''' This is the visualization backend for bare_sim module ''' import visual as vs # from visual import vector as v from vector import Vector as v from geom import Camera from util import drawAxes def drawCameraFrame(cam): # create frame and draw its contents c = v(cam.t) cam.center = vs.sphere(pos=c, radius=Camera.default_radius, color=vs.color.green) cam.dir = vs.arrow(pos=c, axis=v(cam.direction) * cam.f, shaftwidth=1.0) # TODO: check for orientation of the camera, rotate plane accordingly cam.img_plane = vs.box(pos=c + cam.dir.axis, length=cam.image_width, width=0.5, height=cam.image_width, color=vs.color.white, opacity=0.5) def castRays(cam, pts, frame = None): ''' Cast rays from camera center towards pts ''' for point in pts: pos = v(cam.t) diff = v(point) - pos drawLine(frame, pos, diff.mag, diff.norm()) class Ray: def __init__(self, position, length, direction, color = vs.color.white): self.position = position self.length = length self.direction = direction self.color = color # a Simulation object which extends this class can be visualizable class Visualizable: display_width = 800 display_height = 600 # no code interaction is possible if this is true # press esc to cancel visualization, change model parameters, then visualize again visualizing = False def visualize(self): self.visualizing = True # self.win = vs.window(width=self.display_width, height=self.display_height, title='') # self.scene = vs.display(window=self.win, width=self.display_width, height=self.display_height) # self.scene.bind('keydown', self.__keyInput__) vs.scene.bind('keydown', self.__keyInput__) print 'Visualizing model...' print '(Modifications are not allowed)' print 'Press Esc to stop visualization...' while self.visualizing: vs.rate(1) self.draw() def __keyInput__(self, evt): s = evt.key if s == 'esc': print 'You can modify model parameters now...' self.visualizing = False; # vs.exit() def draw(self): ''' This method actually does some drawing in the scene ''' # vs.sphere(pos = (0, 0, 0), radius = self.r, color=self.clr) pass