49 lines
1.4 KiB
49 lines
1.4 KiB
"name": "treasuryA8.png",
"vistype": "line",
"Q1": {
"question": "What is the theme of this visualization?",
"type": "0",
"A": "It shows the employment growth in the logistics industry",
"B": "It shows the employment growth in the finance industry",
"C": "It shows the employment growth in the auto industry",
"D": "I can not remember",
"answer": "C"
"Q2": {
"question": "What is the employment growth since June 2009?",
"type": "2",
"A": "about 20,000",
"B": "about 200,000",
"C": "about 2,000,000",
"D": "I can not remember",
"answer": "B"
"Q3": {
"question": "What period of data does this visualization show?",
"type": "3",
"A": "2009-2016",
"B": "2009-2014",
"C": "2009-2012",
"D": "I can not remember",
"answer": "C"
"Q4": {
"question": "When did the restructuring of GM & Chrysler happen?",
"type": "3",
"A": "June 2009",
"B": "July 2009",
"C": "August 2009",
"D": "I can not remember",
"answer": "A"
"Q5": {
"question": "What is the lowest amount of payrolls at any given time (in thousands)?",
"type": "1",
"A": "225",
"B": "2250",
"C": "5220",
"D": "I can not remember",
"answer": "B"