import numpy as np import keras import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys import os from keras.layers import Input, TimeDistributed, Lambda, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, UpSampling2D, Concatenate import keras.backend as K from keras.models import Model import tensorflow as tf from keras.utils import Sequence from keras.optimizers import Adam, RMSprop, SGD import cv2 from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, ReduceLROnPlateau from PIL import Image from IPython.display import clear_output import from copy import deepcopy import re # DEBUG DEBUG = False # number of rows of input images cat2000_c = 1920 cat2000_r = 1080 #cat2000_r_out = 1088 # this is divisible by 16 cat2000_r_out = 1104 # divible by 48 cat2000_c_out = cat2000_c # already divisible by 16 cc_c = 300 cc_r = 225 cc_c_out = 1776 cc_r_out = 1344 #shape_r = int(cat2000_r/6) shape_r = 240 #shape_r = cc_r # number of cols of input images #shape_c = int(cat2000_c/6) shape_c = 320 #shape_c = cc_c # number of rows of downsampled maps shape_r_gt = 30 # number of cols of downsampled maps shape_c_gt = 40 # number of rows of model outputs #shape_r_out = cat2000_r_out shape_r_out = 480 #shape_r_out = cc_r_out # number of cols of model outputs #shape_c_out = cat2000_c_out shape_c_out = 640 #shape_c_out = cc_c_out # final upsampling factor upsampling_factor = 16 # number of epochs nb_epoch = 50 # number of timesteps nb_timestep = 3 # number of learned priors nb_gaussian = 16 def repeat(x): return K.repeat_elements(K.expand_dims(x,axis=1), nb_timestep, axis=1) # return K.reshape(K.repeat(K.batch_flatten(x), nb_timestep), (1, nb_timestep, shape_r_gt, shape_c_gt, 512)) def repeat_shape(s): return (s[0], nb_timestep) + s[1:] def padding(img, shape_r, shape_c, channels=3): img_padded = np.zeros((shape_r, shape_c, channels), dtype=np.uint8) if channels == 1: img_padded = np.zeros((shape_r, shape_c), dtype=np.uint8) original_shape = img.shape rows_rate = original_shape[0]/shape_r cols_rate = original_shape[1]/shape_c if rows_rate > cols_rate: new_cols = (original_shape[1] * shape_r) // original_shape[0] img = cv2.resize(img, (new_cols, shape_r)) if new_cols > shape_c: new_cols = shape_c img_padded[:, ((img_padded.shape[1] - new_cols) // 2):((img_padded.shape[1] - new_cols) // 2 + new_cols)] = img else: new_rows = (original_shape[0] * shape_c) // original_shape[1] img = cv2.resize(img, (shape_c, new_rows)) if new_rows > shape_r: new_rows = shape_r img_padded[((img_padded.shape[0] - new_rows) // 2):((img_padded.shape[0] - new_rows) // 2 + new_rows), :] = img return img_padded def resize_fixation(img, rows=480, cols=640): out = np.zeros((rows, cols)) factor_scale_r = rows / img.shape[0] factor_scale_c = cols / img.shape[1] coords = np.argwhere(img) for coord in coords: r = int(np.round(coord[0]*factor_scale_r)) c = int(np.round(coord[1]*factor_scale_c)) if r == rows: r -= 1 if c == cols: c -= 1 out[r, c] = 1 return out def padding_fixation(img, shape_r, shape_c): img_padded = np.zeros((shape_r, shape_c)) original_shape = img.shape rows_rate = original_shape[0]/shape_r cols_rate = original_shape[1]/shape_c if rows_rate > cols_rate: new_cols = (original_shape[1] * shape_r) // original_shape[0] img = resize_fixation(img, rows=shape_r, cols=new_cols) if new_cols > shape_c: new_cols = shape_c img_padded[:, ((img_padded.shape[1] - new_cols) // 2):((img_padded.shape[1] - new_cols) // 2 + new_cols)] = img else: new_rows = (original_shape[0] * shape_c) // original_shape[1] img = resize_fixation(img, rows=new_rows, cols=shape_c) if new_rows > shape_r: new_rows = shape_r img_padded[((img_padded.shape[0] - new_rows) // 2):((img_padded.shape[0] - new_rows) // 2 + new_rows), :] = img return img_padded def preprocess_fixmaps(paths, shape_r, shape_c, fix_as_mat=False, fix_key="", pad=True): if pad: ims = np.zeros((len(paths), shape_r, shape_c, 1)) else: ims = [] # print('ims.shape:',ims.shape) for i, path in enumerate(paths): if path == 'dummy': fix_map = np.zeros((480,640)) elif fix_as_mat: mat = if DEBUG: print('mat',mat) fix_map = mat[fix_key] else: fix_map = cv2.imread(path, 0) if DEBUG: print('fix_map shape, np.max(fix_map),np.min(fix_map),np.mean(fix_map)',fix_map.shape,np.max(fix_map),np.min(fix_map),np.mean(fix_map)) if pad: ims[i, :, :, 0] = padding_fixation(fix_map, shape_r=shape_r, shape_c=shape_c) else: ims.append(fix_map) # ims = np.array(ims) # print('ims[-1].shape:',ims[-1].shape) return ims def load_maps(paths): ims = [] for i, path in enumerate(paths): original_map = np.load(path, allow_pickle=True) # TODO: chect for /255.0 ims.append(original_map.astype(np.float32)) ims = np.array(ims) # print('load_maps: ims[-1].shape',ims[-1].shape) return ims def preprocess_maps(paths, shape_r, shape_c, pad=True): if pad: ims = np.zeros((len(paths), shape_r, shape_c, 1)) else: ims = [] for i, path in enumerate(paths): original_map = cv2.imread(path, 0) if pad: padded_map = padding(original_map, shape_r, shape_c, 1) ims[i,:,:, 0] = padded_map.astype(np.float32) ims[i,:,:, 0] /= 255.0 else: ims.append(original_map.astype(np.float32)/255.0) # ims = np.array(ims) # print('ims.shape in preprocess_maps',ims.shape) # print('prep_maps: ims[-1].shape',ims[-1].shape) return ims def load_images(paths): ims =[] for i, path in enumerate(paths): img = np.load(path, allow_pickle=True) ims.append(img) ims = np.array(ims) # print('load_images: ims.shape',np.array(ims).shape) return ims def preprocess_images(paths, shape_r, shape_c, pad=True): if pad: ims = np.zeros((len(paths), shape_r, shape_c, 3)) else: ims =[] for i, path in enumerate(paths): original_image = cv2.imread(path) if original_image is None: raise ValueError('Path unreadable: %s' % path) if pad: padded_image = padding(original_image, shape_r, shape_c, 3) ims[i] = padded_image else: original_image = original_image.astype(np.float32) original_image[..., 0] -= 103.939 original_image[..., 1] -= 116.779 original_image[..., 2] -= 123.68 ims.append(original_image) # ims = np.array(ims) print('ims.shape in preprocess_imgs',ims.shape) # DEBUG # plt.figure() # plt.subplot(1,2,1) # plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(original_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # plt.subplot(1,2,2) # plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(padded_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # plt.suptitle(path) if pad: ims[:, :, :, 0] -= 103.939 ims[:, :, :, 1] -= 116.779 ims[:, :, :, 2] -= 123.68 return ims def reverse_preprocess(img): im = deepcopy(img) im[:, :, 0] += 103.939 im[:, :, 1] += 116.779 im[:, :, 2] += 123.68 # print(np.max(im), np.min(im), type(im[0][0][0])) im = im[...,::-1] im = np.array(im, dtype=np.uint8) return im def postprocess_predictions(pred, shape_r, shape_c, blur=False, normalize=False, zero_to_255 = False): predictions_shape = pred.shape rows_rate = shape_r / predictions_shape[0] cols_rate = shape_c / predictions_shape[1] # pred = pred / np.max(pred) * 255 # print('Preparing to resize...') if blur: sigma=blur pred = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(pred, sigma=sigma) if rows_rate > cols_rate: new_cols = (predictions_shape[1] * shape_r) // predictions_shape[0] pred = cv2.resize(pred, (new_cols, shape_r)) img = pred[:, ((pred.shape[1] - shape_c) // 2):((pred.shape[1] - shape_c) // 2 + shape_c)] else: new_rows = (predictions_shape[0] * shape_c) // predictions_shape[1] pred = cv2.resize(pred, (shape_c, new_rows)) img = pred[((pred.shape[0] - shape_r) // 2):((pred.shape[0] - shape_r) // 2 + shape_r), :] # print('Resized') if normalize: img = img / np.max(img) * 255 if zero_to_255: img = np.abs(img - 255) return img class MultidurationGenerator(Sequence): def __init__(self, img_filenames, map_filenames=None, fix_filenames=None, batch_size=1, img_size=(shape_r,shape_c), map_size=(shape_r_out, shape_c_out), shuffle=True, augment=False, n_output_maps=1, n_output_fixs=1, mode = 'multistream_concat', fix_key='', return_names=False, fix_as_mat=False, pad_gt_maps=True, read_npy=False ): ''' Generator for multi-duration saliency data. Receives lists of images, and t lists of heatmaps and fixations, where t is the number of saliency time steps to yield. The generator will automatically infer t from the length of map_filenames. This generator has 3 different modes: 1. multistream_concat: concatenates fix and maps for a given timestep into one tensor of shape (bs, 2, r, c, 1). Then appends all these tensors in a list of size t, and yields that tensor as y_true. This mode is made to work with losses that recuperate the map and fixation by slicing the y_true tensor internally. 2. multistream_full: doesn't concatenate the fix and maps; instead, yields all fixations and maps needed for each timestep as a different element in the final output list. For example, if we are training with 3 losses and 2 timesteps, this generator will yield a list of length 6 as y_true output: 3 maps/fis for timestep1, and 3 maps/fixs for timestep2. 3. singlestream: concatenates all timesteps in one tensor. for each loss, the generator will yield a tensor of shape (bs, time, r, c, 1). If we are working with kl, cc and nss, for example, the generator will output a list of length 3, where each element is a tensor of the mentioned shape. This mode should be used with losses that are adapted to tensors with a time dimension. ''' print('Instantiating MultidurationGenerator. \ Number of files received: %d. Batch size: %d. \ Image size: %s. Augmentation: %d. Mode: %s' \ % (len(img_filenames), batch_size, str(img_size), augment,mode )) if (mode == 'multistream_concat') and (map_filenames is None or fix_filenames is None): print('Multistream concat can only be used when both fixations and maps are provided. \ If only one is enough, use `multistream_full`.') self.n_output_maps = n_output_maps self.n_output_fixs = n_output_fixs self.fix_as_mat = fix_as_mat self.fix_key = fix_key self.pad_gt_maps = pad_gt_maps self.img_filenames = np.array(img_filenames) self.read_npy = read_npy # check that maps make sense if map_filenames is not None: self.map_filenames = np.array(map_filenames) assert all([len(self.img_filenames) == len(elt) for elt in self.map_filenames]), "Mismatch between images and maps. Images size: " + self.img_filenames.shape.__str__() + " Maps size: " + self.map_filenames.shape.__str__() self.timesteps = len(map_filenames) else: self.n_output_maps = 0 self.map_filenames = None print('Warning: No maps filenames provided, no outputs of that kind will be generated') # check that fixs make sense if fix_filenames is not None: self.fix_filenames = np.array(fix_filenames) assert all([len(self.img_filenames) == len(elt) for elt in self.fix_filenames]), "Mismatch between images and fixations. Images size: " + self.img_filenames.shape.__str__() + " Fix size: " + self.fix_filenames.shape.__str__() self.timesteps = len(fix_filenames) else: self.n_output_fixs = 0 self.fix_filenames = None print('Warning: No fix filenames provided, no outputs of that kind will be generated') self.batch_size = batch_size self.img_size = img_size self.map_size = map_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.augment = augment self.mode = mode self.return_names = return_names # Defining augmentation sequence if augment: sometimes = lambda aug: iaa.Sometimes(0.4, aug) self.seq = iaa.Sequential([ sometimes(iaa.CropAndPad(px=(0, 20))), # crop images from each side by 0 to 16px (randomly chosen) iaa.Fliplr(0.5), # horizontally flip 50% of the images sometimes(iaa.CoarseDropout(p=0.1, size_percent=0.05)), sometimes(iaa.Affine(rotate=(-15, 15))) ], random_order=True) if shuffle: self.on_epoch_end() def __len__(self): return int(np.ceil(len(self.img_filenames) / float(self.batch_size))) def __getitem__(self, idx): # Get input images batch_imgs = self.img_filenames[idx * self.batch_size : (idx + 1) * self.batch_size] if self.read_npy: images = load_images(batch_imgs) else: images = preprocess_images(batch_imgs, self.img_size[0], self.img_size[1]) # Get ground truth maps for all times if self.n_output_maps>=1: maps = [] for t in range(self.timesteps): maps_names_t = self.map_filenames[t][idx * self.batch_size : (idx + 1) * self.batch_size] if self.read_npy: maps_t = load_maps(maps_names_t) else: maps_t = preprocess_maps(maps_names_t, self.map_size[0], self.map_size[1], pad=self.pad_gt_maps) maps.append(maps_t) # Get fix maps for all times if self.n_output_fixs>=1: fixs = [] for t in range(self.timesteps): fix_names_t = self.fix_filenames[t][idx * self.batch_size : (idx + 1) * self.batch_size] if self.read_npy: fix_t = load_images(fix_names_t) else: fix_t = preprocess_fixmaps(fix_names_t, self.map_size[0], self.map_size[1], fix_as_mat=self.fix_as_mat, fix_key=self.fix_key, pad=self.pad_gt_maps) fixs.append(fix_t) if self.augment: seq_det = self.seq.to_deterministic() images = seq_det.augment_images(images) for ta in range(len(maps)): if self.n_output_maps>=1: maps[ta] = seq_det.augment_heatmaps(maps[ta]) if self.n_output_fixs>=1: fixs[ta] = seq_det.augment_heatmaps(fixs[ta]) if self.mode == 'singlestream': # Returns a list of n_output_maps+n_output_fixs elements. Each element is a 5D tensor: (bs, timesteps, r, c, 1) outs = [] if self.n_output_maps>=1: maps_with_time = np.zeros((len(batch_imgs),self.timesteps,self.map_size[0],self.map_size[1],1)) for i in range(self.timesteps): maps_with_time[:,i,...] = maps[i] # new version of block above that handles images of varying size # maps_with_time = [] # for bidx in range(self.batch_size): # # maps_with_time is list of len batch_size with 3D tensors of shape t,w,h # maps_with_time.append( [maps[ti][bidx] for ti in range(self.timesteps)] ) outs.extend([maps_with_time]*self.n_output_maps) if self.n_output_fixs>=1: fixs_with_time = np.zeros((len(batch_imgs),self.timesteps,self.map_size[0],self.map_size[1],1)) for i in range(self.timesteps): fixs_with_time[:,i,...] = fixs[i] # new version of block above that handles images of varying size # fixs_with_time = [] # for bidx in range(self.batch_size): # # fixs_with_time is list of len batch_size with 3D tensors of shape t,w,h # fixs_with_time.append( np.array([fixs[ti][bidx] for ti in range(self.timesteps)]) ) outs.extend([fixs_with_time]*self.n_output_fixs) elif self.mode == 'multistream_concat': # returns a list of t elements: [ [maps_t1,fix_t1], [maps_t2,fix_t2] , [maps_t3,fix_t3], ...] outs=[] for i in range(self.timesteps): outs.append(np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(maps[i],axis=1),np.expand_dims(fixs[i],axis=1)], axis=1)) # print('len(outs) multistream concat:',len(outs)) elif self.mode == 'multistream_full': # returns a list of size timestep*losses. If 2 losses maps, 1 loss fix, 2 timesteps, we have: [m1, m1, m2, m2, fix1, fix2] outs = [] if self.n_output_maps >= 1: for i in range(self.timesteps): outs.extend([maps[i]]*self.n_output_maps) if self.n_output_fixs >= 1: for i in range(self.timesteps): outs.extend([fixs[i]]*self.n_output_fixs) if self.return_names: return images, outs, batch_imgs return images, outs def on_epoch_end(self): if self.shuffle: idxs = list(range(len(self.img_filenames))) np.random.shuffle(idxs) self.img_filenames = self.img_filenames[idxs] for i in range(len(self.map_filenames)): self.map_filenames[i] = self.map_filenames[i][idxs] if self.fix_filenames is not None: self.fix_filenames[i] = self.fix_filenames[i][idxs] class SalImpGenerator(Sequence): def __init__( self, img_filenames, imp_filenames, fix_filenames=None, batch_size=1, img_size=(shape_r,shape_c), map_size=(shape_r_out, shape_c_out), shuffle=True, augment=False, n_output_maps=1, concat_fix_and_maps=True, fix_as_mat=False, fix_key="", pad_maps=True, pad_imgs=True, read_npy=False, return_names=False): print('Instantiating SalImpGenerator. Number of files received: %d. Batch size: %d. Image size: %s. Map size: %s. Augmentation: %d, Pad_imgs: %s. Pad_maps: %s.' % (len(img_filenames), batch_size, str(img_size), str(map_size), augment, pad_imgs, pad_maps )) self.img_filenames = np.array(img_filenames) self.imp_filenames = np.array(imp_filenames) self.batch_size = batch_size self.img_size = img_size self.map_size = map_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.augment = augment self.n_output_maps = n_output_maps self.concat_fix_and_maps = concat_fix_and_maps self.fix_as_mat=fix_as_mat self.fix_key = fix_key self.pad_imgs = pad_imgs self.pad_maps = pad_maps self.return_names=return_names self.read_npy = read_npy if fix_filenames is not None: self.fix_filenames = np.array(fix_filenames) else: self.fix_filenames = None if augment: sometimes = lambda aug: iaa.Sometimes(0.4, aug) self.seq = iaa.Sequential([ sometimes(iaa.CropAndPad(px=(0, 20))), # crop images from each side by 0 to 16px (randomly chosen) iaa.Fliplr(0.5), # horizontally flip 50% of the images sometimes(iaa.CoarseDropout(p=0.1, size_percent=0.05)), sometimes(iaa.Affine(rotate=(-15, 15))) ], random_order=True) if shuffle: self.on_epoch_end() def __len__(self): return int(np.ceil(len(self.img_filenames) / float(self.batch_size))) def __getitem__(self, idx): batch_x = self.img_filenames[idx * self.batch_size : (idx + 1) * self.batch_size] batch_y = self.imp_filenames[idx * self.batch_size : (idx + 1) * self.batch_size] # print('img names in this batch:', batch_x) # print('imp names in this batch:', batch_y) if self.read_npy: images = load_images(batch_x) maps = load_maps(batch_y) else: images = preprocess_images(batch_x, self.img_size[0], self.img_size[1], pad =self.pad_imgs) maps = preprocess_maps(batch_y, self.map_size[0], self.map_size[1], pad =self.pad_maps) if self.fix_filenames is not None: if self.read_npy: fixs = load_images(self.fix_filenames[idx * self.batch_size : (idx + 1) * self.batch_size]) else: fixs = preprocess_fixmaps( self.fix_filenames[idx * self.batch_size : (idx + 1) * self.batch_size], self.map_size[0], self.map_size[1], fix_as_mat=self.fix_as_mat, fix_key=self.fix_key) if self.augment: seq_det = self.seq.to_deterministic() images = seq_det.augment_images(images) maps = seq_det.augment_heatmaps(maps) if self.fix_filenames is not None: fixs = seq_det.augment_heatmaps(fixs) if self.fix_filenames is not None and self.concat_fix_and_maps: outs = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(maps,axis=1),np.expand_dims(fixs,axis=1)], axis=1) if self.n_output_maps >1: outs = [outs]*self.n_output_maps else: if self.n_output_maps ==1: if self.fix_filenames is not None: outs=[maps,fixs] else: outs=maps else: outs = [maps]*self.n_output_maps if self.fix_filenames is not None: outs.append(fixs) # print('generator: len(outs) should be 3:', len(outs)) # print('generator: outs[0].shape (should be bs,2,r,c,1):', outs[0].shape) # print('generator: outs[0][0][0].shape (should be first map of batch)',outs[0][0][0].shape) if self.return_names: return images, outs, batch_x return images, outs def on_epoch_end(self): if self.shuffle: idxs = list(range(len(self.img_filenames))) np.random.shuffle(idxs) self.img_filenames = self.img_filenames[idxs] self.imp_filenames = self.imp_filenames[idxs] if self.fix_filenames is not None: self.fix_filenames = self.fix_filenames[idxs] def eval_generator( img_filenames, map_filenames, fixmap_filenames, fixcoord_filenames, inp_size, fix_as_mat=False, fix_key="", fixcoord_filetype='mat', ): """ Returns tuples img, heatmap, fixmap, fix_coords to be used for data eval img_filenames, map_filesnames, fixmap_filenames should a length-n list where n is the number of timestamps heatmap, fixmap, fixcoords are all also length-n """ assert len(map_filenames) == len(fixmap_filenames) n_times = len(map_filenames) n_img = len(map_filenames[0]) for i in range(n_img): imgs = [] maps = [] fixmaps = [] fixcoords = [] #img = load_images([img_filenames[i]]) img = preprocess_images([img_filenames[i]], inp_size[0], inp_size[1]) for t in range(n_times): # load the image #img = cv2.imread(img_filenames[i]) map_ = cv2.imread(map_filenames[t][i], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) # print("map max min", map_.max(), map_.min()) mapshape = map_.shape if fix_as_mat: # fixmap = load_images([fixmap_filenames[t][i]],) fixmap = preprocess_fixmaps( [fixmap_filenames[t][i]], mapshape[0], mapshape[1], fix_as_mat=fix_as_mat, fix_key=fix_key) fixmap = np.squeeze(fixmap) else: fixmap = cv2.imread(fixmap_filenames[t][i], 0) if fixcoord_filenames: assert len(fixcoord_filenames) == n_times if fixcoord_filetype == 'mat': fixdata =[t][i]) resolution = fixdata["resolution"][0] #assert resolution[0] == img.shape[1] and resolution[1] == img.shape[2] fix_coords_all_participants = fixdata["gaze"] all_fixations = [] for participant in fix_coords_all_participants: all_fixations.extend(participant[0][2]) else: raise RuntimeError("fixcoord filetype %s is unsupported" % fixcoord_filetype) else: all_fixations = None imgs.append(img) maps.append(map_) fixmaps.append(fixmap) fixcoords.append(all_fixations) yield (imgs, maps, fixmaps, fixcoords, img_filenames[i]) def get_str2label(dataset_path, label_mapping_file=None): str2label={} if label_mapping_file: with open(label_mapping_file, "r") as f: lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()] for l in lines: cl = l.split()[0] i = l.split()[-1] str2label[cl] = int(i) else: for i,cl in enumerate([d for d in os.listdir(dataset_path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dataset_path, d))]): str2label[cl] = i return str2label def get_labels(filenames, str2label=None): if not str2label: str2label = get_str2label(dataset_path = '/netpool/homes/wangyo/Dataset/imp1k/imgs', label_mapping_file = "/netpool/homes/wangyo/Dataset/imp1k/imp1k_with_nat_images_label_map.txt") onehot_arr = np.zeros((len(filenames), len(str2label))) # print('filenames in get labels',filenames) for i,f in enumerate(filenames): split = re.split('/|\\\\',f) class_name = split[-2] if split[-4] == 'Salicon': label = str2label['natural_images'] onehot_arr[i, label] = 1 else: # print('CLASS NAME IN GET_LABELS', class_name) label = str2label[class_name] onehot_arr[i, label] = 1 return onehot_arr class ImpAndClassifGenerator(Sequence): def __init__( self, img_filenames, imp_filenames, fix_filenames=None, extra_imgs=None, # For feeding a much larger dataset, e.g. salicon, that the generator will subsample to maintain class balance extra_imps=None, extra_fixs=None, extras_per_epoch=160, batch_size=1, img_size=(shape_r,shape_c), map_size=(shape_r_out, shape_c_out), shuffle=True, augment=False, n_output_maps=1, concat_fix_and_maps=True, fix_as_mat=False, fix_key="", str2label=None, dummy_labels=False, num_classes=6, pad_imgs=True, pad_maps=True, return_names=False, return_labels=True, read_npy=False): print('Instantiating ImpAndClassifGenerator. Number of files received: %d. Extras: %s. Batch size: %d. Image size: %s. Map size: %s. Augmentation: %d, Pad_imgs: %s. Pad_maps: %s. Num classes: %d.' % (len(img_filenames), len(extra_imgs) if extra_imgs is not None else None, batch_size, str(img_size), str(map_size), augment, pad_imgs, pad_maps, num_classes )) self.img_filenames = np.array(img_filenames) self.imp_filenames = np.array(imp_filenames) self.batch_size = batch_size self.img_size = img_size self.map_size = map_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.augment = augment self.n_output_maps = n_output_maps self.concat_fix_and_maps = concat_fix_and_maps self.fix_as_mat = fix_as_mat self.fix_key = fix_key self.str2label = str2label self.num_classes = num_classes self.dummy_labels = dummy_labels self.pad_imgs = pad_imgs self.pad_maps = pad_maps self.extra_idx = 0 self.extra_imgs = np.array(extra_imgs) if extra_imgs is not None else None self.extra_imps = np.array(extra_imps) if extra_imps is not None else None self.extra_fixs = np.array(extra_fixs) if extra_fixs is not None else None self.extras_per_epoch = extras_per_epoch self.return_names = return_names self.return_labels=return_labels self.read_npy=read_npy if fix_filenames is not None: self.fix_filenames = np.array(fix_filenames) else: self.fix_filenames = None if augment: sometimes = lambda aug: iaa.Sometimes(0.4, aug) self.seq = iaa.Sequential([ sometimes(iaa.CropAndPad(px=(0, 20))), # crop images from each side by 0 to 16px (randomly chosen) iaa.Fliplr(0.5), # horizontally flip 50% of the images sometimes(iaa.CoarseDropout(p=0.1, size_percent=0.05)), sometimes(iaa.Affine(rotate=(-15, 15))) ], random_order=True) self.on_epoch_end() def __len__(self): return int(np.ceil(len(self.imgs_this_epoch) / float(self.batch_size))) def __getitem__(self, idx): batch_x = self.imgs_this_epoch[idx * self.batch_size : (idx + 1) * self.batch_size] batch_y = self.imps_this_epoch[idx * self.batch_size : (idx + 1) * self.batch_size] # print('img names in this batch:', batch_x) # print('imp names in this batch:', batch_y) if self.read_npy: images = load_images(batch_x) maps = load_maps(batch_y) else: images = preprocess_images(batch_x, self.img_size[0], self.img_size[1], pad= self.pad_imgs) maps = preprocess_maps(batch_y, self.map_size[0], self.map_size[1], pad=self.pad_maps) if not self.dummy_labels: labels = get_labels(batch_x, self.str2label) # Returns a numpy array of shape (bs, num_classes) else: labels = np.zeros((len(images),self.num_classes)) if self.fix_filenames is not None: if read_npy: fixs = load_images(self.fixs_this_epoch[idx * self.batch_size : (idx + 1) * self.batch_size]) else: fixs = preprocess_fixmaps( self.fixs_this_epoch[idx * self.batch_size : (idx + 1) * self.batch_size], self.map_size[0], self.map_size[1], fix_as_mat=self.fix_as_mat, fix_key=self.fix_key) if self.augment: seq_det = self.seq.to_deterministic() images = seq_det.augment_images(images) maps = seq_det.augment_heatmaps(maps) if self.fixs_this_epoch is not None: fixs = seq_det.augment_heatmaps(fixs) if self.fix_filenames is not None and self.concat_fix_and_maps: # outs = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(maps,axis=1),np.expand_dims(fixs,axis=1)], axis=1) if self.n_output_maps >1: outs = [outs]*self.n_output_maps if self.return_labels: outs.append(labels) else: if self.n_output_maps ==1: if self.fix_filenames is not None: outs=[maps,fixs] if self.return_labels: outs.append(labels) else: outs=[maps] if self.return_labels: outs.append(labels) else: outs = [maps]*self.n_output_maps if self.fix_filenames is not None: outs.append(fixs) if self.return_labels: outs.append(labels) if self.return_names: outs.append(batch_x) return images, outs def on_epoch_end(self): if self.extra_imgs is not None: # Sample a new set of extra images extra_imgs_this_epoch = self.extra_imgs[self.extra_idx * self.extras_per_epoch : (self.extra_idx+1) * self.extras_per_epoch] extra_imps_this_epoch = self.extra_imps[self.extra_idx * self.extras_per_epoch : (self.extra_idx+1) * self.extras_per_epoch] if self.extra_fixs is not None: extra_fixs_this_epoch = self.extra_fixs[self.extra_idx * self.extras_per_epoch : (self.extra_idx+1) * self.extras_per_epoch] else: extra_fixs_this_epoch = [] self.extra_idx +=1 else: extra_imgs_this_epoch = [] extra_imps_this_epoch = [] extra_fixs_this_epoch = [] self.imgs_this_epoch = np.concatenate([self.img_filenames, extra_imgs_this_epoch]) self.imps_this_epoch = np.concatenate([self.imp_filenames, extra_imps_this_epoch]) if self.fix_filenames is not None: self.fixs_this_epoch = np.concatenate([self.fix_filenames, extra_fixs_this_epoch]) idxs = np.array(range(len(self.imgs_this_epoch))) if self.shuffle: np.random.shuffle(idxs) self.imgs_this_epoch = self.imgs_this_epoch[idxs] self.imps_this_epoch = self.imps_this_epoch[idxs] if self.fix_filenames is not None: self.fixs_this_epoch = self.fixs_this_epoch[idxs] def UMSI_eval_generator( img_filenames, map_filenames, inp_size, ): """ Returns tuples img, heatmap to be used for data eval """ n_img = len(map_filenames[0]) for i in range(n_img): imgs = [] maps = [] img = preprocess_images([img_filenames[i]], inp_size[0], inp_size[1]) map_ = cv2.imread(map_filenames[i], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) mapshape = map_.shape imgs.append(img) maps.append(map_) yield (imgs, maps, img_filenames[i]) class RecallNet_Generator(Sequence) : def __init__(self, image_filenames, labels, mean_accs, type0_accs, batch_size=8) : self.image_filenames = np.array(image_filenames) self.labels = np.array(labels) self.mean_accs = np.array(mean_accs) self.type0_accs = np.array(type0_accs) self.batch_size = batch_size def __len__(self) : return (np.ceil(len(self.image_filenames) / float(self.batch_size))).astype( def __getitem__(self, idx) : batch_label = self.labels[idx * self.batch_size : (idx+1) * self.batch_size] batch_img = self.image_filenames[idx * self.batch_size : (idx+1) * self.batch_size] batch_img = preprocess_images(batch_img,240,320) batch_mean = self.mean_accs[idx * self.batch_size : (idx+1) * self.batch_size] batch_type0 = self.type0_accs[idx * self.batch_size : (idx+1) * self.batch_size] #out = [batch_mean,batch_type0,batch_label] out = [batch_mean,batch_type0] return batch_img, out