{ "name": "economist_daily_chart_137.png", "vistype": "other", "Q1": { "type": "0", "question": "What is the theme of this visualization?", "A": "Wildfire", "B": "Tree planting", "C": "Paper consumption", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "C" }, "Q2": { "type": "3", "question": "What is the height of trees in the visualization?", "A": "40-foot trees", "B": "42-foot trees", "C": "44-foot trees", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "A" }, "Q3": { "type": "1", "question": "Which country consumes the most 40-foot trees per person?", "A": "Belgium", "B": "Austria", "C": "Finland", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "A" }, "Q4": { "type": "1", "question": "Which country consumes the fewest 40-foot trees per person?", "A": "China", "B": "India", "C": "Azerbaijian", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "C" }, "Q5": { "type": "2", "question": "Which country is not in the visualization?", "A": "Switzerland", "B": "Norway", "C": "Portugal", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "B" } }