"""Utilities for CLEVR-Dialog dataset generation. Author: Satwik Kottur """ import copy def pretty_print_templates(templates, verbosity=1): """Pretty prints templates. Args: templates: Templates to print verbosity: 1 to print name and type of the templates """ # Verbosity 1: Name and type. print('-'*70) for ii in templates: print('[Name: %s] [Type: %s]' % (ii['name'], ii['type'])) print('-'*70) print('Total of %s templates..' % len(templates)) print('-'*70) def pretty_print_scene_objects(scene): """Pretty prints scene objects. Args: scene: Scene graph containing list of objects """ for index, ii in enumerate(scene['objects']): print_args = (index, ii['shape'], ii['color'], ii['size'], ii['material']) print('\t%d : %s-%s-%s-%s' % print_args) def pretty_print_dialogs(dialogs): """Pretty prints generated dialogs. Args: dialogs: Generated dialogs to print """ for scene_id, dialog_datum in enumerate(dialogs): for dialog in dialog_datum['dialogs']: print(dialog['caption']) for round_id, ii in enumerate(dialog['dialog']): coref_id = dialog['graph']['history'][round_id+1]['dependence'] in_tuple = (round_id, ii['question'], str(ii['answer']), ii['template'], str(coref_id)) print('\t[Q-%d: %s] [A: %s] [%s] [%s]' % in_tuple) def merge_update_scene_graph(orig_graph, graph_item): """Merges two scene graphs into one. Args: orig_graph: Original scene graph graph_item: New graph item to add to the scene graph Returns: graph: Deep copy of the original scene graph after merging """ graph = copy.deepcopy(orig_graph) # Local alias. objects = graph['objects'] # If not mergeable, return the same scene graph. if not graph_item['mergeable']: return graph # 1. Go through each new object # 2. Find its batch in objects # a. If found, assert for a clash of attributes, update # b. If novel, just add the object as is for new_obj in graph_item['objects']: match_found = False obj = objects.get(new_obj['id'], None) if obj: # Assert for existing entries. for attr in new_obj: try: assert new_obj[attr] == obj.get(attr, new_obj[attr]),\ 'Some of the attributes do not match!' except: pdb.set_trace() # Add additional keys. objects[new_obj['id']].update(new_obj) else: # Add the new object. objects[new_obj['id']] = new_obj # if a relation, update it if 'relation' in graph_item: rel = graph_item['relation'] # update it with object 2 id id1 = graph_item['objects'][0]['id'] id2 = graph_item['objects'][1]['id'] rel_objs = graph['relationships'][rel][id1] rel_objs.append(id2) graph['relationships'][rel][id1] = rel_objs # update objects in graph graph['objects'] = objects return graph def add_object_ids(scenes): """Adds object ids field for input scenes. Args: scenes: List of CLEVR scene graphs Returns: scenes: Adds object_id field for the objects in the scene graph inplace """ for scene_id, scene in enumerate(scenes['scenes']): for obj_id, _ in enumerate(scene['objects']): scenes['scenes'][scene_id]['objects'][obj_id]['id'] = obj_id return scenes def clean_object_attributes(scenes): """Cleans attributes for objects, keeping only attributes and id. Args: scenes: Scene graph to clean Returns: scenes: Cleaned up scene graphs inplace """ keys = ['class', 'direction', 'nature', 'id'] for scene_id, scene in enumerate(scenes['scenes']): for obj_id, obj in enumerate(scene['objects']): new_obj = {key: obj[key] for key in keys} scenes['scenes'][scene_id]['objects'][obj_id] = new_obj return scenes def pretty_print_corefs(dialog, coref_groups): """Prints coreferences for a dialog, higlighting different groups in colors. Args: dialog: Generated dialogs to print coref_groups: Coreference groups for dialogs """ colorama.init() # Mapping of group_id -> color_ids for (foreground, background) color_map = {} groups = coref_groups.get(0, []) colored, color_map = pretty_print_coref_sentence(dialog['caption'], groups, color_map) print('\n\nC: %s' % colored) for round_id, round_datum in enumerate(dialog['dialog']): question = round_datum['question'] groups = coref_groups.get(round_id + 1, []) colored, color_map = pretty_print_coref_sentence(question, groups, color_map) print('%d: %s' % (round_id, colored)) def pretty_print_coref_sentence(sentence, groups, color_map): """Prints a sentence containing difference coreference groups. Args: sentence: Text sentence groups: List of coreference groups with spans color_map: List of groups and associated color maps Returns: sentence: Text sentence with colors inserted color_map: Updated, if new groups in the current sentence """ fore_colors = ['RED', 'GREEN', 'YELLOW', 'BLUE', 'MAGENTA'] back_colors = ['BLACK', 'YELLOW', 'CYAN'] insertions = [] for group in groups: group_id = group['group_id'] if group_id in color_map: forecolor_id, backcolor_id = color_map[group_id] else: num_groups = len(color_map) forecolor_id = num_groups % len(fore_colors) backcolor_id = num_groups // len(fore_colors) color_map[group_id] = (forecolor_id, backcolor_id) forecolor = fore_colors[forecolor_id] backcolor = back_colors[backcolor_id] insertions.append( (group['span'][0], getattr(colorama.Fore, forecolor))) insertions.append( (group['span'][0], getattr(colorama.Back, backcolor))) insertions.append((group['span'][1], getattr(colorama.Style, 'RESET_ALL'))) # Perform insertions. sentence = insert_into_sentence(sentence, insertions) return sentence, color_map def insert_into_sentence(sentence, insertions): """Sorts and performs insertions from right. Args: sentence: Sentence to perform insertions into insertions: List of insertions, format: (position, text_insert) Returns: sentence: Inplace inserted sentence """ insertions = sorted(insertions, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) for position, text in insertions: sentence = sentence[:position] + text + sentence[position:] return sentence