from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageColor, ImageFont import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import string import random import json import os import math # DEFINE PARAMATERS forbidden_letters = set(["I", "O"]) # letters to not use in code charts because can be confused with digits px_pt_ratio = 20/29 # according to our image dimensions, 29 point = 20 px text_color = ImageColor.getrgb("gray") font_type = "arial.ttf" tojitter = True # add jitter from a regular grid ebuf = 5 # buffer number of pixels to leave from the edges of the image so codecharts are not tangent to image edges go_to_image_edges = False # if want to make sure to sample triplets to the very edge of the image (downside: triplets may be more crowded) def point_to_pixel(num): return int(num*px_pt_ratio) def pixel_to_point(num): return int(num*(1/px_pt_ratio)) def generate_rand_letter(): letter = random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) while letter in forbidden_letters: letter = random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) return letter def generate_rand_triplet(): code = "" code += generate_rand_letter() # the following code prevents the two digits from being identical or equal to 0 for i in range(2): if i == 0: forbidden_num = 0 else: forbidden_num = int(code[i]) r = list(range(1, forbidden_num)) + list(range(forbidden_num+1, 10)) code += str(random.choice(r)) return code def create_codechart(filename,image_width,image_height): font_size = int(image_height*0.0185) # all these parameters depend on font size max_triplet_width = font_size*3 # in pixel - max triplet width; used 'W88' as widest triplet code (width~60, height=20) max_triplet_height = font_size # the tallest a triplet can be d_v = 4*max_triplet_height # vertical distance to maintain b/w triplets in the grid d_h = 2*max_triplet_width # horizontal distance to maintain b/w triplets (from start of one triplet to start of another) # make sure that not too much empty space is left over by spacing out triplets N_h = int(math.floor((image_width-max_triplet_width-2*ebuf) / float(d_h))) # number of triplets that will be tiled horizontally d_h = int(math.floor((image_width-max_triplet_width-2*ebuf) / float(N_h))) # recompute the horizontal dist between triplets to eliminate extra space N_v = int(math.floor((image_height-max_triplet_height-2*ebuf) / float(d_v))) d_v = int(math.floor((image_height-max_triplet_height-2*ebuf) / float(N_v))) # ------------- post_jitter_buffer = 6 # small buffer to cover edge case of triplets immediately adjacent to one another (for legibility) j_v = int(0.25*(d_v) - post_jitter_buffer/2) # max vertical jitter for one side of a triplet j_h = int(0.25*(d_h) - post_jitter_buffer) # max horizontal jitter for on side of a triplet # set up image canvas and font size/style img ='RGB', (image_width, image_height)) d = ImageDraw.Draw(img) try: font = ImageFont.truetype(font_type, pixel_to_point(font_size)) # takes in point value except OSError: print("WARNING: using a different font bc could not find %s on your computer" % font_type) font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf", pixel_to_point(font_size)) valid_codes = set() coordinates = {} # initialize starting locations for triplets on the image grid x_init = ebuf y_init = ebuf # -------- improvement made after 01/2020 (after TurkEyes paper) -------- # original problem was grid-like artifacts in the collected data because the grid spacing between consecutive triplets # was always similar (despite a small bit of jitter added when using the triplet) xoffset = random.choice(list(range(int(d_h/2.0)))) yoffset = random.choice(list(range(int(d_v/2.0)))) x_init = x_init+xoffset y_init = y_init+yoffset # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- x = x_init while x < image_width-max_triplet_width-ebuf: y = y_init while y < image_height-max_triplet_height-ebuf: triplet_code = generate_rand_triplet() # check for if triplet has already been used in image since all codes should be unique while triplet_code in valid_codes: triplet_code = generate_rand_triplet() valid_codes.add(triplet_code) if tojitter: # implement jitter to x and y coordinates (note: can turn either of them off) min_x = max(ebuf,x-j_h) max_x = min(x+j_h+1,image_width-max_triplet_width-ebuf) min_y = max(ebuf,y-j_v) max_y = min(y+j_v+1,image_height-max_triplet_height-ebuf-2) # a little bit of extra buffer in vertical dimension x_range = list(range(min_x, max_x)) y_range = list(range(min_y, max_y)) j_x = random.choice(x_range) j_y = random.choice(y_range) else: j_x = x j_y = y # writes triplet to image d.text((j_x, j_y), triplet_code, text_color, font) coordinates[triplet_code] = (j_x, j_y) y_prev = y y = y+d_v # regularly sample the image vertically # triplets are not guaranteed to go to edge of image, and gap could be large # see if can still squeeze in a triplet without overlapping previous ones (could still be quite close) if go_to_image_edges and y >= image_height-max_triplet_height-ebuf: y = y_prev + max_triplet_height+j_v+1 + post_jitter_buffer*2 x_prev = x x = x+d_h # regularly sample the image horizontally if go_to_image_edges and x >= image_width-max_triplet_width-ebuf: x = x_prev + max_triplet_width+j_h+1 + post_jitter_buffer*2 return (list(valid_codes), coordinates) if __name__ == "__main__": # create some code charts to test this code rootdir = './task_data' num_codecharts = 3 # generate this many codecharts #image_width = 1920 # in pixel #image_height = 1080 # in pixel image_height = 1340 #1344 image_width = int(1036*image_height/float(1344)) # set up directories if not os.path.exists(rootdir): os.makedirs(rootdir) test_dir = os.path.join(rootdir,'TEST') if not os.path.exists(test_dir): os.makedirs(test_dir) data = {} for i in range(num_codecharts): filename = os.path.join(test_dir,'CC_%d.jpg'%(i)) valid_codes, coordinates = create_codechart(filename,image_width,image_height) data[filename] = (valid_codes, coordinates) with open(os.path.join(test_dir,'data.json'), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile)