
54 lines
1.5 KiB

"name": "economist_daily_chart_189.png",
"vistype": "bar",
"Q1": {
"type": "0",
"question": "What is the theme of this visualization?",
"A": "Executive growth in FTSE 350 companies",
"B": "Executive skillset in FTSE 350 companies",
"C": "Executive pay and performance in FTSE 350 Companies",
"D": "I can not remember",
"answer": "C",
"AOI": "6"
"Q2": {
"type": "4",
"question": "What does the light blue represent?",
"A": "performance",
"B": "pay",
"C": "earnings",
"D": "I can not remember",
"answer": "A",
"AOI": "9"
"Q3": {
"type": "2",
"question": "Which category has the maximum value?",
"A": "Bonus",
"B": "Long-term incentive plan",
"C": "Total earnings",
"D": "I can not remember",
"answer": "B",
"AOI": "9,10"
"Q4": {
"type": "2",
"question": "Which category has the minimum value?",
"A": "Earnings per share",
"B": "Year-end share price",
"C": "Pre-tax profit",
"D": "I can not remember",
"answer": "B",
"AOI": "9,10"
"Q5": {
"type": "3",
"question": "What is the change of Total earnings?",
"A": "around 0",
"B": "around 50%",
"C": "around 100%",
"D": "I can not remember",
"answer": "C",
"AOI": "2,9,10"