151 lines
7.1 KiB
151 lines
7.1 KiB
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageColor, ImageFont
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import string
import random
import json
import generate_codecharts as gc
import os
# FIXED parameters
text_color = ImageColor.getrgb("white")
font_type = "arial.ttf"
px_pt_ratio = 20/29 # according to our image dimensions, 29 point = 20 px
valid_target_types=["red_dot", "fix_cross", "img"]
def make_sentinel(codechart_filename,sentinel_filename,image_width,image_height,border_padding,target_type="red_dot", target_im_dir=""):
# border_padding used to guarantee that chosen sentinel location is not too close to border to be hard to spot
font_size = int(image_height*0.0278)
correct_codes = []
if target_type not in valid_target_types:
raise RuntimeError("target_type must be one of %s" % valid_target_types.__str__())
valid_codes, coordinates = gc.create_codechart(codechart_filename,image_width,image_height)
# pick random code
r = list(range(0, len(valid_codes)))
index = random.choice(r)
triplet = valid_codes[index]
triplet_coordinate = coordinates[triplet]
# to make sure that the cross is visible
while (triplet_coordinate[0] <= border_padding or triplet_coordinate[0] >= image_width-border_padding) \
or (triplet_coordinate[1] <= border_padding or triplet_coordinate[1] >=image_height-border_padding):
index = random.choice(r)
triplet = valid_codes[index]
triplet_coordinate = coordinates[triplet]
# check bg color
if target_type == "fix_cross":
bg_color = 126
bg_color = 255
# create and save cross sentinel image
img = Image.new('RGB', (image_width, image_height), (bg_color, bg_color, bg_color))
d = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_type, gc.pixel_to_point(font_size)) # takes in point value
except OSError:
print("WARNING: using different font bc could not find %s" % font_type)
font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf", gc.pixel_to_point(font_size))
if target_type == "fix_cross":
plot_coord = (triplet_coordinate[0]+font_size, triplet_coordinate[1]) # offset cross location to the center of the triplet
d.text(plot_coord, '+', text_color, font)
elif target_type == "red_dot":
d.ellipse((triplet_coordinate[0], triplet_coordinate[1], triplet_coordinate[0]+font_size*2, triplet_coordinate[1]+font_size*2), fill = 'red', outline ='red')
elif target_type == "img":
if not target_im_dir:
raise RuntimeError("No im dir provided for sentinel targets")
# Get a list of images in the target im dir
images = os.listdir(target_im_dir)
target = Image.open(os.path.join(target_im_dir, random.choice(images)))
# resize the target
width = 200
height = int(target.height*width/target.width)
target = target.resize((width, height))
plot_coord = (triplet_coordinate[0]-int(width/2), triplet_coordinate[1]-int(height/2))
img.paste(target, plot_coord)
# correct_codes lie within the sentinel width
for ii in range(len(valid_codes)):
dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(coordinates[valid_codes[ii]])-np.array(triplet_coordinate))
if dist <= width/2.0:
raise RuntimeError("target_type %s does not exist" % target_type)
D = {'correct_code':triplet, 'coordinate':triplet_coordinate, 'correct_codes':correct_codes}
D_full = {'correct_code':triplet, 'coordinate':triplet_coordinate, \
'valid_codes':valid_codes, 'coordinates':coordinates, 'codechart_file':codechart_filename,\
return D,D_full
def generate_sentinels(sentinel_image_dir,sentinel_CC_dir,num_buckets,start_bucket_at,sentinel_images_per_bucket,\
# Set up directories
if not os.path.exists(sentinel_image_dir):
if not os.path.exists(sentinel_CC_dir):
# Start generating sentinels
img_num_offset = (start_bucket_at-1)*sentinel_images_per_bucket # start at a new index id
for b in range(num_buckets):
image_bucket_dir = os.path.join(sentinel_image_dir,'bucket%d'%(start_bucket_at+b))
if not os.path.exists(image_bucket_dir):
CC_bucket_dir = os.path.join(sentinel_CC_dir,'bucket%d'%(start_bucket_at+b))
if not os.path.exists(CC_bucket_dir):
data = {} # save to a json the filename, the coordinate of the + cross, and the triplet at that coordinate
data_with_coords = {} # also save a list of other valid triplets and coordinates (for analysis)
print('Populating %s with %d sentinel images'%(image_bucket_dir,sentinel_images_per_bucket))
print('Populating %s with %d corresponding codecharts'%(CC_bucket_dir,sentinel_images_per_bucket))
for i in range(sentinel_images_per_bucket):
img_num = img_num_offset + b*sentinel_images_per_bucket + i + 1
# generate random code chart
codechart_filename = os.path.join(CC_bucket_dir,'sentinel_CC_%d.jpg'%(img_num))
sentinel_filename = os.path.join(image_bucket_dir,'sentinel_image_%d.jpg'%(img_num))
D,D_full = make_sentinel(codechart_filename,sentinel_filename,image_width,image_height,border_padding,target_type, target_im_dir)
data[sentinel_filename] = D
data_with_coords[sentinel_filename] = D_full
with open(os.path.join(image_bucket_dir,'sentinel_codes.json'), 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile)
print('Writing out %s'%(os.path.join(image_bucket_dir,'sentinel_codes.json')))
with open(os.path.join(image_bucket_dir,'sentinel_codes_full.json'), 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data_with_coords, outfile)
print('Writing out %s'%(os.path.join(image_bucket_dir,'sentinel_codes_full.json')))
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Set these parameters
sentinel_images_per_bucket = 500
num_buckets = 1
start_bucket_at = 0 # to avoid overwriting the existing buckets
image_width = 1920
image_height = 1080
border_padding = 100 # don't put fixation cross in this region of the image
rootdir = './task_data'
target_type = "img"
target_im_dir = "sentinel_target_images"
sentinel_image_dir = os.path.join(rootdir,'sentinel_images')
sentinel_CC_dir = os.path.join(rootdir,'sentinel_CC')
image_width,image_height,border_padding,target_type, target_im_dir)