{ "name": "treasuryJ01_2.png", "vistype": "line", "Q1": { "type": "0", "question": "What is the theme of this visualization?", "A": "Total Professional services, Scientific and technical services", "B": "Expectations On House Prices Above 2009 Projections", "C": "Deaths due to increased Bool pressure", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "B" }, "Q2": { "type": "4", "question": "What does the line stands for?", "A": "House Price per capita", "B": "Dollars", "C": "S&P/Case-Shiller Index", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "C" }, "Q3": { "type": "2", "question": "Which year has the highest S&P/Case-Shiller Index?", "A": "2006-2007", "B": "2009-2010", "C": "2011-2012", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "A" }, "Q4": { "type": "2", "question": "Which year has the lowest House Price Futures Index?", "A": "2006", "B": "2009", "C": "2012", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "B" }, "Q5": { "type": "2", "question": "What is the source of this visualization?", "A": "Standard and Poor's and Radar Logic", "B": "Global School-based Student Health", "C": "SIPRI", "D": "I can not remember", "answer": "A" } }