updated code with more comments
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 262 additions and 1116 deletions
@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
from time import time
from sklearn import linear_model
from sim import GazeSimulation
from svis import Ray
from minimize import findInitialW, _q, g, minimizeEnergy, minimizeEnergyGivenE, minimizeUsingScaleVector
from geom import getSphericalCoords, getAngularDiff
import visual as vs
# from visual import vector as v # for vector operations
from vector import Vector as v # for vector operations
class Experiment:
def performExperiment(self):
print 'Running Experiment...'
start = time()
self.runningTime = time() - start
print 'Running Time:', self.runningTime
if self.minimizationTime:
print 'Minimization Time:', self.minimizationTime
def __run__(self):
class Experiment1(Experiment):
def __run__(self):
Simply evaluates 2D gaze estimation (using pupil calibration method)
sim = GazeSimulation(log = False)
## Uncomment for shifting eyeball to scene camera coordinates
sim.scene_eye_distance_factor = 0.6 # controls how much to move eyeball towards scene camera [0-1]
sim.place_eyeball_on_scene_camera = False
# calibration_grid, calibration_random_depth, test_grid, test_random_depth, test_random_fixed_depth
experiments = [
[True, False, False, True, False],
[True, False, False, False, False],
[True, False, False, False, True],
[False, True, False, True, False],
[False, True, False, False, False],
[False, True, False, False, True],
[False, False, False, True, False],
[False, False, False, False, False],
[False, False, False, False, True],
# [True, False, True, False, False],
nsim = 100
for experiment in experiments:
res = [sim.runCustomSimulation(experiment) for n in xrange(nsim)]
res = filter(lambda aae: aae>=0, res)
M = max(res)
m = min(res)
aae = sum(res) / len(res)
print 'AAE: %2.5f - Min AAE: %2.5f | Max AAE: %2.5f' % (aae, m, M)
eye_scene_diff = v(sim.sclera_pos) - v(sim.scene_camera.t)
print "Eyeball-SceneCamera distance was", eye_scene_diff.mag
self.sim = sim
self.minimizationTime = -1
class Experiment1p5(Experiment):
def __run__(self):
Read 3D gaze estimation experiment
sim = GazeSimulation(log = False)
## Uncomment for shifting eyeball to scene camera coordinates
sim.place_eyeball_on_scene_camera = True
sim.scene_eye_distance_factor = 0.6
# sim.scene_eye_distance_factor = 1.0
# calibration_grid, calibration_random_depth, test_grid, test_random_depth, test_random_fixed_depth
# -> grid setting
# con = [True, False, True, False, True]
# -> general setting with grid learning
# con = [True, False, False, True, False]
con = [True, False, False, False, False]
# -> general setting with random learning
# con = [False, True, False, True, False]
sim.num_calibration = 36
sim.num_test = 25
aae_2d = sim.runCustomSimulation(con)
## Fetching the calibration points
t, p = sim.calibration_points, sim.tr_pupil_locations
# target positions are computed relative to the scene CCS
t = map(lambda target: v(target) - v(sim.scene_camera.t), t) # verified
# p = sim.eye_camera.getNormalizedPts(p)
start = time()
eye_scene_diff = v(sim.sclera_pos) - v(sim.scene_camera.t)
e = np.array(eye_scene_diff) # eyeball coords in scene CCS
print 'Real e', e
e_org = e[:]
print 'Eye-Scene distance', eye_scene_diff.mag
# w, w0 = minimizeEnergyGivenE(p, t, e)
## Finding the optimal transformation matrix by minimizing the nonlinear energy
# w0 is the initial w by solving the leastsq with e=(0,0,0)
# w is by solving the leastsq again optimizing for both e and w
w, e, w0 = minimizeEnergy(p, t)
# here were are initializing minimization with an e close to the ground
# truth e by adding random perturbations to it
# w, e, w0 = minimizeEnergy(p, t, e + np.random.rand(1, 3)[0])
print 'Estimated e', e, '( Distance:', LA.norm(e - e_org) , ')'
self.minimizationTime = time() - start
sim.w = w
## Fetching test points
t, p = sim.test_points, sim.te_pupil_locations
t = map(lambda target: v(target) - v(sim.scene_camera.t), t) # target coords in scene CCS
# closest point distance to scene camera
cDist = min(v(pt).mag for pt in t)
# farthest point distance to scene camera
fDist = max(v(pt).mag for pt in t)
# average point distance to scene camera
avgDist = sum(v(pt).mag for pt in t)/len(t)
# p = sim.eye_camera.getNormalizedPts(p)
# print
# print p
# print
qi = map(_q, p) # computing feature vectors from raw pupil coordinates in 2D
# computing unit gaze vectors corresponding to pupil positions
# here we use the computed mapping matrix w
gis = map(lambda q: g(q, w), qi)
gis0 = map(lambda q: g(q, w0), qi)
# now we can compare unit gaze vectors with their corresponding gaze rays t
# normalizing gaze rays first
t = map(lambda vec: v(vec).norm(), t)
# TODO: compare spherical coordinates instead
AE = list(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(p[1])/(v(p[0]).dot(p[1]))).mag)) for p in zip(gis, t))
N = len(t)
AAE = sum(AE)/N
VAR = sum((ae - AAE)**2 for ae in AE)/N
print 'AAE:', AAE, '\nVariance:', VAR, 'STD:', np.sqrt(VAR), '\nMin:', min(AE), 'Max:', max(AE), '(N=' + str(N) + ')'
print 'Target Distances: m=%s M=%s Avg=%s' % (cDist, fDist, avgDist)
AE0 = list(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(p[1])/(v(p[0]).dot(p[1]))).mag)) for p in zip(gis0, t))
AAE0 = sum(AE0)/N
print 'AAE (only optimizing W for e=(0,0,0)):', AAE0
print 'AAE (2D-to-2D mapping):', aae_2d
print ('Improvement (2D-2D vs 2D-3D): %s' % round((aae_2d - AAE)*100/aae_2d, 2)) + '%'
print ('Improvement (2D-2D vs 2D-2D): %s' % round((aae_2d - AAE0)*100/aae_2d, 2)) + '%'
sim.display_test_points = True
sim.display_calibration_points = False
## Visualizing gaze vector
ray_scale_factor = 120
ground_truth_gaze_rays = []
for pt in t:
ground_truth_gaze_rays.append(Ray(sim.scene_camera.t, ray_scale_factor, v(pt), vs.color.green))
sim.rays = ground_truth_gaze_rays
estimated_gaze_rays = []
for pt in gis:
estimated_gaze_rays.append(Ray(sim.scene_camera.t, ray_scale_factor, v(pt), vs.color.red))
AE = []
for pair in zip(t, gis):
gt_r, e_r = pair
base = v(sim.scene_camera.t)
gt_ray_endpoint = base + (v(gt_r) * ray_scale_factor)
e_ray_endpoint = base + (v(e_r) * ray_scale_factor)
AE.append(getAngularDiff(gt_ray_endpoint, e_ray_endpoint, base))
diff = gt_ray_endpoint - e_ray_endpoint
sim.rays.append(Ray(e_ray_endpoint, diff.mag, diff.norm(), vs.color.orange))
# Recomputing AAE (using law of cosines) sum(AE)/N
assert(round(sum(AE)/N - AAE) == 0)
self.sim = sim
def p3dEx():
ex = Experiment1p5()
return ex
def experiment2(s = 1):
sim = GazeSimulation(log = False)
sim.place_eyeball_on_scene_camera = True
# 2/3 for calibration, 1/3 for test
# sim.num_calibration = 66
# sim.num_test = 33
# sim.reset()
# calibration_grid, calibration_random_depth, test_grid, test_random_depth, test_random_fixed_depth
# con = [True, False, False, False, True]
# con = [False, True, False, True, False]
con = [True, False, True, False, True]
# sim.runSimulation()
# sim.num_calibration = 36
sim.num_calibration = 25
sim.num_test = 25
# retrieving calibration points (t for 3D target positions and p for 2D pupil locations)
t, p = sim.calibration_points, sim.tr_pupil_locations
# t = sim.tr_target_projections # projections of target points
# target positions are computed relative to the scene CCS
t = map(lambda target: v(target) - v(sim.scene_camera.t), t) # verified
# p = sim.eye_camera.getNormalizedPts(p)
# computing the initial mapping matrix w by solving the energy minimization
# for e=(0, 0, 0)
# w = findInitialW(p, t, True)
# print w
# w, e = minimizeEnergy(p, t)
# print w
w = np.array([[s, 0],
[0, s]])
# w = minimizeUsingScaleVector(p, t)
# e = np.array(v(sim.sclera_pos) - v(sim.scene_camera.t)) # eyeball coords in scene CCS
# w = minimizeEnergyGivenE(p, t, e)
t, p = sim.test_points, sim.te_pupil_locations
t = map(lambda target: v(target) - v(sim.scene_camera.t), t) # target coords in scene CCS
# TODO, is this necessary? (due to eye camera rotation)
p = map(lambda pt: np.array([-pt[0], pt[1]]), p)
# p = sim.eye_camera.getNormalizedPts(p)
# this w can be used for 2D-2D mapping (apparently!) testing it
qi = map(_q, p) # computing feature vectors from raw pupil coordinates in 2D
# computing unit gaze vectors corresponding to pupil positions
# here we use the computed mapping matrix w
gis = map(lambda q: g(q, w), qi)
# now we can compare unit gaze vectors with their corresponding gaze rays t
# normalizing gaze rays
t = map(lambda vec: v(vec).norm(), t)
SAE = sum(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(p[1])/(v(p[0]).dot(p[1]))).mag)) for p in zip(gis, t))
# return SAE / len(t)
sim.display_test_points = True
sim.display_calibration_points = False
## Visualizing gaze vector
ray_scale_factor = 120
ground_truth_gaze_rays = []
for pt in t:
ground_truth_gaze_rays.append(Ray(sim.scene_camera.t, ray_scale_factor, v(pt), vs.color.green))
sim.rays = ground_truth_gaze_rays
estimated_gaze_rays = []
for pt in gis:
estimated_gaze_rays.append(Ray(sim.scene_camera.t, ray_scale_factor, v(pt), vs.color.red))
AE = []
for pair in zip(t, gis):
gt_r, e_r = pair
base = v(sim.scene_camera.t)
gt_ray_endpoint = base + (v(gt_r) * ray_scale_factor)
e_ray_endpoint = base + (v(e_r) * ray_scale_factor)
AE.append(getAngularDiff(gt_ray_endpoint, e_ray_endpoint, base))
diff = gt_ray_endpoint - e_ray_endpoint
sim.rays.append(Ray(gt_ray_endpoint, diff.mag, -diff.norm(), vs.color.orange))
return sim
# print e
def experiment3():
sim = GazeSimulation(log = False)
# 2/3 for calibration, 1/3 for test
# sim.num_calibration = 66
# sim.num_test = 33
# sim.reset()
# calibration_grid, calibration_random_depth, test_grid, test_random_depth, test_random_fixed_depth
con = [True, False, False, True, False]
# con = [False, True, False, True, False]
# sim.runSimulation()
# retrieving calibration points (t for 3D target positions and p for 2D pupil locations)
t, p = sim.calibration_points, sim.tr_pupil_locations
# t = sim.tr_target_projections # projections of target points
# target positions are computed relative to the scene CCS
t = map(lambda target: v(target) - v(sim.scene_camera.t), t)
# p = sim.eye_camera.getNormalizedPts(p)
# Applying regression using LARS (Least Angle Regression)
qi = map(_q, p)
clf = linear_model.Lars(n_nonzero_coefs=np.inf) # n_nonzero_coefs=1
t = map(lambda vec: v(vec).norm(), t)
clf.fit(qi, t)
t, p = sim.test_points, sim.te_pupil_locations
t = map(lambda target: v(target) - v(sim.scene_camera.t), t)
# p = sim.eye_camera.getNormalizedPts(p)
# this w can be used for 2D-2D mapping (apparently!) testing it
qi = map(_q, p) # computing feature vectors from raw pupil coordinates in 2D
# computing unit gaze vectors corresponding to pupil positions
# here we use the computed mapping matrix w
gis = map(lambda q: clf.predict(q)[0], qi)
# now we can compare unit gaze vectors with their corresponding gaze rays t
# normalizing gaze rays
t = map(lambda vec: v(vec).norm(), t)
SAE = sum(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(p[1])/(v(p[0]).dot(p[1]))).mag)) for p in zip(gis, t))
print SAE / len(t)
# print e
def experimentGT():
## Here we are using the ground truth gaze vectors (from the eye) and we compare
## them with ground truth vectors initiating from the scene camera
## In case eyeball and scene camera are located at the same point, the AAE should
## be reported as zero, this is only to make sure we're doing the right thing
sim = GazeSimulation(log = False)
# Uncomment to shift eyeball to scene camera
# sim.place_eyeball_on_scene_camera = True
# 2/3 for calibration, 1/3 for test
# sim.num_calibration = 66
# sim.num_test = 33
# sim.reset()
# calibration_grid, calibration_random_depth, test_grid, test_random_depth, test_random_fixed_depth
con = [True, False, False, True, False]
# con = [False, True, False, True, False]
# sim.runSimulation()
# retrieving calibration points (t for 3D target positions and p for 2D pupil locations)
t, p, tp = sim.calibration_points, sim.tr_pupil_locations, sim.tr_target_projections
# t = sim.tr_target_projections # projections of target points
# target positions are computed relative to the scene CCS
t_org = t[:]
t = map(lambda target: v(target) - v(sim.scene_camera.t), t)
rays_from_scene = []
for pt in t:
rays_from_scene.append(Ray(sim.scene_camera.t, v(pt).mag, v(pt).norm(), vs.color.red))
sim.rays = rays_from_scene
rays_from_scene_to_target_projections = []
base = v(sim.scene_camera.t) + v(sim.scene_camera.direction) * sim.scene_camera.f
for pp in tp:
# print pp
# since we wanna draw rays starting from scene camera,
# ray is relative to scene CCS
ray = base + v(pp[0], pp[1], 0) - v(sim.scene_camera.t)
rays_from_scene_to_target_projections.append(Ray(v(sim.scene_camera.t), ray.mag * 4, ray.norm(), vs.color.orange))
t = map(lambda vec: v(vec).norm(), t)
alpha_GT = []
_deg = lambda triple: (np.degrees(triple[0]), np.degrees(triple[1]), triple[2])
for pt in t:
alpha_GT.append(_deg(getSphericalCoords(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])))
# print _deg(getSphericalCoords(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])), pt[2]
# starting from eyeball
base = v(sim.sclera_pos)
# direction vector from eyeball towards eye camera
d = -v(sim.eye_camera.direction).norm()
# calculating distance between eyeball and image plane of the eye camera
dist = (v(sim.eye_camera.t) - v(sim.sclera_pos)).mag - sim.eye_camera.f
p = map(lambda p: np.array((-p[0], p[1])), p) # -x due to orientation
sf = 4
p = map(lambda p: p.dot(np.array([[sf, 0],
[0 , sf]])), p)
gis = map(lambda p: (d*dist + v(p[0], p[1], 0)).norm(), p)
alpha_test = []
rays_from_eye = []
for pt in gis:
alpha_test.append(_deg(getSphericalCoords(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])))
rays_from_eye.append(Ray(sim.sclera_pos, 200, pt, vs.color.yellow))
# gis = map(lambda t: (v(t) - v(sim.sclera_pos)).norm(), t_org)
# now we can compare unit gaze vectors with their corresponding gaze rays t
# normalizing gaze rays
# for _t, _gis in zip(t, gis): print _t, _gis
SAE = sum(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(p[1])/(v(p[0]).dot(p[1]))).mag)) for p in zip(gis, t))
print SAE / len(t)
return sim
# experiment1()
# for s in np.arange(1, 20, 0.25):
# print experiment2(s), s
# experiment3()
# experimentGT()
# experiment1p5()
@ -2,9 +2,13 @@ from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
from random import sample
from random import sample
def_fov = np.pi * 2./3
def generatePoints(n, min_xyz, max_xyz, grid=False, randomZ=True, randFixedZ=False, depth=None, offset=0.5, xoffset=0, yoffset=0, zoffset=0):
def generatePoints(n, min_xyz, max_xyz, grid=False, randomZ=True, randFixedZ=False, depth=None, offset=0.5, xoffset=0, yoffset=0, zoffset=0):
Generates 3D points either on a grid or randomly. the depth of each point can also be selected
at random, given fixed depth for all points, or a random fixed depth for the points.
UPDATE: the order of the points in the end is also randomly shuffled.
if randFixedZ: # means all points have the same z but z is chosen at random between max and min z
if randFixedZ: # means all points have the same z but z is chosen at random between max and min z
z = min_xyz[2] + np.random.random() * (max_xyz[2] - min_xyz[2])
z = min_xyz[2] + np.random.random() * (max_xyz[2] - min_xyz[2])
else: # same depth
else: # same depth
@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ def getSphericalCoords(x, y, z):
with a CounterClockwise rotation of the axis vectors
with a CCW rotation of the axis vectors
r = np.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
r = np.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
teta = np.arctan(x/z)
teta = np.arctan(x/z)
@ -96,6 +100,10 @@ def getRotationMatrixFromAngles(r):
[R_11 R_12 R_13]
[R_11 R_12 R_13]
[R_11 R_12 R_13]
[R_11 R_12 R_13]
[0 0 0 ]
[0 0 0 ]
This is convenient since we can insert a translation column
and get a full transformation matrix for vectors in homogeneous
cos = map(np.cos, r)
cos = map(np.cos, r)
sin = map(np.sin, r)
sin = map(np.sin, r)
@ -155,20 +163,22 @@ def getRotationMatrix(a, b):
return np.concatenate((np.eye(3) + vx, [[0, 0, 0]]))
return np.concatenate((np.eye(3) + vx, [[0, 0, 0]]))
return np.concatenate((np.eye(3) + vx + vx.dot(vx)*((1-c)/s/s), [[0, 0, 0]]))
return np.concatenate((np.eye(3) + vx + vx.dot(vx)*((1-c)/s/s), [[0, 0, 0]]))
# Default FOV angle for a camera
def_fov = np.pi * 2./3
class PinholeCamera:
class PinholeCamera:
Models a basic Pinhole Camera with 9 degrees of freedom
Models a Pinhole Camera with 9 degrees of freedom
# Intrinsic parameters
## Intrinsic parameters
f = 1 # focal length
f = 1 # focal length
p = (0, 0) # position of principal point in the image plane
p = (0, 0) # position of principal point in the image plane
# Extrinsic parameters
# Extrinsic parameters
# this rotation corresponds to a camera setting pointing towards (0, 0, -1)
# this rotation corresponds to a camera setting pointing towards (0, 0, -1)
r = (0, 0, 0) # rotations in x, y', and z'' planes respectively
r = (0, 0, 0) # rotations in x, y', and z'' planes respectively
t = (0, 0, 0) # camera center translation w.r.t world coordinate system (with no rotation)
t = (0, 0, 0) # camera center translation w.r.t world coordinate system
# Using the above parameters we can construct the camera matrix
# Using the above parameters we can construct the camera matrix
@ -178,15 +188,15 @@ class PinholeCamera:
# and thus we have x = PX for every point X in the word coordinate system
# and thus we have x = PX for every point X in the word coordinate system
# and its corresponding projection in the camera image plane x
# and its corresponding projection in the camera image plane x
# NOTE: points are assumed to be represented by homogeneous vectors
# NOTE: points are assumed to be represented in homogeneous coordinates
# Other parameters
# Other parameters
label = ''
label = ''
direction = (0, 0, 1) # camera direction vector (viewpoint direction)
direction = (0, 0, 1) # camera direction
fov = def_fov # field of view (both horizontal and vertical)
fov = def_fov # field of view (both horizontal and vertical)
image_width = 2*f*np.tan(fov/2.)
image_width = 2*f*np.tan(fov/2.)
def __init__(self, label, f = 1, r = (0, 0, 0), t = (0, 0, 0), direction = (0, 0, 1), fov=def_fov):
def __init__(self, label, f = 1, r = (0, 0, 0), t = (0, 0, 0), direction = (0, 0, 1), fov=def_fov):
self.label = label
self.label = label
self.f = f
self.f = f
@ -197,8 +207,11 @@ class PinholeCamera:
self.recomputeCameraMatrix(True, True)
self.recomputeCameraMatrix(True, True)
def recomputeCameraMatrix(self, changedRotation, changedIntrinsic):
def recomputeCameraMatrix(self, changedRotation, changedIntrinsic):
Updates camera matrix
if changedRotation:
if changedRotation:
# # Computing rotation matrix using elemental rotations
# Computing rotation matrix using elemental rotations
self.R = getRotationMatrixFromAngles(self.r)
self.R = getRotationMatrixFromAngles(self.r)
# by default if rotation is 0 then camera optical axis points to positive Z
# by default if rotation is 0 then camera optical axis points to positive Z
self.direction = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0]).dot(self.R)
self.direction = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0]).dot(self.R)
@ -209,7 +222,7 @@ class PinholeCamera:
# instead of the above, we could also represent translation matrix as [I|-C] and
# instead of the above, we could also represent translation matrix as [I|-C] and
# [R -RC]
# [R -RC]
# then compute Rt as R[I|-C] = [0 1] [R] [-RC]
# then compute Rt as R[I|-C] = [0 1] [R] [-RC]
# but we're basically do the same thing by concatenating [0] with [ 1]
# but we basically do the same thing by concatenating [0] with [ 1]
if changedIntrinsic:
if changedIntrinsic:
# Computing intrinsic matrix
# Computing intrinsic matrix
@ -218,10 +231,11 @@ class PinholeCamera:
[f, 0, px, 0],
[f, 0, px, 0],
[0, f, py, 0],
[0, f, py, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0]])
[0, 0, 1, 0]])
# Full Camera Projection Matrix
# Full Camera Projection Matrix
self.P = self.K.dot(self.Rt)
self.P = self.K.dot(self.Rt)
## Intrinsic parameter setters
## Intrinsic parameter setters
def setF(self, f, auto_adjust = True):
def setF(self, f, auto_adjust = True):
self.f = f
self.f = f
@ -235,7 +249,8 @@ class PinholeCamera:
def setFOV(self, fov):
def setFOV(self, fov):
self.fov = fov
self.fov = fov
self.image_width = 2*self.f*np.tan(fov/2.)
self.image_width = 2*self.f*np.tan(fov/2.)
## Extrinsic parameter setters
## Extrinsic parameter setters
def setT(self, t, auto_adjust = True):
def setT(self, t, auto_adjust = True):
self.t = t
self.t = t
@ -245,11 +260,13 @@ class PinholeCamera:
self.r = r
self.r = r
if auto_adjust:
if auto_adjust:
self.recomputeCameraMatrix(True, False)
self.recomputeCameraMatrix(True, False)
## Main methods
def project(self, p):
def project(self, p):
Computes projection of a point p in world coordinate system
Computes projection of a point p in world coordinate system
using its homogeneous vector coordinates [x, y, z, 1]
using its homogeneous coordinates [x, y, z, 1]
if len(p) < 4: p = (p[0], p[1], p[2], 1)
if len(p) < 4: p = (p[0], p[1], p[2], 1)
projection = self.P.dot(np.array(p))
projection = self.P.dot(np.array(p))
@ -272,6 +289,10 @@ class PinholeCamera:
return map(lambda p:(p*self.image_width)-offset, pts)
return map(lambda p:(p*self.image_width)-offset, pts)
class Camera(PinholeCamera):
class Camera(PinholeCamera):
A wrapper around abstract Pinhole camera object with further
methods for visualization.
default_radius = 2.0
default_radius = 2.0
def updateShape(self):
def updateShape(self):
@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures as P
from vector import Vector as v
from vector import Vector as v
import cv2
import cv2
This module contains all the methods used in solving the minimization problems
in our paper.
M = 7 # this is the size of the feature vector
M = 7 # this is the size of the feature vector
_q = lambda p: np.array([p[0], p[1], p[0]*p[0], p[1]*p[1], p[0]*p[1], p[0]*p[1]*p[0]*p[1], 1])
_q = lambda p: np.array([p[0], p[1], p[0]*p[0], p[1]*p[1], p[0]*p[1], p[0]*p[1]*p[0]*p[1], 1])
@ -164,6 +164,8 @@ class Parallax2Dto3DMapping(Experiment):
results.append([calibs, aae_2ds_aae, aae_3ds_aae, aae_3D3Ds])
results.append([calibs, aae_2ds_aae, aae_3ds_aae, aae_3D3Ds])
## Plotting part
plt.ylabel('Angular Error')
plt.ylabel('Angular Error')
@ -223,7 +225,6 @@ class Parallax2Dto3DMapping(Experiment):
plt.yticks(TOPICS, LABELS,fontsize=18)
plt.yticks(TOPICS, LABELS,fontsize=18)
# plt.legend(fontsize=20)
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3,
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3,
ncol=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., fontsize=15)
ncol=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., fontsize=15)
@ -242,6 +243,7 @@ class Parallax2Dto3DMapping(Experiment):
plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':
# This also does 3D gaze estimation and plots estimation results for both 3D and 2D estimation
# This also does 3D gaze estimation and plots estimation results for both 3D and 2D estimation
@ -60,18 +60,14 @@ class Parallax2Dto2DMapping(Experiment):
print 'scene_camera', sim.scene_camera.t
print 'scene_camera', sim.scene_camera.t
print 'calibration'
print 'calibration'
print len(sim.calibration_points)
print len(sim.calibration_points)
# print sim.calibration_points
print min(np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,0]) - sim.scene_camera.t[0], max(np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,0]) - sim.scene_camera.t[0]
print min(np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,0]) - sim.scene_camera.t[0], max(np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,0]) - sim.scene_camera.t[0]
print min(np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,1]) - sim.scene_camera.t[1], max(np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,1]) - sim.scene_camera.t[1]
print min(np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,1]) - sim.scene_camera.t[1], max(np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,1]) - sim.scene_camera.t[1]
print 'depths', set(np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,2])
print 'depths', set(np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,2])
print 'test'
print len(sim.test_points)
print len(sim.test_points)
print min(np.array(sim.test_points)[:,0]) - sim.scene_camera.t[0], max(np.array(sim.test_points)[:,0]) - sim.scene_camera.t[0]
print min(np.array(sim.test_points)[:,0]) - sim.scene_camera.t[0], max(np.array(sim.test_points)[:,0]) - sim.scene_camera.t[0]
print min(np.array(sim.test_points)[:,1]) - sim.scene_camera.t[1], max(np.array(sim.test_points)[:,1]) - sim.scene_camera.t[1]
print min(np.array(sim.test_points)[:,1]) - sim.scene_camera.t[1], max(np.array(sim.test_points)[:,1]) - sim.scene_camera.t[1]
print 'depths', set(np.array(sim.test_points)[:,2])
print 'depths', set(np.array(sim.test_points)[:,2])
plt.ylabel('Y (mm)')
plt.ylabel('Y (mm)')
plt.xlabel('X (mm)')
plt.xlabel('X (mm)')
plt.plot(np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,0], np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,1], 'bo')
plt.plot(np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,0], np.array(sim.calibration_points)[:,1], 'bo')
@ -84,18 +80,17 @@ class Parallax2Dto2DMapping(Experiment):
class Parallax2Dto3DMapping(Experiment):
class Parallax2Dto3DMapping(Experiment):
In all experiments, scene camera's rvec = (0, 0, 0) i.e. the corresponding rotation matrix is the identity matrix therefore
In all experiments, scene camera's rvec = (0, 0, 0) i.e. the corresponding rotation matrix is the identity
I have not included the dot production with this rotation matrix to convert points in world coordinates
matrix therefore I have not included the dot production with this rotation matrix to convert points in world
into scene camera coordinates. however, one should know that if the scene camera is rotated differentl7y
coordinates into scene camera coordinates. however, one should know that if the scene camera is rotated
this transformation is essential. I would add the corresponding computations later on.
differently this transformation is essential.
def __run__(self):
def __run__(self):
sim = GazeSimulation(log = False)
sim = GazeSimulation(log = False)
sim.place_eyeball_on_scene_camera = False
sim.place_eyeball_on_scene_camera = False
sim.setEyeRelativeToSceneCamera(v(-65, -33, -73))
sim.setEyeRelativeToSceneCamera(v(-65, -33, -73)) # based on actual measurements in our study
# sim.setEyeRelativeToSceneCamera(v(-65, -33, 0)) # assuming eyeball and scene camera are coplanar i.e. e = (e.x, e.y, 0)
sim.setCalibrationDepth(1 * 1000) # mm, wrt scene camera
sim.setCalibrationDepth(1 * 1000) # mm, wrt scene camera
sim.setTestDepth(1.5 * 1000)
sim.setTestDepth(1.5 * 1000)
@ -213,49 +208,8 @@ class Parallax2Dto3DMapping(Experiment):
results.append([np.mean(np.array(aae_2ds_aae)[:,0]), np.mean(np.array(aae_3ds_aae)[:,0]), np.mean(np.array(aae_3D3Ds)[:,0])])
results.append([np.mean(np.array(aae_2ds_aae)[:,0]), np.mean(np.array(aae_3ds_aae)[:,0]), np.mean(np.array(aae_3D3Ds)[:,0])])
results_std.append([np.std(np.array(aae_2ds_aae)[:,0]), np.std(np.array(aae_3ds_aae)[:,0]), np.std(np.array(aae_3D3Ds)[:,0])])
results_std.append([np.std(np.array(aae_2ds_aae)[:,0]), np.std(np.array(aae_3ds_aae)[:,0]), np.std(np.array(aae_3D3Ds)[:,0])])
# Old plot code
# plt.ylabel('Angular Error')
# plot code based on EffectNumberofClusters.py
# plt.xlabel('Depth')
# fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14.0, 10.0))
# ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# clrs = ['b', 'r', 'orange']
# _xrange = [0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5]
# ax.plot(_xrange, [res[0] for res in results], 'r', label='2D-to-2D', marker="o", linestyle='-',lw=3)
# ax.plot(_xrange, [res[1] for res in results], 'b', label='2D-to-3D', marker="o", linestyle='-',lw=3)
# ax.plot(_xrange, [res[2] for res in results], 'g', label='3D-to-3D', marker="o", linestyle='-',lw=3)
# ax.set_ylabel(r'Angular Error',fontsize=22, fontweight='bold')
# ax.set_xlabel(r'Number of Calibration Depths',fontsize=22, fontweight='bold')
# plt.legend(fontsize=20)
# # plt.legend(loc="upper left", ncol=3, title=r"$d_c$")
# # plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3,
# # ncol=5, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., fontsize=20)
# # plt.xticks(fontsize='18')
# plt.yticks(fontsize='18')
# TOPICs = [0.0,0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.0]
# LABELs = ['', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '']
# # ax.set_xticklabels(LABELs,fontsize=18)
# plt.xticks(TOPICs, LABELs,fontsize=18)
# left = 0.1 # the left side of the subplots of the figure
# right = 0.975 # the right side of the subplots of the figure
# bottom = 0.075 # the bottom of the subplots of the figure
# top = 0.925 # the top of the subplots of the figure
# wspace = 0.2 # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots
# hspace = 0.4 # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots
# plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace)
# plt.show()
# New plot code based on EffectNumberofClusters.py
mean2D2D = [res[0] for res in results]
mean2D2D = [res[0] for res in results]
mean2D3D = [res[1] for res in results]
mean2D3D = [res[1] for res in results]
mean3D3D = [res[2] for res in results]
mean3D3D = [res[2] for res in results]
@ -263,36 +217,17 @@ class Parallax2Dto3DMapping(Experiment):
std2D3D = [res[1] for res in results_std]
std2D3D = [res[1] for res in results_std]
std3D3D = [res[2] for res in results_std]
std3D3D = [res[2] for res in results_std]
N = 5
N = 5
ind = np.asarray([0.25,1.25,2.25,3.25,4.25])
ind = np.asarray([0.25,1.25,2.25,3.25,4.25])
width = 0.5 # the width of the bars
width = 0.5 # the width of the bars
# x1 = [0.4,1.4,2.4,3.4,4.4]
x2 = [0.45,1.45,2.45,3.45,4.45]
x2 = [0.45,1.45,2.45,3.45,4.45]
# x3 = [0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5]
x4 = [0.55,1.55,2.55,3.55,4.55]
x4 = [0.55,1.55,2.55,3.55,4.55]
# x5 = [0.6,1.6,2.6,3.6,4.6]
x6 = [0.50,1.50,2.50,3.50,4.50]
x6 = [0.50,1.50,2.50,3.50,4.50]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14.0, 10.0))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14.0, 10.0))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# print mean2D2D
# print mean2D3D
# ax.axhline(linewidth=2, y = np.mean(mean2D2D),color='r')
# ax.axhline(linewidth=2, y = np.mean(mean2D3D),color='blue')
# ax.axhline(linewidth=2, y = minvaluevalue,color='black')
# ax.text(0.98, Participantmeanvalue+0.5, "Mean %.2f" % Participantmeanvalue,fontsize=12, fontweight='bold',color='r')
# ax.text(0.98, maxvaluevalue+0.5, "Maximum %.2f" % maxvaluevalue,fontsize=12, fontweight='bold',color='black')
# ax.text(0.98, minvaluevalue+0.5, "Minimum %.2f" % minvaluevalue,fontsize=12, fontweight='bold', color='black')
# rects1 = ax.bar(ind, Participantmean,width, color='r',edgecolor='black',)#, hatch='//')
rects1 = ax.errorbar(x2, mean2D2D,yerr=[std2D2D,std2D2D],fmt='o',color='red',ecolor='red',lw=3, capsize=5, capthick=2)
rects1 = ax.errorbar(x2, mean2D2D,yerr=[std2D2D,std2D2D],fmt='o',color='red',ecolor='red',lw=3, capsize=5, capthick=2)
plt.plot(x2, mean2D2D, marker="o", linestyle='-',lw=3,color='red',label = r'2D-to-2D')
plt.plot(x2, mean2D2D, marker="o", linestyle='-',lw=3,color='red',label = r'2D-to-2D')
@ -304,35 +239,20 @@ class Parallax2Dto3DMapping(Experiment):
legend(fontsize=20,loc='upper right')
legend(fontsize=20,loc='upper right')
# rects3 = ax.errorbar(x3, meanC3,yerr=[stdC3,stdC3],fmt='o',color='black',ecolor='black',lw=3, capsize=5, capthick=2)
# plt.plot(x3, meanC3, marker="o", linestyle='-',lw=3,color='black')
# rects4 =ax.errorbar(x4, meanC4,yerr=[stdC4,stdC4],fmt='o',color='green',ecolor='green',lw=3, capsize=5, capthick=2)
# plt.plot(x4, meanC4, marker="o", linestyle='-',lw=3,color='green')
# rects5 =ax.errorbar(x5, meanC5,yerr=[stdC5,stdC5],fmt='o',color='orange',ecolor='orange',lw=3, capsize=5, capthick=2)
# plt.plot(x5, meanC5, marker="o", linestyle='-',lw=3,color='orange')
ax.set_ylabel(r'Angular Error',fontsize=22)
ax.set_ylabel(r'Angular Error',fontsize=22)
ax.set_xlabel(r'Number of Calibration Depths',fontsize=22)
ax.set_xlabel(r'Number of Calibration Depths',fontsize=22)
ax.set_xticklabels( ('D1', 'D2', 'D3','D4', 'D5') ,fontsize=18)
ax.set_xticklabels( ('D1', 'D2', 'D3','D4', 'D5') ,fontsize=18)
TOPICs = [0.0,0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.0]#,110]#,120]
TOPICs = [0.0,0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.0]
print TOPICs
print TOPICs
LABELs = ["",r'1',r'2', r'3', r'4', r'5', ""]#, ""]#, ""]
LABELs = ["",r'1',r'2', r'3', r'4', r'5', ""]
# fig.canvas.set_window_title('Distance Error Correlation')
plt.xticks(TOPICs, LABELs,fontsize=18)
plt.xticks(TOPICs, LABELs,fontsize=18)
# legend([rects1,rects2], [r'\LARGE\textbf{2D2D}', r'\LARGE\textbf{2D3D}'], loc='lower right')
TOPICS = [0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5]
TOPICS = [0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5]#,110]#,120]
print TOPICS
print TOPICS
LABELS = [r'0.5', r'1',r'1.5', r'2',r'2.5', r'3',r'3.5', r'4',r'4.5',r'5']#, ""]#, ""]
LABELS = [r'0.5', r'1',r'1.5', r'2',r'2.5', r'3',r'3.5', r'4',r'4.5',r'5']
# fig.canvas.set_window_title('Accuracy - Activity Statistics')
plt.yticks(TOPICS, LABELS,fontsize=18)
plt.yticks(TOPICS, LABELS,fontsize=18)
def autolabel(rects):
def autolabel(rects):
@ -342,8 +262,6 @@ class Parallax2Dto3DMapping(Experiment):
ax.text(0.26+rect.get_x()+rect.get_width()/2., height +0.35, "%.2f"%float(height),
ax.text(0.26+rect.get_x()+rect.get_width()/2., height +0.35, "%.2f"%float(height),
ha='center', va='bottom',fontweight='bold',fontsize=13.5)
ha='center', va='bottom',fontweight='bold',fontsize=13.5)
# autolabel(rects1)
left = 0.1 # the left side of the subplots of the figure
left = 0.1 # the left side of the subplots of the figure
right = 0.975 # the right side of the subplots of the figure
right = 0.975 # the right side of the subplots of the figure
@ -351,19 +269,15 @@ class Parallax2Dto3DMapping(Experiment):
top = 0.925 # the top of the subplots of the figure
top = 0.925 # the top of the subplots of the figure
wspace = 0.2 # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots
wspace = 0.2 # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots
hspace = 0.4 # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots
hspace = 0.4 # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots
plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace)
class Parallax3Dto3DMapping(Experiment): # GT pupil pose instead of estimating the pose
class Parallax3Dto3DMapping(Experiment): # GT pupil pose instead of estimating the pose
def __run__(self):
def __run__(self):
sim = GazeSimulation(log = False)
sim = GazeSimulation(log = False)
sim.place_eyeball_on_scene_camera = False
sim.place_eyeball_on_scene_camera = False
sim.setEyeRelativeToSceneCamera(v(-65, -33, -73))
sim.setEyeRelativeToSceneCamera(v(-65, -33, -73))
# sim.setEyeRelativeToSceneCamera(v(-65, -33, 0)) # assuming eyeball and scene camera are coplanar i.e. e = (e.x, e.y, 0)
sim.setCalibrationDepth(1 * 1000) # mm, wrt scene camera
sim.setCalibrationDepth(1 * 1000) # mm, wrt scene camera
sim.setTestDepth(1.5 * 1000)
sim.setTestDepth(1.5 * 1000)
@ -465,7 +379,6 @@ class Parallax3Dto3DMapping(Experiment): # GT pupil pose instead of estimating t
gprimes = map(lambda tg: v(((tg[0].z - e2d3d.z)/tg[1].z)*tg[1] + e2d3d), zip(ti, gis))
gprimes = map(lambda tg: v(((tg[0].z - e2d3d.z)/tg[1].z)*tg[1] + e2d3d), zip(ti, gis))
AE = list(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(p[1])/(v(p[0]).dot(p[1]))).mag)) for p in zip(gprimes, ti))
AE = list(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(p[1])/(v(p[0]).dot(p[1]))).mag)) for p in zip(gprimes, ti))
# AE = list(np.degrees(np.arccos(v(p[0]).dot(p[1])/v(p[0]).mag/v(p[1]).mag)) for p in zip(gprimes, ti))
N = len(t)
N = len(t)
AAE = np.mean(AE)
AAE = np.mean(AE)
@ -478,15 +391,14 @@ class Parallax3Dto3DMapping(Experiment): # GT pupil pose instead of estimating t
PHE_STD = np.std(PHE)
PHE_STD = np.std(PHE)
PHE_m, PHE_M = min(PHE), max(PHE)
PHE_m, PHE_M = min(PHE), max(PHE)
# aae_3Ds.append((AAE, STD, PHE, PHE_STD))
# break
print 'depth', cdepth, 'finished.'
print 'depth', cdepth, 'finished.'
results.append([aae_2Ds, aae_3Ds, aae_3D3Ds, std_2Ds, std_3Ds, std_3D3Ds])
results.append([aae_2Ds, aae_3Ds, aae_3D3Ds, std_2Ds, std_3Ds, std_3D3Ds])
## Plotting part
clrs = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'k', 'o']
clrs = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'k', 'o']
colors = ['blue', 'orange', 'red', 'black', 'orange']
colors = ['blue', 'orange', 'red', 'black', 'orange']
patches = []
patches = []
@ -532,7 +444,6 @@ class Parallax3Dto3DMapping(Experiment): # GT pupil pose instead of estimating t
ax.set_ylabel(r'\textbf{Angular Error}',fontsize=22)
ax.set_ylabel(r'\textbf{Angular Error}',fontsize=22)
# ax.set_ylim((0, 2.4))
TOPICS = [-0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8,2.0,2.2,2.4]#,110]#,120]
TOPICS = [-0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8,2.0,2.2,2.4]#,110]#,120]
LABELS = [r'', r'0', r'0.2',r'0.4',r'0.6', r'0.8', r'1.0', r'1.2', r'1.4', r'1.6', r'1.8', r'2.0', r'2.2', r'2.4']#, ""]#, ""]
LABELS = [r'', r'0', r'0.2',r'0.4',r'0.6', r'0.8', r'1.0', r'1.2', r'1.4', r'1.6', r'1.8', r'2.0', r'2.2', r'2.4']#, ""]#, ""]
@ -558,9 +469,10 @@ class Parallax3Dto3DMapping(Experiment): # GT pupil pose instead of estimating t
plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace)
# self.sim = sim
# self.sim = sim
# This should be root path to the participants folder (including subfolders for each participant)
ROOT_DATA_DIR = '/home/mmbrian/HiWi/etra2016_mohsen/code/recording/data/participants'
ROOT_DATA_DIR = '/home/mmbrian/HiWi/etra2016_mohsen/code/recording/data/participants'
class Parallax2Dto2DRealData(Experiment):
class Parallax2Dto2DRealData(Experiment):
@ -662,8 +574,6 @@ class Parallax2Dto2DRealData(Experiment):
print 'done.'
print 'done.'
# plt.plot(tdrange, aaes)
# plt.show()
def getDepth(depth_experiments):
def getDepth(depth_experiments):
_map = {'000': 1, '002': 1.25, '004': 1.5, '006': 1.75, '008': 2.0}
_map = {'000': 1, '002': 1.25, '004': 1.5, '006': 1.75, '008': 2.0}
@ -673,6 +583,7 @@ class Parallax2Dto3DRealData(Experiment):
def __run__(self):
def __run__(self):
sim = GazeSimulation(log = False)
sim = GazeSimulation(log = False)
aae_3ds = []
aae_3ds = []
# Path to whatever directory you want the results to be stored in
root_result_path = '/home/mmbrian/3D_Gaze_Tracking/work/results/2D3D/'
root_result_path = '/home/mmbrian/3D_Gaze_Tracking/work/results/2D3D/'
if not os.path.exists(root_result_path):
if not os.path.exists(root_result_path):
@ -823,136 +734,136 @@ class Parallax2Dto3DRealData(Experiment):
class Parallax3Dto3DRealData(Experiment):
# class Parallax3Dto3DRealData(Experiment):
def __run__(self):
# def __run__(self):
sim = GazeSimulation(log = False)
# sim = GazeSimulation(log = False)
aae_3ds = []
# aae_3ds = []
root_result_path = '/home/mmbrian/3D_Gaze_Tracking/work/results/3D3D/'
# root_result_path = '/home/mmbrian/3D_Gaze_Tracking/work/results/3D3D/'
root_pose_path = '/home/mmbrian/3D_Gaze_Tracking/work/Marker_Eye_Images/ImagesUndist/'
# root_pose_path = '/home/mmbrian/3D_Gaze_Tracking/work/Marker_Eye_Images/ImagesUndist/'
root_data_path = '/home/mmbrian/HiWi/etra2016_mohsen/code/recording/data/participants/'
# root_data_path = '/home/mmbrian/HiWi/etra2016_mohsen/code/recording/data/participants/'
take_only_nearest_neighbor_for_calibration = True
# take_only_nearest_neighbor_for_calibration = True
participants = ['p14']
# participants = ['p14']
if not os.path.exists(root_result_path):
# if not os.path.exists(root_result_path):
# os.makedirs(root_result_path)
for d1 in os.listdir(root_data_path):
# for d1 in os.listdir(root_data_path):
if d1.startswith('p'): # every participant
# if d1.startswith('p'): # every participant
if not d1 in participants:
# if not d1 in participants:
# if not d1 in PARTICIPANTS:
# # if not d1 in PARTICIPANTS:
# continue
participant_label = d1
# participant_label = d1
participant_results = []
# participant_results = []
d2 = os.path.join(root_data_path, d1) # .../pi/
# d2 = os.path.join(root_data_path, d1) # .../pi/
d2 = os.path.join(d2, os.listdir(d2)[0]) # .../pi/../
# d2 = os.path.join(d2, os.listdir(d2)[0]) # .../pi/../
print '> Processing participant', d1
# print '> Processing participant', d1
participant_experiment = {}
# participant_experiment = {}
for d3 in os.listdir(d2): # every recording
# for d3 in os.listdir(d2): # every recording
d4 = os.path.join(d2, d3) # .../pi/../00X/
# d4 = os.path.join(d2, d3) # .../pi/../00X/
# pose_info = np.loadtxt(open(os.path.join(root_pose_path+d1+'/'+d3, "null_pupils.csv"),"rb"),delimiter=";")
# # pose_info = np.loadtxt(open(os.path.join(root_pose_path+d1+'/'+d3, "null_pupils.csv"),"rb"),delimiter=";")
pose_info = np.loadtxt(open(os.path.join(root_pose_path+d1+'/'+d3, "simple_pupils.csv"),"rb"),delimiter=";")
# pose_info = np.loadtxt(open(os.path.join(root_pose_path+d1+'/'+d3, "simple_pupils.csv"),"rb"),delimiter=";")
frames_numbers = pose_info[:, 0]
# frames_numbers = pose_info[:, 0]
pose_estimates = pose_info[:,4:7]
# pose_estimates = pose_info[:,4:7]
pose_info = dict(zip(frames_numbers, pose_estimates))
# pose_info = dict(zip(frames_numbers, pose_estimates))
p_frames = np.load(os.path.join(d4, 'p_frames.npy'))
# p_frames = np.load(os.path.join(d4, 'p_frames.npy'))
# print d4
# # print d4
# Fetching pose information for every target
# # Fetching pose information for every target
poses = []
# poses = []
for target in p_frames:
# for target in p_frames:
pose = []
# pose = []
for fn in target: # all frames corresponding to this pupil
# for fn in target: # all frames corresponding to this pupil
# first fn corresponds to the nearest neighbor
# # first fn corresponds to the nearest neighbor
# for test use all correspondents from these 3 or 2 estimates
# # for test use all correspondents from these 3 or 2 estimates
# i.e. each pose-marker creates a correspondence so 3*16=48 correspondents for test
# # i.e. each pose-marker creates a correspondence so 3*16=48 correspondents for test
# for calibration compare two cases, one similar to above take all the 75 correspondents
# # for calibration compare two cases, one similar to above take all the 75 correspondents
# and the other taking only the pose corresponding to nearest neighbor which results in
# # and the other taking only the pose corresponding to nearest neighbor which results in
# the same number of correspondents as target markers
# # the same number of correspondents as target markers
# try:
# pose.append(pose_info[fn])
except KeyError, err:
# except KeyError, err:
print err
# print err
# poses.append(pose)
t2d = np.load(os.path.join(d4, 't2d.npy'))
# t2d = np.load(os.path.join(d4, 't2d.npy'))
t3d = np.load(os.path.join(d4, 't3d.npy'))
# t3d = np.load(os.path.join(d4, 't3d.npy'))
participant_experiment[d3] = [poses, t2d, t3d]
# participant_experiment[d3] = [poses, t2d, t3d]
keys = sorted(participant_experiment.keys())
# keys = sorted(participant_experiment.keys())
depths = zip(keys[::2], keys[1::2])
# depths = zip(keys[::2], keys[1::2])
for calib_depth in depths:
# for calib_depth in depths:
pose_data, ct3d = participant_experiment[calib_depth[0]][0], participant_experiment[calib_depth[0]][2]
# pose_data, ct3d = participant_experiment[calib_depth[0]][0], participant_experiment[calib_depth[0]][2]
cdepth_value = getDepth(calib_depth)
# cdepth_value = getDepth(calib_depth)
if take_only_nearest_neighbor_for_calibration:
# if take_only_nearest_neighbor_for_calibration:
pose = np.array(list(p[0] for p in pose_data))
# pose = np.array(list(p[0] for p in pose_data))
calib_3ds = ct3d[:]
# calib_3ds = ct3d[:]
# else:
calib_3ds = []
# calib_3ds = []
pose = []
# pose = []
for i, p3d in enumerate(ct3d):
# for i, p3d in enumerate(ct3d):
for p in pose_data[i]:
# for p in pose_data[i]:
# pose.append(p)
# calib_3ds.append(p3d)
# Performing calibration
# # Performing calibration
# First we convert gaze rays to actual pupil pose in our right hand coordinate system
# # First we convert gaze rays to actual pupil pose in our right hand coordinate system
# _pose = [(np.arctan(g.x/g.z), np.arctan(g.y/g.z)) for g in map(v, pose)]
# # _pose = [(np.arctan(g.x/g.z), np.arctan(g.y/g.z)) for g in map(v, pose)]
_pose = map(v, pose)
# _pose = map(v, pose)
print '> Running tests for calibration depth', cdepth_value
# print '> Running tests for calibration depth', cdepth_value
if any(g.z == 0 for g in _pose):
# if any(g.z == 0 for g in _pose):
print 'Calibration is flawed'
# print 'Calibration is flawed'
# print pose
# # print pose
# else:
print 'Calibration data is okay'
# print 'Calibration data is okay'
# print [g.mag for g in map(v, pose)]
# # print [g.mag for g in map(v, pose)]
# w, e, w0 = minimizeEnergy(_pose, calib_3ds, pose_given=True)
# # w, e, w0 = minimizeEnergy(_pose, calib_3ds, pose_given=True)
R, e = minimizeEnergy(pose, calib_3ds, pose_given=True)
# R, e = minimizeEnergy(pose, calib_3ds, pose_given=True)
# R = LA.inv(R)
# # R = LA.inv(R)
print 'R', R
# print 'R', R
print 'e', e
# print 'e', e
e = v(e)
# e = v(e)
for test_depth in depths:
# for test_depth in depths:
tdepth_value = getDepth(test_depth)
# tdepth_value = getDepth(test_depth)
tpose_data, tt3d = participant_experiment[test_depth[1]][0], participant_experiment[test_depth[1]][2]
# tpose_data, tt3d = participant_experiment[test_depth[1]][0], participant_experiment[test_depth[1]][2]
test_3ds = []
# test_3ds = []
tpose = []
# tpose = []
for i, p3d in enumerate(tt3d):
# for i, p3d in enumerate(tt3d):
for p in tpose_data[i]:
# for p in tpose_data[i]:
# tpose.append(p)
# test_3ds.append(p3d)
# applying estimated rotation to bring pose vectors to scene camera coordinates
# # applying estimated rotation to bring pose vectors to scene camera coordinates
tpose = map(lambda p: v(R.dot(np.array(p))), tpose)
# tpose = map(lambda p: v(R.dot(np.array(p))), tpose)
if any(g.z == 0 for g in map(v, tpose)):
# if any(g.z == 0 for g in map(v, tpose)):
print 'Test depth', tdepth_value, 'is flawed'
# print 'Test depth', tdepth_value, 'is flawed'
gis = map(lambda vec: v(vec), tpose)
# gis = map(lambda vec: v(vec), tpose)
t = map(lambda vec: v(vec), test_3ds)
# t = map(lambda vec: v(vec), test_3ds)
gprimes = map(lambda tg: v(((tg[0].z - e.z)/tg[1].z)*tg[1] + e), zip(t, gis))
# gprimes = map(lambda tg: v(((tg[0].z - e.z)/tg[1].z)*tg[1] + e), zip(t, gis))
# AE = list(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(p[1])/(v(p[0]).dot(p[1]))).mag)) for p in zip(gprimes, t))
# # AE = list(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(p[1])/(v(p[0]).dot(p[1]))).mag)) for p in zip(gprimes, t))
AE = list(np.degrees(np.arccos(v(p[0]).dot(p[1])/v(p[0]).mag/v(p[1]).mag)) for p in zip(gprimes, t))
# AE = list(np.degrees(np.arccos(v(p[0]).dot(p[1])/v(p[0]).mag/v(p[1]).mag)) for p in zip(gprimes, t))
AAE = np.mean(AE)
# AAE = np.mean(AE)
STD = np.std(AE)
# STD = np.std(AE)
m, M = min(AE), max(AE)
# m, M = min(AE), max(AE)
# Computing physical distance error (in meters)
# # Computing physical distance error (in meters)
PHE = list((u-v).mag for u,v in zip(t, gprimes))
# PHE = list((u-v).mag for u,v in zip(t, gprimes))
APHE = np.mean(PHE)
# APHE = np.mean(PHE)
PHE_STD = np.std(PHE)
# PHE_STD = np.std(PHE)
PHE_m, PHE_M = min(PHE), max(PHE)
# PHE_m, PHE_M = min(PHE), max(PHE)
print 'Calibration', cdepth_value, 'Test', tdepth_value, AAE, 'degrees', APHE, 'meters'
# print 'Calibration', cdepth_value, 'Test', tdepth_value, AAE, 'degrees', APHE, 'meters'
participant_results.append([cdepth_value, tdepth_value] + [AAE, STD, m, M, APHE, PHE_STD, PHE_m, PHE_M])
# participant_results.append([cdepth_value, tdepth_value] + [AAE, STD, m, M, APHE, PHE_STD, PHE_m, PHE_M])
print len(participant_results), 'combinations processed...'
# print len(participant_results), 'combinations processed...'
np.save(os.path.join(root_result_path, '%s_3d3d_all.npy' % participant_label), np.array(participant_results))
# np.save(os.path.join(root_result_path, '%s_3d3d_all.npy' % participant_label), np.array(participant_results))
np.savetxt(os.path.join(root_result_path, '%s_3d3d_all.csv' % participant_label), np.array(participant_results), delimiter=",")
# np.savetxt(os.path.join(root_result_path, '%s_3d3d_all.csv' % participant_label), np.array(participant_results), delimiter=",")
def main():
def main():
@ -971,8 +882,6 @@ def main():
ex = Parallax2Dto3DMapping()
ex = Parallax2Dto3DMapping()
# ex = Parallax2Dto3DMappingEye()
# ex.performExperiment()i
if mode == '2d2d_2d3d':
if mode == '2d2d_2d3d':
ex = Parallax3Dto3DMapping()
ex = Parallax3Dto3DMapping()
@ -8,12 +8,15 @@ from time import time
from geom import getSphericalCoords, getAngularDiff
from geom import getSphericalCoords, getAngularDiff
from recording.tracker import Marker
from recording.tracker import Marker
# from visual import vector as v # for vector operations
from visual import vector as v
except ImportError:
from vector import Vector as v
from vector import Vector as v
DATA_DIR = './recording/data/'
DATA_DIR = './recording/data/'
# DATA_DIR = '.\\recording\\data\\'
# DATA_DIR = '.\\recording\\data\\'
# Update these accordingly for testing out your own data
@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import division
import visual as vs
import wx
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
import math
from random import random as rnd
from util import *
from geom import *
from pupil.calibrate import get_map_from_cloud
mp = None # mapping obtained from training set
display_width = 800
display_height = 600
panel_width = 224
win = vs.window(width=display_width + panel_width, height=display_height, title='Gaze Simulation')
scene = vs.display(window=win, width=display_width, height=display_height)
## World Axes
drawAxes(None, vs.color.white, 13, (0, 0, 0))
## Eye Representation
eye_camera_pos = (-15, 20, 0)
scene_camera_pos = (0, 20, 0)
# This is gonna be the offset distance between the two spheres which are modelling an eye
eye_ball_offset = 4
eye_outer_pos = vs.vector((-15, 20, 15))
##_diff = vs.vector(scene_camera_pos) - eye_outer_pos
##eye_outer_pos = eye_outer_pos + _diff
##eye_camera_pos = vs.vector(eye_camera_pos) + _diff
##eye_camera_pos = (eye_camera_pos.x, eye_camera_pos.y, eye_camera_pos.z)
eye_outer_radius = 5.5
eye_outer = vs.sphere(pos=eye_outer_pos,
# This direction should always be towards the target 3D point
# this is just the default value
pupil_direction = vs.vector(1, 0, 0)
pupil_position = None # computed whenever target is changed
pupil_positions = [] # 3D positions of the pupil to be projected onto the eye camera
eye_inner_radius = 3
eye_inner_pos = eye_outer_pos + pupil_direction * eye_ball_offset
eye_inner = vs.sphere(pos=eye_inner_pos,
radius = eye_inner_radius,
target_position = vs.vector(0, 0, 0)
def get_target_dir():
Returns the direction of target from the eye
return (target_position - eye_outer_pos).norm()
def adjust_eye():
Adjusts eye in a way that it gazes at the target
global pupil_direction, pupil_position
pupil_direction = get_target_dir()
eye_inner.pos = eye_outer_pos + pupil_direction * eye_ball_offset
pupil_position = eye_inner.pos + pupil_direction * eye_inner_radius
def drawPupilPoint():
vs.points(pos=[pupil_position], size=10, color=vs.color.blue)
## 3D Points for Training and Test
num_training = 25
num_test = 25
min_xyz = -25, -5, -110
max_xyz = 45, 65, -30
training_points = generatePoints(num_training, min_xyz, max_xyz, True, False)
test_points = generatePoints(num_test, min_xyz, max_xyz, False, True)
def drawTrainingPoints():
vs.points(pos=training_points, size=10, color=vs.color.yellow)
def drawTestPoints():
vs.points(pos=test_points, size=10, color=vs.color.blue)
# drawTestPoints()
## Camera Object
class Camera(PinholeCamera):
default_radius = 2.0
def drawCameraFrame(self): # create frame and draw its contents
c = vs.vector(self.t)
self.center = vs.sphere(pos=c,
self.dir = vs.arrow(pos=c,
axis=vs.vector(self.direction) * self.f,
self.img_plane = vs.box(pos=c + self.dir.axis,
def updateShape(self):
c = vs.vector(self.t)
# Update camera center
self.center.pos = c
# Update the arrow
self.dir.pos = c
self.dir.axis = vs.vector(self.direction) * self.f
# Update image plane
self.img_plane.pos = c + self.dir.axis
self.img_plane.length = self.image_width
self.img_plane.height = self.image_width
# Eye Camera
eye_camera = Camera(label='Eye Camera', f = 5)
eye_camera.setR((0, 0, 0))
eye_camera.setT(v(eye_camera_pos))# + v(30, 0, 0))
# eye_camera.setDir((0, 0, 1))
# Scene Camera
scene_camera = Camera(label='Scene Camera', f = 25, fov=math.pi/3)
scene_camera.setT(v(scene_camera_pos) + v(10, 5, -5))
scene_camera.setR((0, np.pi, 0))
# scene_camera.setDir((0, 0, -1))
# Cast rays from scene camera towards training points
for point in training_points:
diff = vs.vector(point) - vs.vector(scene_camera.t)
drawLine(None, vs.vector(scene_camera.t), diff.mag, diff.norm())
## Widgets
pan = win.panel # addr of wx window object
pan.SetSize((display_width + panel_width, display_height))
pan_minx = display_width + 7
wx.StaticText(pan, pos=(pan_minx, 7),
label = "Select an item..." )
def hReset(evt):
c = 0
def gazeAtNextPoint(evt):
global c, target_position, pupil_positions
if c >= num_training:
print 'Processed all training points...'
print 'Shifted gaze to point %d = %s...' % (c, training_points[c])
vs.points(pos=[training_points[c]], size=10, color=vs.color.red)
target_position = vs.vector(training_points[c])
# drawPupilPoint()
def computeMap(evt):
global mp, c, pupil_positions
# Processing Projections
targets = map(lambda p:vs.vector(p), training_points)
targets = map(lambda p: scene_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), targets)
targets = map(lambda p: (-p[0], p[1]), targets) # x values are in a different CS, hence there are inverted
# TODO: instead of inverting which only holds for this specific setting, rotate using scene_camera.R
pupil_locations = map(lambda p: eye_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), pupil_positions)
# eye_camera is using the same world CS, so no reversing is required
# filtering out points outside of the image plane
old = len(targets)
invalid = []
for i in xrange(len(targets)):
p = targets[i]
if abs(p[0])>scene_camera.image_width/2. or abs(p[1])>scene_camera.image_width/2.:
for i in invalid[::-1]:
targets = targets[:i] + targets[i+1:]
pupil_locations = pupil_locations[:i] + pupil_locations[i+1:]
print 'Removed %s invalid target points...' % (old-len(targets))
# Displaying target point projections
base = scene_camera.center.pos + scene_camera.dir.axis
pts = map(lambda p: np.array((p[0], p[1], 0)), targets)
vs.points(pos=map(lambda p:p+np.array([base.x, base.y, base.z]), pts), size=7, color=vs.color.red)
print 'Eye Camera Image Width:', eye_camera.image_width
# Displaying pupil point projections
base = eye_camera.center.pos + eye_camera.dir.axis
# drawLine(None, eye_camera.t, eye_camera.f * 3, eye_camera.direction, vs.color.yellow)
pts = map(lambda p: np.array((p[0], p[1], 0)), pupil_locations)
vs.points(pos=map(lambda p:p+np.array([base.x, base.y, base.z]), pts), size=3, color=vs.color.red)
# normalizing points
print 'Normalizing points...'
targets = scene_camera.getNormalizedPts(targets)
pupil_locations = eye_camera.getNormalizedPts(pupil_locations)
# computing polynomial map
print 'Computing polynomial map...'
mp = get_map_from_cloud(np.array([(pupil_locations[i][0], pupil_locations[i][1],
targets[i][0], targets[i][1]) for i in xrange(len(targets))]))
# from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor as knn
# ngh = knn(n_neighbors = 1)
# ngh.fit(pupil_locations, targets)
# mp = ngh.predict
print 'Successfully computed map...'
# Converting these to numpy arrays to support nice operands
targets = np.array(targets)
pupil_locations = np.array(pupil_locations)
print 'Scene Camera Image Width:', scene_camera.image_width
plt.title('Target Points')
plt.plot(targets[:, 0], targets[:, 1], 'ro')
plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 1])
labels = ['p{0}'.format(i) for i in xrange(len(targets))]
for label, x, y in zip(labels, targets[:, 0], targets[:, 1]):
xy = (x, y), xytext = (-13, 13),
textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'top',
bbox = dict(boxstyle = 'round,pad=0.25', fc = 'yellow', alpha = 0.25),
arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=0'))
plt.title('Pupil Points')
plt.plot(pupil_locations[:, 0], pupil_locations[:, 1], 'bo')
plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 1])
labels = ['p{0}'.format(i) for i in xrange(len(pupil_locations))]
for label, x, y in zip(labels, pupil_locations[:, 0], pupil_locations[:, 1]):
xy = (x, y), xytext = (-13, 13),
textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'top',
bbox = dict(boxstyle = 'round,pad=0.25', fc = 'yellow', alpha = 0.25),
arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=0'))
pupil_positions = []
def showTestPts(evt):
global c, target_position, pupil_positions
if c >= num_test:
print 'Processed all test points...'
vs.points(pos=[test_points[c]], size=10, color=vs.color.red)
print 'Shifted gaze to point %d = %s...' % (c, test_points[c])
target_position = vs.vector(test_points[c])
def projectAndMap(evt):
# Processing Projections
targets = map(lambda p:vs.vector(p), test_points)
targets = map(lambda p: scene_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), targets)
targets = map(lambda p: (-p[0], p[1]), targets) # due to orientation of SC
pupil_locations = map(lambda p: eye_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), pupil_positions)
# filtering out points outside of the image plane
old = len(targets)
invalid = []
for i in xrange(len(targets)):
p = targets[i]
if abs(p[0])>scene_camera.image_width/2. or abs(p[1])>scene_camera.image_width/2.:
for i in invalid[::-1]:
targets = targets[:i] + targets[i+1:]
pupil_locations = pupil_locations[:i] + pupil_locations[i+1:]
print 'Removed %s invalid target points...' % (old-len(targets))
# normalizing points
print 'Normalizing points...'
targets = np.array(scene_camera.getNormalizedPts(targets))
pupil_locations = np.array(eye_camera.getNormalizedPts(pupil_locations))
# Compute mapped points
print pupil_locations
print 'Computing %s mapped points...' % len(pupil_locations)
mapped_targets = np.array(map(mp, np.array(pupil_locations)))
print 'Computed %s mapped points...' % len(mapped_targets)
print mapped_targets
C = scene_camera.center.pos
# ssd = sum((vs.vector(mapped_targets[i]) - vs.vector(targets[i])).mag**2 for i in xrange(len(mapped_targets)))
# Computing Angular Error (Sum of Angular Differences)
# denormalize points and add camera plane's z to each
base = scene_camera.center.pos + scene_camera.dir.axis
targets = scene_camera.getDenormalizedPts(targets)
targets = np.array(map(lambda p: np.concatenate((p + np.array([base.x, base.y]), np.array([base.z])), axis=0), targets))
mapped_targets = scene_camera.getDenormalizedPts(mapped_targets)
mapped_targets = np.array(map(lambda p: np.concatenate((p + np.array([base.x, base.y]), np.array([base.z])), axis=0), mapped_targets))
AE = list(getAngularDiff(vs.vector(targets[i]), vs.vector(mapped_targets[i]), C) for i in xrange(len(mapped_targets)))
N = len(mapped_targets)
AAE = sum(AE)/N
VAR = sum((ae - AAE)**2 for ae in AE)/N
print 'AAE = %s, Variance = %s, STD = %s' % (AAE, VAR, np.sqrt(VAR))
vs.points(pos=mapped_targets, size=2, color=vs.color.yellow)
plt.plot(targets[:, 0], targets[:, 1], 'bo', label='Projections')
plt.plot(mapped_targets[:, 0], mapped_targets[:, 1], 'ro', label='Mapped Estimations')
for _mp, tp in zip(mapped_targets, targets):
coords = zip(*(_mp, tp))
plt.plot(coords[0], coords[1], 'k-')
y = 25
Button('Reset', pan_minx, y, hReset, (panel_width - 28, 40), pan)
y += 40 + 7
Button('Gaze at Next Point', pan_minx, y, gazeAtNextPoint, (panel_width - 28, 40), pan)
y += 40 + 7
Button('Compute Map', pan_minx, y, computeMap, (panel_width - 28, 40), pan)
y += 40 + 7
Button('Generate Test Points', pan_minx, y, showTestPts, (panel_width - 28, 40), pan)
y += 40 + 7
Button('Project, Map, Plot!', pan_minx, y, projectAndMap, (panel_width - 28, 40), pan)
@ -1,29 +1,36 @@
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import division
This is the core part of the simulation framework.
This is the core part of the simulation framework.
I am basically decoupling logic from visualization, this module covers the logic.
This module mainly covers the logic meaning that you can create
a GazeSimulation object, specify the environment and and then
simply run the experiment with no visualization to get the data.
However, you can as well visualize the environment after the simulation
environment is set up and you ran the experiment. in order to do so,
after you have a GazeSimulation object, simply call visualize() method on it.
# import visual as vs
# from visual import vector as v # for vector operations
import visual as vs
from vector import Vector as v # for vector operations
from visual import vector as v
except ImportError:
from vector import Vector as vector
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
import cv2, cv
import cv2, cv
# from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor as knn
# ## (u, v, u^2, v^2, uv, u^2*v^2, 1)
# _q = lambda p: (p[0], p[1], p[0]*p[0], p[1]*p[1], p[0]*p[1], p[0]*p[1]*p[0]*p[1], 1)
# _qi = lambda q: (q[0], q[1])
# from util import *
from geom import *
from geom import *
# from svis import Visualizable # Uncomment if you want visualization
## Uncomment the following import if you want visualization
# from svis import Visualizable
# 2D to 2D calibration method from the pupil project
# 2D to 2D calibration method from the pupil project
from pupil.calibrate import get_map_from_cloud
from pupil.calibrate import get_map_from_cloud
# a factor to convert from centimeter to millimeter later when
# generating data (unit for our measurements is millimeter)
point_scale_factor = 10
point_scale_factor = 10
## Uncomment the following if you want visualization (and comment the line after)
# class GazeSimulation(Visualizable):
# class GazeSimulation(Visualizable):
class GazeSimulation:
class GazeSimulation:
_log = True
_log = True
@ -43,9 +50,9 @@ class GazeSimulation:
# *unit for measurement is millimeter
# *unit for measurement is millimeter
# This direction should always be towards the target 3D point
# This direction should always be towards the target 3D point
# this is just the default value
# this is just the default value, adjust_eye method updates this vector
pupil_direction = v(1, 0, 0)
pupil_direction = v(1, 0, 0)
pupil_position = None # computed whenever target is changed
pupil_position = None # 3D point which is computed whenever target is changed
pupil_positions = [] # 3D positions of the pupil to be projected onto the eye camera's image plane
pupil_positions = [] # 3D positions of the pupil to be projected onto the eye camera's image plane
sclera_pos = v(-15, 20, -25) # wrt world coordinate system
sclera_pos = v(-15, 20, -25) # wrt world coordinate system
@ -53,6 +60,9 @@ class GazeSimulation:
target_position = v(0, 0, 0)
target_position = v(0, 0, 0)
def recomputeEyeInner(self):
def recomputeEyeInner(self):
This follows our eye model to compute the position of cornea at every time.
self.cornea_pos = self.sclera_pos + self.pupil_direction * self.sclera_cornea_center_offset
self.cornea_pos = self.sclera_pos + self.pupil_direction * self.sclera_cornea_center_offset
place_eyeball_on_scene_camera = False
place_eyeball_on_scene_camera = False
@ -109,18 +119,15 @@ class GazeSimulation:
self.pupil_position = cornea_pos + self.pupil_direction * self.cornea_limbus_offset
self.pupil_position = cornea_pos + self.pupil_direction * self.cornea_limbus_offset
## calibration and Test Data
## Calibration and Test Data
num_calibration = 25 # calibration points
num_calibration = 25 # calibration points
num_test = 16
num_test = 16
# TODO: consider the least number of calibration points required, also investigate if accuracy is
# significantly improved with more points (my guess is that it will not)
# TODO: considering measurement unit is mm, adjust these parameters accordingly to simulate more
# realistic settings
# TODO: also consider the range of eye movement (50x50 degrees) to compute realistic boundaries
# for position of gaze targets
min_xyz = -55 * point_scale_factor, -45 * point_scale_factor, 1000
min_xyz = -55 * point_scale_factor, -45 * point_scale_factor, 1000
max_xyz = 55 * point_scale_factor, 45 * point_scale_factor, 2000
max_xyz = 55 * point_scale_factor, 45 * point_scale_factor, 2000
# These are considered if we have 25 calibration points and 16 test points,
# Changing those parameters require to recompute these values
grid_x_width = 22 * point_scale_factor
grid_x_width = 22 * point_scale_factor
grid_y_width = 18 * point_scale_factor
grid_y_width = 18 * point_scale_factor
calibration_depth, test_depth = None, None
calibration_depth, test_depth = None, None
@ -131,9 +138,11 @@ class GazeSimulation:
test_random_depth = False
test_random_depth = False
test_random_fixed_depth = False
test_random_fixed_depth = False
def generateCalibrationPts(self, ofr = 0):
def generateCalibrationPts(self, ofr = 0):
# For now we're considering 25 calibration points (5x5 grid) and 16 test points (inner 4x4 grid)
# as per the real world experiment. these parameters could be given though, they're hard coded for
For now we're considering 25 calibration points (5x5 grid) and 16 test points (inner 4x4 grid)
# simplicity
as per the real world experiment. these parameters could be given though, they're hard coded for
self.calibration_points = generatePoints(25, self.min_xyz, self.max_xyz,
self.calibration_points = generatePoints(25, self.min_xyz, self.max_xyz,
@ -141,11 +150,14 @@ class GazeSimulation:
# Test point for checking spherical coordinates
# self.calibration_points.append(np.array(v(self.scene_camera.t)+120*v(self.scene_camera.direction) + v(-10, 0, 0)))
def generateTestPts(self, ofr = 0):
def generateTestPts(self, ofr = 0): # TODO
Same as above, the values used here only apply to our setup, simply replace them with your
own values or introduce new variables to compute them at runtime. (due to our tight time schedule
this part of the code uses hardcoded material)
min_xyz, max_xyz = self.min_xyz, self.max_xyz
min_xyz, max_xyz = self.min_xyz, self.max_xyz
# if self.num_calibration == 25 and self.num_test == 16 and self.test_grid and self.calibration_grid:
min_xyz = -55 * point_scale_factor+self.grid_x_width/2., -45 * point_scale_factor+self.grid_y_width/2., 1000
min_xyz = -55 * point_scale_factor+self.grid_x_width/2., -45 * point_scale_factor+self.grid_y_width/2., 1000
max_xyz = 55 * point_scale_factor-self.grid_x_width/2., 45 * point_scale_factor-self.grid_y_width/2., 2000
max_xyz = 55 * point_scale_factor-self.grid_x_width/2., 45 * point_scale_factor-self.grid_y_width/2., 2000
# The above two lines are also currently hard coded only to match the inner grid with our setting
# The above two lines are also currently hard coded only to match the inner grid with our setting
@ -158,10 +170,10 @@ class GazeSimulation:
# self.test_points = map(lambda p: v(p)-v(self.scene_camera.t), self.test_points)
def setCalibrationDepth(self, depth):
def setCalibrationDepth(self, depth):
sets calibration depth wrt to scene camera
Sets calibration depth wrt to scene camera
self.calibration_random_depth = False
self.calibration_random_depth = False
if isinstance(depth, list):
if isinstance(depth, list):
@ -173,7 +185,7 @@ class GazeSimulation:
def setTestDepth(self, depth):
def setTestDepth(self, depth):
sets test depth wrt to scene camera
Sets test depth wrt to scene camera
self.test_random_depth = False
self.test_random_depth = False
self.test_random_fixed_depth = False
self.test_random_fixed_depth = False
@ -181,29 +193,26 @@ class GazeSimulation:
# temporary variable to store active gaze point during the experiment
active_gaze_point = None
active_gaze_point = None
## Camera Setup
## Camera Setup
def setupCameras(self):
def setupCameras(self):
# Eye Camera
# Eye Camera
self.eye_camera = Camera(label='Eye Camera', f = 13, fov=np.radians(50)) # TODO: f and fov must be realistic
self.eye_camera = Camera(label='Eye Camera', f = 13, fov=np.radians(50))
# self.eye_camera.setT((-15, 20, 0))
self.eye_camera.setT((self.sclera_pos + v(0, 0,
self.eye_camera.setT((self.sclera_pos + v(0, 0,
self.sclera_cornea_center_offset + \
self.sclera_cornea_center_offset + \
self.cornea_radius + \
self.cornea_radius + \
45)).tuple()) # 35mm in front of the surface of the eye
45)).tuple()) # 45mm in front of the surface of the eye
# rotating around y axis, camera now pointing towards negative Z
# rotating around y axis, camera now pointing towards negative Z
# with this rotation, also x becomes inverted
# with this rotation, also x becomes inverted
self.eye_camera.setR((0, np.pi, 0))
self.eye_camera.setR((0, np.pi, 0))
# self.eye_camera.setDir((0, 0, -1)) # deprecated
# Scene Camera
# Scene Camera
self.scene_camera = Camera(label='Scene Camera', f = 50, fov=np.radians(100)) # TODO: f and fov must be realistic
self.scene_camera = Camera(label='Scene Camera', f = 50, fov=np.radians(100))
# self.scene_camera.setT((0, 20, 0))
self.scene_camera.setT((self.sclera_pos + v(-25, 25, 25)).tuple()) # sclera_pos is by default v(-15, 20, -25)
self.scene_camera.setT((self.sclera_pos + v(-25, 25, 25)).tuple()) # sclera_pos is v(-15, 20, -25)
self.scene_camera.setR((0, 0, 0)) # camera pointing towards positive Z
self.scene_camera.setR((0, 0, 0)) # camera pointing towards positive Z
# self.scene_camera.setDir((0, 0, 1)) # deprecated
## Simulations Steps
## Simulations Steps
@ -229,7 +238,7 @@ class GazeSimulation:
def gazeAtNextPoint(self, calibration = True):
def gazeAtNextPoint(self, calibration = True):
Gazes at the next calibration/Test target point and records both pupil and
Gazes at the next Calibration/Test target point and records both pupil and
target positions.
target positions.
if calibration:
if calibration:
@ -263,6 +272,7 @@ class GazeSimulation:
targets = map(lambda p:v(p), self.calibration_points)
targets = map(lambda p:v(p), self.calibration_points)
targets = map(lambda p: self.scene_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), targets)
targets = map(lambda p: self.scene_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), targets)
pupil_locations = map(lambda p: self.eye_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), self.pupil_positions)
pupil_locations = map(lambda p: self.eye_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), self.pupil_positions)
# Filtering out points outside of the image plane
# Filtering out points outside of the image plane
old = len(targets)
old = len(targets)
invalid = []
invalid = []
@ -276,7 +286,6 @@ class GazeSimulation:
pupil_locations = pupil_locations[:i] + pupil_locations[i+1:]
pupil_locations = pupil_locations[:i] + pupil_locations[i+1:]
self.calibration_points = self.calibration_points[:i] + self.calibration_points[i+1:]
self.calibration_points = self.calibration_points[:i] + self.calibration_points[i+1:]
self.log('Removed %s invalid calibration points...' % (old-len(targets)))
self.log('Removed %s invalid calibration points...' % (old-len(targets)))
# print 'Removed %s invalid target points...' % (old-len(targets))
# to get calibration points p and t, refer to self.calibration_points and
# to get calibration points p and t, refer to self.calibration_points and
# self.pupil_locations (also target_projections has the corresponding projection
# self.pupil_locations (also target_projections has the corresponding projection
@ -309,9 +318,6 @@ class GazeSimulation:
self.mp = get_map_from_cloud(np.array([(pupil_locations[i][0], pupil_locations[i][1],
self.mp = get_map_from_cloud(np.array([(pupil_locations[i][0], pupil_locations[i][1],
targets[i][0], targets[i][1]) for i in xrange(len(targets))]))
targets[i][0], targets[i][1]) for i in xrange(len(targets))]))
# ngh = knn(n_neighbors = 1)
# ngh.fit(map(_q, pupil_locations), map(_q, targets))
# self.mp = lambda p: _qi(ngh.predict(_q(p))[0])
self.log('Successfully computed map...')
self.log('Successfully computed map...')
# Converting these to numpy arrays to support nice operands
# Converting these to numpy arrays to support nice operands
@ -401,7 +407,6 @@ class GazeSimulation:
APHE = np.mean(PHE)
APHE = np.mean(PHE)
PHE_STD = np.std(PHE)
PHE_STD = np.std(PHE)
PHE_m, PHE_M = min(PHE), max(PHE)
PHE_m, PHE_M = min(PHE), max(PHE)
# ret.extend([APHE, PHE_VAR, PHE_STD, PHE_m, PHE_M])
@ -417,7 +422,6 @@ class GazeSimulation:
def runTest(self):
def runTest(self):
self.processData(calibration = False)
self.processData(calibration = False)
# AAE = self.projectAndMap()
return self.projectAndMap()
return self.projectAndMap()
def runSimulation(self):
def runSimulation(self):
@ -473,15 +477,11 @@ class GazeSimulation:
VAR = sum((pe - APE)**2 for pe in PE)/N
VAR = sum((pe - APE)**2 for pe in PE)/N
STD = np.sqrt(VAR)
STD = np.sqrt(VAR)
m, M = min(PE), max(PE)
m, M = min(PE), max(PE)
# ret.append(['pixel_error: APE, VAR, STD, min, MAX, data', APE, VAR, STD, m, M, PE])
ret.extend([APE, VAR, STD, m, M])
ret.extend([APE, VAR, STD, m, M])
self.log('Computing 3D back projection of estimated points...')
self.log('Computing 3D back projection of estimated points...')
# mapped_3d = cv2.undistortPoints(np.array([mapped_targets]), cameraMatrix=camera_matrix, distCoeffs=np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
mapped_3d = cv2.undistortPoints(np.array([mapped_targets]), cameraMatrix=camera_matrix, distCoeffs=dist_coeffs)
mapped_3d = cv2.undistortPoints(np.array([mapped_targets]), cameraMatrix=camera_matrix, distCoeffs=dist_coeffs)
mapped_3d = map(lambda p: [p[0], p[1], 1], mapped_3d[0])
mapped_3d = map(lambda p: [p[0], p[1], 1], mapped_3d[0])
# print v(mapped_3d[0]).mag, np.sqrt(mapped_3d[0][0]**2 + mapped_3d[0][1]**2)
AE = list(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(v(p[1]))/(v(p[0]).dot(v(p[1])))).mag)) for p in zip(mapped_3d, targets_3d))
AE = list(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(v(p[1]))/(v(p[0]).dot(v(p[1])))).mag)) for p in zip(mapped_3d, targets_3d))
N = len(targets_3d)
N = len(targets_3d)
@ -534,6 +534,10 @@ class GazeSimulation:
rays = []
rays = []
def draw(self):
def draw(self):
This visualizes the simulation environment. be careful about the lines you have to
uncomment at the top of this module so that this part works.
from util import drawAxes, drawLine
from util import drawAxes, drawLine
from svis import drawCameraFrame
from svis import drawCameraFrame
## World Axes
## World Axes
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
This is the visualization backend for bare_sim module
This is the visualization backend for bare_sim module
import visual as vs
import visual as vs
# from visual import vector as v
from visual import vector as v
except ImportError:
from vector import Vector as v
from vector import Vector as v
from geom import Camera
from geom import Camera
from util import drawAxes
from util import drawAxes
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
import visual as vs
import visual as vs
# from visual import vector as v
from visual import vector as v
from vector import Vector as v
except ImportError:
from vector import Vector as vector
import wx
import wx
def drawAxes(frame, color, size, position):
def drawAxes(frame, color, size, position):
# directions = (vs.vector(size, 0, 0),
# vs.vector(0, size, 0),
# vs.vector(0, 0, size))
directions = (vs.vector(size, 0, 0),
directions = (vs.vector(size, 0, 0),
vs.vector(0, size, 0),
vs.vector(0, size, 0),
vs.vector(0, 0, size))
vs.vector(0, 0, size))
@ -21,24 +21,16 @@ def drawAxes(frame, color, size, position):
# def wCoords(x, y, z):
# return wCoords(v(x, y, z))
# def wCoords(p):
# return v(-p.x, p.y, -p.z)
def drawLine(frame, position, length, direction, color = vs.color.white):
def drawLine(frame, position, length, direction, color = vs.color.white):
Draws a straight line from given position, with given length and direction
Draws a straight line from given position, with given length and direction
(all are relative to given frame)
(all are relative to given frame)
return vs.curve(frame=frame, pos=[v(position), v(position)+v(direction).norm()*length], color = color)
return vs.curve(
# def reDrawLine(line, position, length, direction):
pos=[v(position), v(position)+v(direction).norm()*length],
# line.pos = [position, position+direction.norm()*length]
color = color)
def Button(label, x, y, func, size, pan):
btn = wx.Button(pan, label=label, pos=(x, y), size=size)
btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, func)
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
from math import sqrt
from math import sqrt
from numpy import array
from numpy import array
Vector object has the same functionality as VPython's vector.
this module is used when only vector processing is required and
VPython is not available (e.g. non-Windows platforms)
class Vector:
class Vector:
x, y, z = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
x, y, z = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Add table
Reference in a new issue