# SalChartQA: Question-driven Saliency on Information Visualisations [![Identifier](https://img.shields.io/badge/doi-10.18419%2Fdarus--3884-d45815.svg)](https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-3884) *Yao Wang, Weitian Wang, Abdullah Abdelhafez, Mayar Elfares, Zhiming Hu, Mihai Bâce, and Andreas Bulling* Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024) ``` $Root Directory │ │─ README.md —— this file │ |─ Code —— Source code of the VisSalFormer model to predict question-driven saliency │ │ │ |─ environment.yml —— conda environment │ │ │ |─ env.py —— python envorinment $TORCH_HOME and $TRANSFORMERS_CACHE │ │ │ │─ dataset_new.py —— dataloader for SalChartQA │ │ │ │─ evaluation.py —— evaluation script to load VisSalFormer weights and make predictions │ │ │ │─ evaluation.sh —— bash script to run evaluation.py │ │ │ │─ model_swin.py —— definition of the VisSalFormer model │ │ │ │─ tokenizer_bert.py —— tokenizer of Bert │ │ │ └─ VisSalFormer_weights.tar —— weights of VisSalFormer, download at [darus-3884](https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-3884) │ └─ SalChartQA.zip —— The SalChartQA dataset, download at [darus-3884](https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-3884) │ │─ fixationByVis —— BubbleView data (mouse clicks) of AMT workers │ │─ image_questions.json —— visualisation-question pairs │ │─ raw_img —— original visualisations from the ChartQA dataset │ │─ saliency_all —— saliency maps from all AMT workers │ │─ saliency_ans —— saliency maps aggretated by all AMT workers who either answered a question correctly or wrongly │ └─ unified_approved.csv —— responses from AMT workers ``` If you think our work is useful to you, please consider citing our paper as: ``` @inproceedings{wang24_chi, title = {SalChartQA: Question-driven Saliency on Information Visualisations}, author = {Wang, Yao and Wang, Weitian and Abdelhafez, Abdullah and Elfares, Mayar and Hu, Zhiming and B{\^a}ce, Mihai and Bulling, Andreas}, year = {2024}, pages = {1--14}, booktitle = {Proc. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)}, doi = {10.1145/3613904.3642942} } ``` contact: yao.wang@vis.uni-stuttgart.de