{ "meta": { "title": "Memorablity of details", "description": "Look at a series of visualizations and try to remember the details as many as possible, especially for those details related to title, maximum, minimum, etc.", "disclaimer": "Your participation in this research is voluntary. You may decline further participation, at any time, without adverse consequences. Your anonymity is assured; the researchers who have requested your participation will not receive any personal information about you." }, "instructions": { "simple": "Answer the questions after you have seen a group of 2 images", "steps": [ "In the first stage, you will be shown an image for a couple of seconds.", "You will be asked to remember the details of the image as many as possible.", "After you have seen 2 images, you will be shown the corresponding 2 blurred images one by one", "You will be asked to answer five questions related to the details in the image", "This process will repeat several times.", "In the second stage, you will be shown an image for 2 seconds.", "You will be asked whether you have seen this image in the first stage or not." ], "images": ["demo.gif"] }, "advanced": { "includeDemographicSurvey": true, "hideIfNotAccepted": true, "externalSubmit": true, "externalSubmitUrl": "http://amt.hackpku.com/new10/" } }