)): if a != axis: id_vector = torch.unsqueeze(id_vector, axis=a) tiling_vector = [s if i != axis else 1 for i, s in enumerate(tensor.shape)] id_tensor = torch.tile(id_vector, tiling_vector) return torch.concat([tensor, id_tensor], axis=axis) def downsample_video_emb(self, video_emb): return video_emb[:, ::self.config['sample_rate_video'], :, :] def unroll_video_emb(self, video_emb): video_emb = video_emb.permute(0, 1, 3, 2) return torch.reshape(video_emb, (video_emb.shape[0], -1, video_emb.shape[3])) def apply_pretrained_lm(self, query, query_mask): output = self.pretrained_lm( input_ids=query, attention_mask=query_mask ) return output['last_hidden_state'] def prepare_lang_emb(self, query, query_mask): # set maximum query length TODO ------ set param in config if query.shape[1] > 100: query = query[:, :100] query_mask = query_mask[:, :100] # apply pretrained language model to embed the query if specified if self.config['use_pretrained_lm']: lang_emb = self.apply_pretrained_lm(query, query_mask) else: lang_emb = self.embed(query) # Aloe uses an emb_dim of v_emb_dim * n_heads. Or use the emb_dim specified in the config if self.config['use_pretrained_lm']: lang_emb = self.linear_projection_text(lang_emb) lang_emb = self.append_ids(lang_emb, [1, 0], 2) lang_emb = self.positional_encoder(lang_emb) return lang_emb def prepare_video_emb(self, video_emb): # shape: [batch, frames, v_emb_dim, objects] video_emb = self.downsample_video_emb(video_emb) # unroll time dimension in object dimension (only take every _ frame) - shape: [batch, objects x frames, v_emb_dim + 2] video_emb = self.unroll_video_emb(video_emb) # video_emb need to be projected to either the size of the language emb or the emb_size given by v_emb_dim * n_heads (As done in the Aloe paper) #if self.config['use_pretrained_lm'] or self.config['projection_as_in_aloe']: video_emb = self.linear_projection_video(video_emb) video_emb = self.append_ids(video_emb, [0, 1], 2) video_emb = self.positional_encoder(video_emb) return video_emb def forward(self, batch): output = self.answer_query(batch.query, batch.query_mask, batch.vft) return output def configure_optimizers(self): opt = AdamW(self.parameters(), lr=self.train_config['lr']) sched = get_cosine_schedule_with_warmup( opt, num_warmup_steps=self.train_config['warmup_steps'], num_training_steps=self.train_config['total_steps'], ) return { 'optimizer': opt, 'lr_scheduler': { 'scheduler': sched, 'interval': 'step' } }