from __future__ import division import os import seaborn from pylab import rcParams import cv2 import numpy as np from numpy import linalg as LA from time import time from itertools import combinations import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches from minimize import findInitialW, _q, g, minimizeEnergy, g3D3D, findW3D3D from minimize import g as gaze_ray from geom import getSphericalCoords, getAngularDiff from vector import Vector as v # from experiment import Experiment from sim import GazeSimulation from import is_outlier from recording.tracker import readCameraParams from geom import getRotationMatrix class Experiment: def performExperiment(self): print 'Running Experiment...' start = time() self.__run__() self.runningTime = time() - start print 'Running Time:', self.runningTime def __run__(self): pass class Parallax2Dto3DMapping(Experiment): def __run__(self): sim = GazeSimulation(log = False) sim.place_eyeball_on_scene_camera = False sim.setEyeRelativeToSceneCamera(v(-65, -33, -73)) # sim.setEyeRelativeToSceneCamera(v(-65, -33, 0)) # assuming eyeball and scene camera are coplanar i.e. e = (e.x, e.y, 0) sim.setCalibrationDepth(1 * 1000) # mm, wrt scene camera sim.setTestDepth(1.5 * 1000) sim.calibration_grid = True sim.calibration_random_depth = False sim.test_grid = True sim.test_random_depth = False sim.test_random_fixed_depth = False depths = map(lambda d:d*1000, [1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0]) print '> Computing results for multiple calibration depths...' results = [] for num_of_calibration_depths in xrange(1, 6): # from 1 calibration depths to 5 print '> Considering only %s calibration depth(s)...' %num_of_calibration_depths sim.reset() if num_of_calibration_depths != 3: continue for calibs in combinations(depths, num_of_calibration_depths): aae_2ds_aae = [] aae_2ds_phe = [] aae_3ds_aae = [] aae_3ds_phe = [] aae_3D3Ds = [] # angular error # Now calibs is a set of depths, from each of those we need calibration data # print calibs if not calibs in [(1000., 1250., 1500.), (1250., 1500., 1750.), (1500., 1750., 2000.)]: continue print 'curr calibs', calibs calibs = list(calibs) cp, ct = [], [] sim.reset() sim.setCalibrationDepth(calibs) # Perform calibration sim.runCalibration() cp, ct, p3d = sim.tr_pupil_locations, sim.calibration_points, sim.tr_3d_pupil_locations # target positions are computed relative to the scene CCS ti = map(lambda target: v(target) - v(sim.scene_camera.t), ct) # Computing pupil pose for each gaze ni = map(lambda p: (v(p)-v(sim.sclera_pos)).norm(), p3d) # ground truth gaze vectors w, e, w0 = minimizeEnergy(cp, ti) e = v(e) # transforming pupil pose to eye camera CS eyeR = np.array(sim.eye_camera.R[:3]) ni = map(lambda pose:, ni) R, e3d3d = minimizeEnergy(ni, ti, pose_given=True) e3d3d = v(e3d3d) # R = LA.inv(R) # Now we have calibration data from multiple depths, we can test on all depths for test_depth in depths: sim.setTestDepth(test_depth) aae_2d_aae, aae_2d_phe, aae_2d_std, _ = sim.runTest() # 2nd one is PHE aae_2ds_aae.append((aae_2d_aae, aae_2d_std)) aae_2ds_phe.append(aae_2d_phe) # Fetching test points t, p, p3d = sim.test_points, sim.te_pupil_locations, sim.te_3d_pupil_locations t = map(lambda target: v(target) - v(sim.scene_camera.t), t) # target coords in scene CCS # 3D3D t_3d3d = t[:] ni = map(lambda p: v(v(p)-v(sim.sclera_pos)).norm(), p3d) # ground truth gaze vectors # transforming pupil pose to eye camera CS ni = map(lambda r: v(, ni) # applying estimated rotation to pose vector in eye camera coordinates (Rn) # R is estimated rotation between scene camera and eye coordinate system (not eye camera!) # in other words, R is the rotation part of e Rni = map(lambda n: v(, ni) # now ready to compare Rn with t-e # Intersecting gaze rays originating from the eye with the planes defined by each # target. then we can simply compute angular error between each intersection and # the corresponding 3D target gis = map(lambda vec: v(vec), Rni) # gaze rays originating from eyeball # we multiply g such that it hits t's z-plane i.e. multiply all coordinates by factor (t.z-e.z)/g.z # then we add e to the final g so that it originates from scene camera. now both g and t are in the # same coordinate system and originate from the same point, so we can compare them gprimes = map(lambda tg: v(((tg[0].z - e3d3d.z)/tg[1].z)*tg[1] + e3d3d), zip(t_3d3d, gis)) AE = list(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(p[1])/(v(p[0]).dot(p[1]))).mag)) for p in zip(gprimes, t_3d3d)) N = len(t) AAE = np.mean(AE) STD = np.std(AE) m, M = min(AE), max(AE) aae_3D3Ds.append((AAE, STD)) qi = map(_q, p) # computing feature vectors from raw pupil coordinates in 2D # computing unit gaze vectors corresponding to pupil positions # here we use the computed mapping matrix w gis = map(lambda q: g(q, w), qi) # Intersecting gaze rays originating from the eye with the planes defined by each # target. then we can simply compute angular error between each intersection and # the corresponding 3D target t = map(lambda vec: v(vec), t) gis = map(lambda vec: v(vec), gis) gprimes = map(lambda tg: v(((tg[0].z - e.z)/tg[1].z)*tg[1] + e), zip(t, gis)) AE = list(np.degrees(np.arctan((v(p[0]).cross(p[1])/(v(p[0]).dot(p[1]))).mag)) for p in zip(gprimes, t)) N = len(t) AAE = np.mean(AE) STD = np.std(AE) m, M = min(AE), max(AE) # Computing physical distance error (in meters) PHE = list((u-v).mag/1000 for u,v in zip(t, gprimes)) N = len(t) APHE = np.mean(PHE) PHE_STD = np.std(PHE) PHE_m, PHE_M = min(PHE), max(PHE) aae_3ds_aae.append((AAE, STD)) aae_3ds_phe.append((PHE, PHE_STD)) results.append([calibs, aae_2ds_aae, aae_3ds_aae, aae_3D3Ds]) ###################################################################################################### ## Plotting part plt.ylabel('Angular Error') plt.xlabel('Depth') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14.0, 10.0)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) clrs = ['blue', 'red', 'orange'] depth_map = {1000.:1, 1250.:2, 1500.:3, 1750.:4, 2000.:5} cdlabel = lambda c: ' + '.join(map(str, map(lambda d: depth_map[d], c))) x1 = [0.375,1.375,2.375,3.375,4.375] x2 = [0.425,1.425,2.425,3.425,4.425] x3 = [0.475,1.475,2.475,3.475,4.475] x4 = [0.525,1.525,2.525,3.525,4.525] x5 = [0.575,1.575,2.575,3.575,4.575] x6 = [0.625,1.625,2.625,3.625,4.625] xrange_2d2d = [x1, x3, x5] xrange_2d3d = [x2, x4, x6] for i in [0, 1, 2]: res = results[i] calibs = res[0] _xrange = xrange_2d2d[i] aae_2d2d = np.array(res[1])[:,0] std_2d2d = np.array(res[1])[:,1] rects1 = ax.errorbar(_xrange, aae_2d2d,yerr=[std_2d2d, std_2d2d],fmt='o',color=clrs[i],ecolor=clrs[i],lw=3, capsize=5, capthick=2) plt.plot(_xrange, aae_2d2d, marker="o", linestyle='-',lw=3,color=clrs[i],label = '2D-to-2D Calibration Depth '+cdlabel(calibs)) for i in [0, 1, 2]: res = results[i] calibs = res[0] _xrange = xrange_2d3d[i] aae_2d3d = np.array(res[2])[:,0] std_2d3d = np.array(res[2])[:,1] rects2 = ax.errorbar(_xrange, aae_2d3d,yerr=[std_2d3d, std_2d3d],fmt='o',color=clrs[i],ecolor=clrs[i],lw=3, capsize=5, capthick=2) plt.plot(_xrange, aae_2d3d, marker="o", linestyle='--',lw=3,color=clrs[i],label ='2D-to-3D Calibration Depth '+cdlabel(calibs)) for i in [0, 1, 2]: res = results[i] calibs = res[0] _xrange = xrange_2d2d[i] aae_3d3d = np.array(res[3])[:,0] std_3d3d = np.array(res[3])[:,1] rects3 = ax.errorbar(_xrange, aae_3d3d,yerr=[std_3d3d, std_3d3d],fmt='o',color=clrs[i],ecolor=clrs[i],lw=3, capsize=5, capthick=2) plt.plot(_xrange, aae_3d3d, marker="o", linestyle='-.',lw=3,color=clrs[i],label ='3D-to-3D Calibration Depth '+cdlabel(calibs)) ax.set_ylim(0, 1.5) ax.set_ylabel(r'Angular Error',fontsize=22, fontweight='bold') ax.set_xlabel(r'Depth',fontsize=22, fontweight='bold') TOPICS = [-0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8,2.0,2.2,2.4]#,110]#,120] LABELS = [r'', r'0', r'0.2',r'0.4',r'0.6', r'0.8', r'1.0', r'1.2', r'1.4', r'1.6', r'1.8', r'2.0', r'2.2', r'2.4']#, ""]#, ""] plt.yticks(TOPICS, LABELS,fontsize=18) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, ncol=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., fontsize=15) plt.yticks(fontsize='18') TOPICs = [0.0,0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.0] LABELs = ['', 'D1 - 1m', 'D2 - 1.25m', 'D3 - 1.5m', 'D4 - 1.75m', 'D5 - 2.0m', ''] # ax.set_xticklabels(LABELs,fontsize=18) plt.xticks(TOPICs, LABELs,fontsize=18) left = 0.1 # the left side of the subplots of the figure right = 0.975 # the right side of the subplots of the figure bottom = 0.075 # the bottom of the subplots of the figure top = 0.925 # the top of the subplots of the figure wspace = 0.2 # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots hspace = 0.4 # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) ###################################################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': # This also does 3D gaze estimation and plots estimation results for both 3D and 2D estimation ex = Parallax2Dto3DMapping() ex.performExperiment()