{ "name": "economist_daily_chart_198.png", "vistype": "line", "Q1": { "type": "0", "question": "What is the theme of this visualization?", "A": "World economies", "B": "World imports", "C": "World exports", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "B", "AOI": "6" }, "Q2": { "type": "2", "question": "What period of data does this visualization show?", "A": "1990-2010", "B": "1990-2011", "C": "1990-2012", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "C", "AOI": "2" }, "Q3": { "type": "3", "question": "What range of percentage does this visualization show?", "A": "0-60", "B": "0-70", "C": "0-80", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "B", "AOI": "2,9" }, "Q4": { "type": "4", "question": "What decreases as time goes by?", "A": "Developed economies", "B": "Emerging economies", "C": "General economies", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "A", "AOI": "9,10" }, "Q5": { "type": "4", "question": "What increases as time goes by?", "A": "Developed economies", "B": "Emerging economies", "C": "General economies", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "B", "AOI": "9,10" } }