from __future__ import division import visual as vs import wx import numpy as np import pylab as plt import math from random import random as rnd from util import * from geom import * from pupil.calibrate import get_map_from_cloud mp = None # mapping obtained from training set display_width = 800 display_height = 600 panel_width = 224 win = vs.window(width=display_width + panel_width, height=display_height, title='Gaze Simulation') scene = vs.display(window=win, width=display_width, height=display_height) ################################################################################ ## World Axes drawAxes(None, vs.color.white, 13, (0, 0, 0)) ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## Eye Representation eye_camera_pos = (-15, 20, 0) scene_camera_pos = (0, 20, 0) # This is gonna be the offset distance between the two spheres which are modelling an eye eye_ball_offset = 4 eye_outer_pos = vs.vector((-15, 20, 15)) ##_diff = vs.vector(scene_camera_pos) - eye_outer_pos ##eye_outer_pos = eye_outer_pos + _diff ##eye_camera_pos = vs.vector(eye_camera_pos) + _diff ##eye_camera_pos = (eye_camera_pos.x, eye_camera_pos.y, eye_camera_pos.z) eye_outer_radius = 5.5 eye_outer = vs.sphere(pos=eye_outer_pos, radius=eye_outer_radius, # This direction should always be towards the target 3D point # this is just the default value pupil_direction = vs.vector(1, 0, 0) pupil_position = None # computed whenever target is changed pupil_positions = [] # 3D positions of the pupil to be projected onto the eye camera eye_inner_radius = 3 eye_inner_pos = eye_outer_pos + pupil_direction * eye_ball_offset eye_inner = vs.sphere(pos=eye_inner_pos, radius = eye_inner_radius, color=vs.color.white) target_position = vs.vector(0, 0, 0) def get_target_dir(): ''' Returns the direction of target from the eye ''' return (target_position - eye_outer_pos).norm() def adjust_eye(): ''' Adjusts eye in a way that it gazes at the target ''' global pupil_direction, pupil_position pupil_direction = get_target_dir() eye_inner.pos = eye_outer_pos + pupil_direction * eye_ball_offset pupil_position = eye_inner.pos + pupil_direction * eye_inner_radius adjust_eye() def drawPupilPoint(): vs.points(pos=[pupil_position], size=10, ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## 3D Points for Training and Test num_training = 25 num_test = 25 min_xyz = -25, -5, -110 max_xyz = 45, 65, -30 training_points = generatePoints(num_training, min_xyz, max_xyz, True, False) test_points = generatePoints(num_test, min_xyz, max_xyz, False, True) def drawTrainingPoints(): vs.points(pos=training_points, size=10, color=vs.color.yellow) def drawTestPoints(): vs.points(pos=test_points, size=10, drawTrainingPoints() # drawTestPoints() ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## Camera Object class Camera(PinholeCamera): default_radius = 2.0 def drawCameraFrame(self): # create frame and draw its contents c = vs.vector(self.t) = vs.sphere(pos=c, radius=Camera.default_radius, self.dir = vs.arrow(pos=c, axis=vs.vector(self.direction) * self.f, shaftwidth=1.0) self.img_plane = + self.dir.axis, length=self.image_width, width=0.5, height=self.image_width, color=vs.color.white, opacity=0.5) def updateShape(self): c = vs.vector(self.t) # Update camera center = c # Update the arrow self.dir.pos = c self.dir.axis = vs.vector(self.direction) * self.f # Update image plane self.img_plane.pos = c + self.dir.axis self.img_plane.length = self.image_width self.img_plane.height = self.image_width # Eye Camera eye_camera = Camera(label='Eye Camera', f = 5) eye_camera.setR((0, 0, 0)) eye_camera.setT(v(eye_camera_pos))# + v(30, 0, 0)) # eye_camera.setDir((0, 0, 1)) eye_camera.drawCameraFrame() # Scene Camera scene_camera = Camera(label='Scene Camera', f = 25, fov=math.pi/3) scene_camera.setT(v(scene_camera_pos) + v(10, 5, -5)) scene_camera.setR((0, np.pi, 0)) # scene_camera.setDir((0, 0, -1)) scene_camera.drawCameraFrame() # Cast rays from scene camera towards training points for point in training_points: diff = vs.vector(point) - vs.vector(scene_camera.t) drawLine(None, vs.vector(scene_camera.t), diff.mag, diff.norm()) ################################################################################ ## Widgets pan = win.panel # addr of wx window object pan.SetSize((display_width + panel_width, display_height)) pan_minx = display_width + 7 wx.StaticText(pan, pos=(pan_minx, 7), label = "Select an item..." ) def hReset(evt): pass c = 0 def gazeAtNextPoint(evt): global c, target_position, pupil_positions drawTrainingPoints() if c >= num_training: print 'Processed all training points...' return print 'Shifted gaze to point %d = %s...' % (c, training_points[c]) vs.points(pos=[training_points[c]], size=10, target_position = vs.vector(training_points[c]) c+=1 adjust_eye() # drawPupilPoint() pupil_positions.append(pupil_position) def computeMap(evt): global mp, c, pupil_positions # Processing Projections targets = map(lambda p:vs.vector(p), training_points) targets = map(lambda p: scene_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), targets) targets = map(lambda p: (-p[0], p[1]), targets) # x values are in a different CS, hence there are inverted # TODO: instead of inverting which only holds for this specific setting, rotate using scene_camera.R pupil_locations = map(lambda p: eye_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), pupil_positions) # eye_camera is using the same world CS, so no reversing is required # filtering out points outside of the image plane old = len(targets) invalid = [] for i in xrange(len(targets)): p = targets[i] if abs(p[0])>scene_camera.image_width/2. or abs(p[1])>scene_camera.image_width/2.: invalid.append(i) for i in invalid[::-1]: targets = targets[:i] + targets[i+1:] pupil_locations = pupil_locations[:i] + pupil_locations[i+1:] print 'Removed %s invalid target points...' % (old-len(targets)) # Displaying target point projections base = + scene_camera.dir.axis pts = map(lambda p: np.array((p[0], p[1], 0)), targets) vs.points(pos=map(lambda p:p+np.array([base.x, base.y, base.z]), pts), size=7, print 'Eye Camera Image Width:', eye_camera.image_width # Displaying pupil point projections base = + eye_camera.dir.axis # drawLine(None, eye_camera.t, eye_camera.f * 3, eye_camera.direction, vs.color.yellow) pts = map(lambda p: np.array((p[0], p[1], 0)), pupil_locations) vs.points(pos=map(lambda p:p+np.array([base.x, base.y, base.z]), pts), size=3, # normalizing points print 'Normalizing points...' targets = scene_camera.getNormalizedPts(targets) pupil_locations = eye_camera.getNormalizedPts(pupil_locations) # computing polynomial map print 'Computing polynomial map...' mp = get_map_from_cloud(np.array([(pupil_locations[i][0], pupil_locations[i][1], targets[i][0], targets[i][1]) for i in xrange(len(targets))])) # from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor as knn # ngh = knn(n_neighbors = 1) #, targets) # mp = ngh.predict print 'Successfully computed map...' # Converting these to numpy arrays to support nice operands targets = np.array(targets) pupil_locations = np.array(pupil_locations) print 'Scene Camera Image Width:', scene_camera.image_width plt.subplot(211) plt.title('Target Points') plt.plot(targets[:, 0], targets[:, 1], 'ro') plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 1]) plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('Y') labels = ['p{0}'.format(i) for i in xrange(len(targets))] for label, x, y in zip(labels, targets[:, 0], targets[:, 1]): plt.annotate( label, xy = (x, y), xytext = (-13, 13), textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'top', bbox = dict(boxstyle = 'round,pad=0.25', fc = 'yellow', alpha = 0.25), arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=0')) plt.subplot(212) plt.title('Pupil Points') plt.plot(pupil_locations[:, 0], pupil_locations[:, 1], 'bo') plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 1]) plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('Y') labels = ['p{0}'.format(i) for i in xrange(len(pupil_locations))] for label, x, y in zip(labels, pupil_locations[:, 0], pupil_locations[:, 1]): plt.annotate( label, xy = (x, y), xytext = (-13, 13), textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'top', bbox = dict(boxstyle = 'round,pad=0.25', fc = 'yellow', alpha = 0.25), arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=0')) c=0 pupil_positions = [] def showTestPts(evt): global c, target_position, pupil_positions drawTestPoints() if c >= num_test: print 'Processed all test points...' return vs.points(pos=[test_points[c]], size=10, print 'Shifted gaze to point %d = %s...' % (c, test_points[c]) target_position = vs.vector(test_points[c]) adjust_eye() pupil_positions.append(pupil_position) c+=1 def projectAndMap(evt): # Processing Projections targets = map(lambda p:vs.vector(p), test_points) targets = map(lambda p: scene_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), targets) targets = map(lambda p: (-p[0], p[1]), targets) # due to orientation of SC pupil_locations = map(lambda p: eye_camera.project((p.x, p.y, p.z, 1)), pupil_positions) # filtering out points outside of the image plane old = len(targets) invalid = [] for i in xrange(len(targets)): p = targets[i] if abs(p[0])>scene_camera.image_width/2. or abs(p[1])>scene_camera.image_width/2.: invalid.append(i) for i in invalid[::-1]: targets = targets[:i] + targets[i+1:] pupil_locations = pupil_locations[:i] + pupil_locations[i+1:] print 'Removed %s invalid target points...' % (old-len(targets)) # normalizing points print 'Normalizing points...' targets = np.array(scene_camera.getNormalizedPts(targets)) pupil_locations = np.array(eye_camera.getNormalizedPts(pupil_locations)) # Compute mapped points print pupil_locations print 'Computing %s mapped points...' % len(pupil_locations) mapped_targets = np.array(map(mp, np.array(pupil_locations))) print 'Computed %s mapped points...' % len(mapped_targets) print mapped_targets C = # ssd = sum((vs.vector(mapped_targets[i]) - vs.vector(targets[i])).mag**2 for i in xrange(len(mapped_targets))) # Computing Angular Error (Sum of Angular Differences) # denormalize points and add camera plane's z to each base = + scene_camera.dir.axis targets = scene_camera.getDenormalizedPts(targets) targets = np.array(map(lambda p: np.concatenate((p + np.array([base.x, base.y]), np.array([base.z])), axis=0), targets)) mapped_targets = scene_camera.getDenormalizedPts(mapped_targets) mapped_targets = np.array(map(lambda p: np.concatenate((p + np.array([base.x, base.y]), np.array([base.z])), axis=0), mapped_targets)) AE = list(getAngularDiff(vs.vector(targets[i]), vs.vector(mapped_targets[i]), C) for i in xrange(len(mapped_targets))) N = len(mapped_targets) AAE = sum(AE)/N VAR = sum((ae - AAE)**2 for ae in AE)/N print 'AAE = %s, Variance = %s, STD = %s' % (AAE, VAR, np.sqrt(VAR)) vs.points(pos=mapped_targets, size=2, color=vs.color.yellow) plt.subplot(111) plt.plot(targets[:, 0], targets[:, 1], 'bo', label='Projections') plt.plot(mapped_targets[:, 0], mapped_targets[:, 1], 'ro', label='Mapped Estimations') for _mp, tp in zip(mapped_targets, targets): coords = zip(*(_mp, tp)) plt.plot(coords[0], coords[1], 'k-') plt.legend() y = 25 Button('Reset', pan_minx, y, hReset, (panel_width - 28, 40), pan) y += 40 + 7 Button('Gaze at Next Point', pan_minx, y, gazeAtNextPoint, (panel_width - 28, 40), pan) y += 40 + 7 Button('Compute Map', pan_minx, y, computeMap, (panel_width - 28, 40), pan) y += 40 + 7 Button('Generate Test Points', pan_minx, y, showTestPts, (panel_width - 28, 40), pan) y += 40 + 7 Button('Project, Map, Plot!', pan_minx, y, projectAndMap, (panel_width - 28, 40), pan) ################################################################################