184 lines
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184 lines
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#include "normalizer.hpp"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
namespace opengaze {
Normalizer::Normalizer() {
// parameters for data normalization
focal_norm_ = 1600;
distance_norm_ = 1000; // 600 500 1000
roiSize_norm_ = cv::Size(224, 224); // 224 448
cam_norm_ = (Mat_<float>(3,3) << focal_norm_, 0, roiSize_norm_.width/2, 0, focal_norm_, roiSize_norm_.height/2.0f, 0, 0, 1.0f);
Normalizer::~Normalizer() {}
void Normalizer::setParameters(int focal_length, int distance, int img_w, int img_h){
// parameters for data normalization
focal_norm_ = focal_length;
distance_norm_ = distance; // 600 500 1000
roiSize_norm_ = cv::Size(img_w, img_h); // 224 448
cam_norm_ = (Mat_<float>(3,3) << focal_norm_, 0, roiSize_norm_.width/2, 0, focal_norm_, roiSize_norm_.height/2.0f, 0, 0, 1.0f);
// convert vector from normalization space to camera coordinate system
cv::Mat Normalizer::cvtToCamera(cv::Point3f input, const Mat cnv_mat) {
// convert to the original camera coordinate system
Vec3f gaze_v(input.x, input.y, input.z);
// apply de-normalization
Mat gaze_v_cam = cnv_mat.inv() * Mat(gaze_v);
gaze_v_cam = gaze_v_cam / norm(gaze_v_cam);
return gaze_v_cam;
cv::Mat Normalizer::normalizeFace(Mat input_image, opengaze::Sample &sample) {
// get the face center in 3D space
Mat HR;
cv::Rodrigues(sample.face_patch_data.head_r, HR);
Mat HT = repeat(sample.face_patch_data.head_t, 1, 6);
Mat Fc;
add(HR*face_model_mat_, HT, Fc);
float distance = (float)norm(sample.face_patch_data.face_center); // original distance
float z_scale = distance_norm_ / distance; // scaling factor
cv::Mat scaleMat;
scaleMat = (Mat_<float>(3,3) << 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, z_scale);// scaling matrix
scaleMat.convertTo(scaleMat, CV_32F);
// get the look_at matrix
Mat hRx = HR.col(0);
Mat forward = sample.face_patch_data.face_center /distance;
Mat down = forward.cross(hRx);
down = down / norm(down);
Mat right = down.cross(forward);
right = right / norm(right);
// rotation matrix
sample.face_patch_data.face_rot = Mat(3, 3, CV_32F);
sample.face_patch_data.face_rot = sample.face_patch_data.face_rot.t(); // there is no scaling
sample.face_patch_data.face_rot.convertTo(sample.face_patch_data.face_rot, CV_32F);
Mat warpMat = cam_norm_ * (scaleMat * sample.face_patch_data.face_rot) * camera_matrix_.inv();// transformation matrix
// crop image and copy the equalized image
Mat face_patch;
warpPerspective(input_image, face_patch, warpMat, roiSize_norm_);
return face_patch;
vector<cv::Mat> Normalizer::normalizeEyes(cv::Mat input_image, Sample &sample){
vector<cv::Mat> eye_images;
Mat img_gray;
cvtColor(input_image, img_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
Mat eye_center;
Mat* eye_rot;
for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
if (i==0){
eye_center = sample.eye_data.leye_pos;
eye_rot = &sample.eye_data.leye_rot;
else {
eye_center = sample.eye_data.reye_pos;
eye_rot = &sample.eye_data.reye_rot;
float distance = (float)norm(eye_center);
float z_scale = distance_norm_ / distance;
Mat scaleMat;
scaleMat = (Mat_<float>(3,3) << 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, z_scale);// scaling matrix
scaleMat.convertTo(scaleMat, CV_32F);
// get the look_at matrix
Mat HR;
cv::Rodrigues(sample.face_patch_data.head_r, HR);
Mat hRx = HR.col(0);
Mat forward = eye_center/distance;
Mat down = forward.cross(hRx);
down = down / norm(down);
Mat right = down.cross(forward);
right = right / norm(right);
// rotation matrix
*eye_rot = Mat(3, 3, CV_32F);
*eye_rot = eye_rot->t(); // there is no scaling
Mat warpMat = cam_norm_ * (scaleMat * *eye_rot) * camera_matrix_.inv();// transformation matrix
// crop image and copy the equalized image
Mat eye_patch, eye_patch_equal;
warpPerspective(img_gray, eye_patch, warpMat, roiSize_norm_);
equalizeHist(eye_patch, eye_patch_equal);
eye_rot = nullptr;
return eye_images;
void Normalizer::loadFaceModel(std::string path) {
string face_model_file_path = path + "/content/model/face_model.yml";
cout << endl << "Loading 3D face model for head pose estimation from : " << face_model_file_path << endl;
FileStorage fs;
if (!fs.open(face_model_file_path, FileStorage::READ)) {
cout << "Cannot load the 3D face model!" << endl;
fs["face_model"] >> face_model_mat_;
for(int p=0; p<6; ++p)
// estimate head pose via model fitting
void Normalizer::estimateHeadPose(const Point2f *landmarks, opengaze::Sample &sample) {
Mat zero_dist = Mat::zeros(1, 5, CV_64F);
vector<Point2d> landmarks_orig(landmarks,
landmarks + 6);
cv::Mat head_r, head_t;
camera_matrix_.convertTo(camera_matrix_, CV_64F); // input must be double type
solvePnP(face_model_, landmarks_orig, camera_matrix_, zero_dist, head_r, head_t, false, SOLVEPNP_DLS);
solvePnP(face_model_, landmarks_orig, camera_matrix_, zero_dist, head_r, head_t, true);
head_r.convertTo(sample.face_patch_data.head_r, CV_32F);
head_t.convertTo(sample.face_patch_data.head_t, CV_32F);
camera_matrix_.convertTo(camera_matrix_, CV_32F);
// get the face center in 3D space
Mat HR;
cv::Rodrigues(sample.face_patch_data.head_r, HR);
Mat HT = repeat(sample.face_patch_data.head_t, 1, 6);
Mat Fc;
add(HR*face_model_mat_, HT, Fc);
Mat face_center = (Fc.col(0) + Fc.col(1) + Fc.col(2) + Fc.col(3) + Fc.col(4) + Fc.col(5)) / 6.0; // face center
face_center.copyTo(sample.face_patch_data.face_center); // copy to output
sample.face_patch_data.face_center.convertTo(sample.face_patch_data.face_center, CV_32F);
Mat le = 0.5*(Fc.col(2) + Fc.col(3)); // left eye
sample.eye_data.leye_pos.convertTo(sample.eye_data.leye_pos, CV_32F);
Mat re = 0.5*(Fc.col(0) + Fc.col(1)); // right eye
sample.eye_data.reye_pos.convertTo(sample.eye_data.reye_pos, CV_32F);
void Normalizer::setCameraMatrix(cv::Mat input) {
camera_matrix_ = input;
camera_matrix_.convertTo(camera_matrix_, CV_32F);
} |