## input and ouput # input_type = camera # camera, video, or directory # input = 0 # caemra id, video file name, or directory of image files # output = /BS/zhang-semi/work/opengaze/test/ # input = YOUR_VIDEO OR IMAGE FOLDER # output = MUST BE A DIRECTORY ## gaze estimation method # gaze_method = MPIIGaze # OpenFace MPIIGaze # gpu_id = 0 ## gaze estimation method/model selection # face_model = 1 # 1 for the face model, 0 for eye image model ## CNN model for face image, trained on MPIIGaze + EYEDIAP HD # cnn_param_path = YOUR_PATH/alexnet_face.prototxt # cnn_model_path = YOUR_PATH/alexnet_face.caffemodel # calibration file, calibration file # calib_camera = YOUR_PATH/calibration.yml # calib_screen = YOUR_PATH/monitor.yml ## parameters for personal calibration # per_model_save_path = YOUR_PATH/user1.txt # num_calibration = 9