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126 lines
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#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "data.hpp"
namespace opengaze {
class InputHandler {
enum InputType {Camera, Video, Image, Directory, Memory};
* get the camera intrisic parameters
* @param camera_matrix camera instric matrix
* @param camera_dist caemra distortion matrix
void setCameraParameters(cv::Mat camera_matrix, cv::Mat camera_dist){
camera_matrix_ = std::move(camera_matrix);
camera_distortion_ = std::move(camera_dist);
* function to return next sample, could come from any input source
* @return next sample
cv::Mat getNextSample();
* set the input type
* @param type the input typ, could be found in InputType defination
void setInputType(InputType type){input_type_ = type;}
* set the input
* according the input type, here the input value are different.
* For the type "Camera", this input value indicates the camera id
* For the type "video", this input value is the video file name
* For input type "Directory", this input value is the directory path
void setInput(int camera_id) {camera_id_ = camera_id;}
void setInput(std::vector<cv::Mat> images) {images_ = std::move(images);}
void setInput(std::string input_path);
* read the parameters related to the screen
* @param calib_file file for the configuration
void readScreenConfiguration(std::string calib_file);
* read the camera instrinic parameters from the configuration file
* @param calib_file file for the configuration
void readCameraConfiguration(std::string calib_file);
* When the 3D gaze vector is achieved, there is a need to project the gaze on the 2D screen.
* This function also needs the input to indicate if use the full-face model or not,
* since the initial of gaze vector will be center of the face for the full-face models
* and eye center for the eye-based models.
* @param input input data contains the 3D gaze vector
* @param is_face_model a boolen value indicates if the gaze vectors is from face model or eye model
void projectToDisplay(std::vector<opengaze::Sample> &input, bool is_face_model=true);
int getFrameHeight(){return cap_.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT);}
int getFrameWidth(){return cap_.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH);}
InputType getInputType() {return input_type_;}
int getScreenWidth() {return screen_width_;}
int getScreenHeight() {return screen_height_;}
std::string getFileName() {return current_file_name_;}
cv::Point2f mapToDisplay(cv::Vec3f obj_center, cv::Vec3f gaze_point);
void initialize();
bool closeInput();
void getScreenResolution(int &width, int &height);
cv::Mat getCameraMatrix() { return camera_matrix_;}
cv::Mat getCameraDistortion() {return camera_distortion_;}
void setFrameSize(int frame_width, int frame_height);
bool isReachEnd() {return is_reach_end_;}
cv::Mat camera_matrix_;
cv::Mat camera_distortion_;
// indicator if we reach the end of sample stream
bool is_reach_end_;
int camera_id_;
int sample_height_, sample_width_;
std::vector<cv::Mat> images_;
std::string input_path_;
std::string input_file_video_name_;
int screen_width_, screen_height_;
// monitor
float monitor_W_, monitor_H_; // monitor width and height in mm
cv::Mat monitor_R_, monitor_T_;
cv::Vec3f monitor_corners_[4];
cv::Mat monitor_normal_;
// input variable
InputType input_type_;
cv::VideoCapture cap_;
std::string current_file_name_;
// variable for directory input
boost::filesystem::directory_iterator current_itr_;