from __future__ import division ''' This is the core part of the simulation framework. I am basically decoupling logic from visualization, this module covers the logic. ''' # import visual as vs # from visual import vector as v # for vector operations from vector import Vector as v # for vector operations import numpy as np import cv2, cv # from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor as knn # ## (u, v, u^2, v^2, uv, u^2*v^2, 1) # _q = lambda p: (p[0], p[1], p[0]*p[0], p[1]*p[1], p[0]*p[1], p[0]*p[1]*p[0]*p[1], 1) # _qi = lambda q: (q[0], q[1]) # from util import * from geom import * # from svis import Visualizable # Uncomment if you want visualization # 2D to 2D calibration method from the pupil project from pupil.calibrate import get_map_from_cloud point_scale_factor = 10 # class GazeSimulation(Visualizable): class GazeSimulation: _log = True def log(self, msg): if self._log: print msg ################################################################################ ## Eye Specific Variables and Methods ################################################################################ # difference between center of cornea sphera and the plane containing limbus (based on anatomical data) cornea_limbus_offset = 5.25 # difference between centers of spheres representing sclera and cornea (based on anatomical data) sclera_cornea_center_offset = 4.7 # (based on anatomical data) sclera_radius = 11.5 # (based on anatomical data) cornea_radius = 7.8 # *unit for measurement is millimeter # This direction should always be towards the target 3D point # this is just the default value pupil_direction = v(1, 0, 0) pupil_position = None # computed whenever target is changed pupil_positions = [] # 3D positions of the pupil to be projected onto the eye camera's image plane sclera_pos = v(-15, 20, -25) # wrt world coordinate system cornea_pos = sclera_pos + pupil_direction * sclera_cornea_center_offset target_position = v(0, 0, 0) def recomputeEyeInner(self): self.cornea_pos = self.sclera_pos + self.pupil_direction * self.sclera_cornea_center_offset place_eyeball_on_scene_camera = False scene_eye_distance_factor = 1.0 def moveEyeToSceneCamera(self): ''' distance_factor is between 0 and 1, controls where on the difference vector between scene camera and eyeball to place the eyeball (1 exactly on the target position, 0 does not change anything) ''' if self.place_eyeball_on_scene_camera: _diff = v(self.scene_camera.t) - self.sclera_pos _diff = _diff * self.scene_eye_distance_factor self.sclera_pos = self.sclera_pos + _diff eye_camera_pos = v(self.eye_camera.t) + _diff x, y, z = eye_camera_pos.x, eye_camera_pos.y, eye_camera_pos.z self.eye_camera.setT((x, y, z)) self.recomputeEyeInner() def setEyeRelativeToSceneCamera(self, xyz): ''' places the eye in xyz relative to scene camera as the origin (moves eye camera accordingly) xyz: Vector object ''' dest = v(self.scene_camera.t) + xyz # new dest originating from scene camera _diff = dest - self.sclera_pos # difference from current pos to dest self.sclera_pos = self.sclera_pos + _diff eye_camera_pos = v(self.eye_camera.t) + _diff x, y, z = eye_camera_pos.x, eye_camera_pos.y, eye_camera_pos.z self.eye_camera.setT((x, y, z)) self.recomputeEyeInner() def get_target_dir(self): ''' Returns the direction of target from the eye ''' return (self.target_position - self.sclera_pos).norm() def adjust_eye(self): ''' Adjusts eye in a way that it gazes at the target ''' self.pupil_direction = self.get_target_dir() cornea_pos = self.sclera_pos + self.pupil_direction * self.sclera_cornea_center_offset # self.eye_inner.pos = cornea_pos ## Old approach which considers pupil center as the point positioned on the surface of ## the cornea sphere in direction of the gaze # self.pupil_position = cornea_pos + self.pupil_direction * self.cornea_radius ## Now we consider pupil center on the same ray but closer to the cornea sphere's center ## their displacement is defined by average anatomical data and pupil is consider as the ## center of the limbus circle self.pupil_position = cornea_pos + self.pupil_direction * self.cornea_limbus_offset ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## calibration and Test Data num_calibration = 25 # calibration points num_test = 16 # TODO: consider the least number of calibration points required, also investigate if accuracy is # significantly improved with more points (my guess is that it will not) # TODO: considering measurement unit is mm, adjust these parameters accordingly to simulate more # realistic settings # TODO: also consider the range of eye movement (50x50 degrees) to compute realistic boundaries # for position of gaze targets min_xyz = -55 * point_scale_factor, -45 * point_scale_factor, 1000 max_xyz = 55 * point_scale_factor, 45 * point_scale_factor, 2000 grid_x_width = 22 * point_scale_factor grid_y_width = 18 * point_scale_factor calibration_depth, test_depth = None, None calibration_grid = True calibration_random_depth = False test_grid = False test_random_depth = False test_random_fixed_depth = False def generateCalibrationPts(self, ofr = 0): # For now we're considering 25 calibration points (5x5 grid) and 16 test points (inner 4x4 grid) # as per the real world experiment. these parameters could be given though, they're hard coded for # simplicity self.calibration_points = generatePoints(25, self.min_xyz, self.max_xyz, grid=self.calibration_grid, randomZ=self.calibration_random_depth, depth=self.calibration_depth, offset=ofr, xoffset=self.scene_camera.t[0], yoffset=self.scene_camera.t[1], zoffset=self.scene_camera.t[2]) # Test point for checking spherical coordinates # self.calibration_points.append(np.array(v(self.scene_camera.t)+120*v(self.scene_camera.direction) + v(-10, 0, 0))) def generateTestPts(self, ofr = 0): # TODO min_xyz, max_xyz = self.min_xyz, self.max_xyz # if self.num_calibration == 25 and self.num_test == 16 and self.test_grid and self.calibration_grid: min_xyz = -55 * point_scale_factor+self.grid_x_width/2., -45 * point_scale_factor+self.grid_y_width/2., 1000 max_xyz = 55 * point_scale_factor-self.grid_x_width/2., 45 * point_scale_factor-self.grid_y_width/2., 2000 # The above two lines are also currently hard coded only to match the inner grid with our setting self.test_points = generatePoints(16, min_xyz, max_xyz, grid=self.test_grid, randomZ=self.test_random_depth, randFixedZ=self.test_random_fixed_depth, depth=self.test_depth, offset=ofr, xoffset=self.scene_camera.t[0], yoffset=self.scene_camera.t[1], zoffset=self.scene_camera.t[2]) # self.test_points = map(lambda p: v(p)-v(self.scene_camera.t), self.test_points) def setCalibrationDepth(self, depth): ''' sets calibration depth wrt to scene camera ''' self.calibration_random_depth = False if isinstance(depth, list): # adding scene camera depth to each calibration depth self.calibration_depth = map(lambda d: d+self.scene_camera.t[2], depth) else: self.calibration_depth = self.scene_camera.t[2] + depth self.reset() def setTestDepth(self, depth): ''' sets test depth wrt to scene camera ''' self.test_random_depth = False self.test_random_fixed_depth = False self.test_depth = self.scene_camera.t[2] + depth self.reset() active_gaze_point = None ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## Camera Setup def setupCameras(self): # Eye Camera self.eye_camera = Camera(label='Eye Camera', f = 13, fov=np.radians(50)) # TODO: f and fov must be realistic # self.eye_camera.setT((-15, 20, 0)) self.eye_camera.setT((self.sclera_pos + v(0, 0, self.sclera_cornea_center_offset + \ self.cornea_radius + \ 45)).tuple()) # 35mm in front of the surface of the eye # rotating around y axis, camera now pointing towards negative Z # with this rotation, also x becomes inverted self.eye_camera.setR((0, np.pi, 0)) # self.eye_camera.setDir((0, 0, -1)) # deprecated # Scene Camera self.scene_camera = Camera(label='Scene Camera', f = 50, fov=np.radians(100)) # TODO: f and fov must be realistic # self.scene_camera.setT((0, 20, 0)) self.scene_camera.setT((self.sclera_pos + v(-25, 25, 25)).tuple()) # sclera_pos is v(-15, 20, -25) self.scene_camera.setR((0, 0, 0)) # camera pointing towards positive Z # self.scene_camera.setDir((0, 0, 1)) # deprecated ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## Simulations Steps def init(self): self.setupCameras() self.reset() # self.moveEyeToSceneCamera() # Uncomment to place eyeball center on scene camera def reset(self, ofr=0.5): self.pupil_positions = [] self.c = 0 self.calibration_points = [] self.test_points = [] self.generateCalibrationPts(ofr = ofr) self.generateTestPts(ofr = ofr) # these might change if points are generated on a grid self.num_calibration = len(self.calibration_points) self.num_test = len(self.test_points) if self.place_eyeball_on_scene_camera: self.moveEyeToSceneCamera() def gazeAtNextPoint(self, calibration = True): ''' Gazes at the next calibration/Test target point and records both pupil and target positions. ''' if calibration: if self.c >= self.num_calibration: # finished processing calibration points self.log('Processed all calibration points...') return False else: self.target_position = v(self.calibration_points[self.c]) self.active_gaze_point = self.target_position else: if self.c >= self.num_test: # finished processing calibration points self.log('Processed all test points...') return False else: self.target_position = v(self.test_points[self.c]) self.active_gaze_point = self.target_position self.c+=1 self.adjust_eye() self.pupil_positions.append(self.pupil_position) return True def processData(self, calibration = True): proceed = self.gazeAtNextPoint(calibration) while proceed: proceed = self.gazeAtNextPoint(calibration) tr_target_projections_3d = None tr_pupil_projections_3d = None def computeGazeMap(self): targets = map(lambda p:v(p), self.calibration_points) targets = map(lambda p: self.scene_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), targets) pupil_locations = map(lambda p: self.eye_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), self.pupil_positions) # Filtering out points outside of the image plane old = len(targets) invalid = [] hw = self.scene_camera.image_width/2. for i in xrange(len(targets)): p = targets[i] if abs(p[0])>hw or abs(p[1])>hw: invalid.append(i) for i in invalid[::-1]: targets = targets[:i] + targets[i+1:] pupil_locations = pupil_locations[:i] + pupil_locations[i+1:] self.calibration_points = self.calibration_points[:i] + self.calibration_points[i+1:] self.log('Removed %s invalid calibration points...' % (old-len(targets))) # print 'Removed %s invalid target points...' % (old-len(targets)) # to get calibration points p and t, refer to self.calibration_points and # self.pupil_locations (also target_projections has the corresponding projection # points for the targets) # NOTE: calibration points are in world CCS self.tr_3d_pupil_locations = self.pupil_positions[:] self.tr_pupil_locations = pupil_locations[:] # for future use self.tr_target_projections = targets[:] # 3D position of target point projections base = v(self.scene_camera.t) + v(self.scene_camera.direction) * self.scene_camera.f pts = map(lambda p: np.array((p[0], p[1], 0)), targets) # adding extra z = 0 self.tr_target_projections_3d = map(lambda p:p+np.array([base.x, base.y, base.z]), pts) # 3D position of pupil point projections base = v(self.eye_camera.t) + v(self.eye_camera.direction) * self.eye_camera.f pts = map(lambda p: np.array((p[0], p[1], 0)), pupil_locations) # adding extra z = 0 # TODO: apply back transformation to world CS # temporary solution with our setting: x <> -x pts = map(lambda p: np.array((-p[0], p[1], 0)), pupil_locations) self.tr_pupil_projections_3d = map(lambda p:p+np.array([base.x, base.y, base.z]), pts) # Normalizing points self.log('Normalizing points...') targets = self.scene_camera.getNormalizedPts(targets) pupil_locations = self.eye_camera.getNormalizedPts(pupil_locations) # Computing polynomial map self.log('Computing polynomial map...') = get_map_from_cloud(np.array([(pupil_locations[i][0], pupil_locations[i][1], targets[i][0], targets[i][1]) for i in xrange(len(targets))])) # ngh = knn(n_neighbors = 1) #, pupil_locations), map(_q, targets)) # = lambda p: _qi(ngh.predict(_q(p))[0]) self.log('Successfully computed map...') # Converting these to numpy arrays to support nice operands targets = np.array(targets) pupil_locations = np.array(pupil_locations) self.log('Scene Camera Image Width: %s' % self.scene_camera.image_width) self.c=0 self.pupil_positions = [] te_target_projections_3d = None te_pupil_projections_3d = None def projectAndMap(self): targets_3d = map(lambda vec: v(vec), self.test_points) # Processing Projections targets = map(lambda p: v(p), self.test_points) targets = map(lambda p: self.scene_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), targets) pupil_locations = map(lambda p: self.eye_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), self.pupil_positions) # Filtering out points outside of the image plane old = len(targets) invalid = [] hw = self.scene_camera.image_width/2. for i in xrange(len(targets)): p = targets[i] if abs(p[0])>hw or abs(p[1])>hw: invalid.append(i) for i in invalid[::-1]: targets = targets[:i] + targets[i+1:] pupil_locations = pupil_locations[:i] + pupil_locations[i+1:] self.test_points = self.test_points[:i] + self.test_points[i+1:] self.log('Removed %s invalid test points...' % (old-len(targets))) self.te_3d_pupil_locations = self.pupil_positions[:] self.te_pupil_locations = pupil_locations[:] # for future use self.te_target_projections = targets[:] # 3D position of target point projections base = v(self.scene_camera.t) + v(self.scene_camera.direction) * self.scene_camera.f pts = map(lambda p: np.array((p[0], p[1], 0)), targets) # adding extra z = 0 self.te_target_projections_3d = map(lambda p:p+np.array([base.x, base.y, base.z]), pts) # 3D position of pupil point projections base = v(self.eye_camera.t) + v(self.eye_camera.direction) * self.eye_camera.f pts = map(lambda p: np.array((p[0], p[1], 0)), pupil_locations) # adding extra z = 0 # TODO: apply back transformation to world CS # temporary solution: x <> -x pts = map(lambda p: np.array((-p[0], p[1], 0)), pupil_locations) self.te_pupil_projections_3d = map(lambda p:p+np.array([base.x, base.y, base.z]), pts) if not len(targets): # all points are invalid, terminate simulation! return -1 # Normalizing points self.log('Normalizing points...') targets = np.array(self.scene_camera.getNormalizedPts(targets)) pupil_locations = np.array(self.eye_camera.getNormalizedPts(pupil_locations)) # Compute mapped points self.log('Computing %s mapped points...' % len(pupil_locations)) mapped_targets = np.array(map(, np.array(pupil_locations))) self.log('Computed %s mapped points...' % len(mapped_targets)) C = v(self.scene_camera.t) # Denormalize points and add camera plane's z to each base = C + v(self.scene_camera.direction) * self.scene_camera.f targets = self.scene_camera.getDenormalizedPts(targets) targets = np.array(map(lambda p: np.concatenate((p + np.array([base.x, base.y]), np.array([base.z])), axis=0), targets)) mapped_targets = self.scene_camera.getDenormalizedPts(mapped_targets) mapped_targets = np.array(map(lambda p: np.concatenate((p + np.array([base.x, base.y]), np.array([base.z])), axis=0), mapped_targets)) N = len(targets_3d) AE = [getAngularDiff(v(targets[i]), v(mapped_targets[i]), C) for i in xrange(N)] AAE = np.mean(AE) AE_STD = np.std(AE) self.log('AE = %s, AAE = %s' % (AE, AAE)) targets_3d = map(lambda vec: vec-v(self.scene_camera.t), targets_3d) # originating from scene camera mapped_targets = map(lambda vec: vec-v(self.scene_camera.t), mapped_targets) mapped_targets = map(lambda pt: pt/pt[2], mapped_targets) # making z = 1 mapped_3d = map(lambda mt: v(v(mt[0])*mt[1].z), zip(mapped_targets, targets_3d)) # Computing physical distance error (in meters) PHE = list((u-v).mag/1000. for u,v in zip(targets_3d, mapped_3d)) N = len(targets_3d) APHE = np.mean(PHE) PHE_STD = np.std(PHE) PHE_m, PHE_M = min(PHE), max(PHE) # ret.extend([APHE, PHE_VAR, PHE_STD, PHE_m, PHE_M]) return AAE, PHE, AE_STD, PHE_STD ################################################################################ ################################################################################ def __init__(self, log=True): self._log=log self.init() def runCalibration(self): self.reset() self.processData(calibration = True) self.computeGazeMap() def runTest(self): self.processData(calibration = False) # AAE = self.projectAndMap() return self.projectAndMap() def runSimulation(self): ''' Runs a single simulation with default parameters and logging enabled ''' self.runCalibration() return self.runTest() def computeGazeMapFromRealData(self, pupil_locations, targets, scene_camera_dimensions): ''' pupil_locations are gaze positions obtained from pupil tracker. they are assumed to be normalized targets are 2D projections of markers on scene camera. they are not assumed to be normalized. (would be normalized here) scene_camera_dimensions should be width and height of scene_camera images ''' # Normalizing points self.log('Normalizing target points...') px, py = np.array(scene_camera_dimensions)/2. w, h = np.array(scene_camera_dimensions) targets = map(lambda p:np.array([(p[0] - px + w/2)/w, (p[1] - py + h/2)/h]), targets) # Computing polynomial map self.log('Computing polynomial map...') = get_map_from_cloud(np.array([(pupil_locations[i][0], pupil_locations[i][1], targets[i][0], targets[i][1]) for i in xrange(len(targets))])) self.log('Successfully computed map...') def projectAndMapRealData(self, pupil_locations, targets, scene_camera_dimensions, targets_3d, camera_matrix, dist_coeffs): ret = [] # Normalizing points # self.log('Normalizing points...') # px, py = np.array(scene_camera_dimensions)/2. # w, h = np.array(scene_camera_dimensions) # targets = map(lambda p:np.array([(p[0] - px + w/2)/w, # (p[1] - py + h/2)/h]), targets) # Compute mapped points self.log('Computing %s mapped points...' % len(pupil_locations)) mapped_targets = np.array(map(, np.array(pupil_locations))) self.log('Computed %s mapped points...' % len(mapped_targets)) self.log('Denormalizing estimated points...') px, py = np.array(scene_camera_dimensions)/2. w, h = np.array(scene_camera_dimensions) offset = np.array([w/2-px, h/2-py]) mapped_targets = map(lambda p:(p*np.array([w, h]))-offset, mapped_targets) N = len(targets) PE = list(np.linalg.norm(b-a) for a,b in zip(targets, mapped_targets)) APE = sum(PE)/N VAR = sum((pe - APE)**2 for pe in PE)/N STD = np.sqrt(VAR) m, M = min(PE), max(PE) # ret.append(['pixel_error: APE, VAR, STD, min, MAX, data', APE, VAR, STD, m, M, PE]) ret.extend([APE, VAR, STD, m, M]) self.log('Computing 3D back projection of estimated points...') # mapped_3d = cv2.undistortPoints(np.array([mapped_targets]), cameraMatrix=camera_matrix, distCoeffs=np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])) mapped_3d = cv2.undistortPoints(np.array([mapped_targets]), cameraMatrix=camera_matrix, distCoeffs=dist_coeffs) mapped_3d = map(lambda p: [p[0], p[1], 1], mapped_3d[0]) # print v(mapped_3d[0]).mag, np.sqrt(mapped_3d[0][0]**2 + mapped_3d[0][1]**2) AE = list(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(v(p[1]))/(v(p[0]).dot(v(p[1])))).mag)) for p in zip(mapped_3d, targets_3d)) N = len(targets_3d) AAE = sum(AE)/N VAR = sum((ae - AAE)**2 for ae in AE)/N STD = np.sqrt(VAR) m, M = min(AE), max(AE) ret.extend([AAE, VAR, STD, m, M]) # multiplying corresponding ray with depth of ground truth target to get intersection # with its depth plane targets_3d = map(lambda vec: v(vec), targets_3d) mapped_3d = map(lambda mt: v(v(mt[0])*mt[1].z), zip(mapped_3d, targets_3d)) # Computing physical distance error (in meters) PHE = list((u-v).mag for u,v in zip(targets_3d, mapped_3d)) N = len(targets_3d) APHE = sum(PHE)/N PHE_VAR = sum((phe - APHE)**2 for phe in PHE)/N PHE_STD = np.sqrt(VAR) PHE_m, PHE_M = min(PHE), max(PHE) ret.extend([APHE, PHE_VAR, PHE_STD, PHE_m, PHE_M]) return ret def perform2D2DCalibrationOnReadData(self, cp, ct, scene_camera_dimensions): ''' cp, ct are calibration pupil points (normalized) and target points respectively ''' self.computeGazeMapFromRealData(cp, ct, scene_camera_dimensions) def run2D2DTestOnRealData(self, tp, tt, scene_camera_dimensions, targets_3d, camera_matrix, dist_coeffs): ''' tp, tt are test pupil points (normalized) and target points respectively ''' return self.projectAndMapRealData(tp, tt, scene_camera_dimensions, targets_3d, camera_matrix, dist_coeffs) def runCustomSimulation(self, args): self.calibration_grid, self.calibration_random_depth, self.test_grid, self.test_random_depth, self.test_random_fixed_depth = args return self.runSimulation() display_pupil_position = True display_calibration_points = True display_test_points = False display_eye_camera = True display_scene_camera = True calibration = False # display_test_point_rays = False # display_active_gaze_point = False rays = [] def draw(self): from util import drawAxes, drawLine from svis import drawCameraFrame ## World Axes drawAxes(None, vs.color.white, 13, (0, 0, 0)) ## Eyeball component (outer sphere) eye_outer = vs.sphere(pos=self.sclera_pos, radius=self.sclera_radius, ## Eyeball component (inner sphere) eye_inner = vs.sphere(pos=self.cornea_pos, radius = self.cornea_radius, color=vs.color.white) self.recomputeEyeInner() eye_inner.pos = self.cornea_pos ## Pupil position if self.display_pupil_position: vs.points(pos=[self.pupil_position], size=5, ## calibration points if self.display_calibration_points: vs.points(pos=self.calibration_points, size=10, color=vs.color.yellow) ## Test points if self.display_test_points: vs.points(pos=self.test_points, size=10, ## Eye camera if self.display_eye_camera: drawCameraFrame(self.eye_camera) ## Scene camera if self.display_scene_camera: drawCameraFrame(self.scene_camera) # Display rays from scene camera towards calibration points if self.display_calibration_point_rays: # Cast rays from scene camera towards calibration points for point in self.calibration_points: diff = vs.vector(point) - vs.vector(self.scene_camera.t) drawLine(None, vs.vector(self.scene_camera.t), diff.mag, diff.norm()) # Display rays from scene camera towards test points if self.display_test_point_rays: # Cast rays from scene camera towards calibration points for point in self.test_points: diff = vs.vector(point) - vs.vector(self.scene_camera.t) drawLine(None, vs.vector(self.scene_camera.t), diff.mag, diff.norm()) # active gaze point if self.display_active_gaze_point and self.active_gaze_point: vs.points(pos=[self.active_gaze_point], size=10, if self.tr_target_projections_3d: vs.points(pos=self.tr_target_projections_3d, size=7, if self.tr_pupil_projections_3d: vs.points(pos=self.tr_pupil_projections_3d, size=7, if self.te_target_projections_3d: vs.points(pos=self.te_target_projections_3d, size=7, if self.rays: for ray in self.rays: drawLine(None, tuple(ray.position), ray.length, tuple(ray.direction), ray.color)