
152 lines
7.1 KiB

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageColor, ImageFont
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import string
import random
import json
import generate_codecharts as gc
import os
# FIXED parameters
text_color = ImageColor.getrgb("white")
font_type = "arial.ttf"
px_pt_ratio = 20/29 # according to our image dimensions, 29 point = 20 px
valid_target_types=["red_dot", "fix_cross", "img"]
def make_sentinel(codechart_filename,sentinel_filename,image_width,image_height,border_padding,target_type="red_dot", target_im_dir=""):
# border_padding used to guarantee that chosen sentinel location is not too close to border to be hard to spot
font_size = int(image_height*0.0278)
correct_codes = []
if target_type not in valid_target_types:
raise RuntimeError("target_type must be one of %s" % valid_target_types.__str__())
valid_codes, coordinates = gc.create_codechart(codechart_filename,image_width,image_height)
# pick random code
r = list(range(0, len(valid_codes)))
index = random.choice(r)
triplet = valid_codes[index]
triplet_coordinate = coordinates[triplet]
# to make sure that the cross is visible
while (triplet_coordinate[0] <= border_padding or triplet_coordinate[0] >= image_width-border_padding) \
or (triplet_coordinate[1] <= border_padding or triplet_coordinate[1] >=image_height-border_padding):
index = random.choice(r)
triplet = valid_codes[index]
triplet_coordinate = coordinates[triplet]
# check bg color
if target_type == "fix_cross":
bg_color = 126
bg_color = 255
# create and save cross sentinel image
img ='RGB', (image_width, image_height), (bg_color, bg_color, bg_color))
d = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_type, gc.pixel_to_point(font_size)) # takes in point value
except OSError:
print("WARNING: using different font bc could not find %s" % font_type)
font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf", gc.pixel_to_point(font_size))
if target_type == "fix_cross":
plot_coord = (triplet_coordinate[0]+font_size, triplet_coordinate[1]) # offset cross location to the center of the triplet
d.text(plot_coord, '+', text_color, font)
elif target_type == "red_dot":
d.ellipse((triplet_coordinate[0], triplet_coordinate[1], triplet_coordinate[0]+font_size*2, triplet_coordinate[1]+font_size*2), fill = 'red', outline ='red')
elif target_type == "img":
if not target_im_dir:
raise RuntimeError("No im dir provided for sentinel targets")
# Get a list of images in the target im dir
images = os.listdir(target_im_dir)
target =, random.choice(images)))
# resize the target
width = 200
height = int(target.height*width/target.width)
target = target.resize((width, height))
plot_coord = (triplet_coordinate[0]-int(width/2), triplet_coordinate[1]-int(height/2))
img.paste(target, plot_coord)
# correct_codes lie within the sentinel width
for ii in range(len(valid_codes)):
dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(coordinates[valid_codes[ii]])-np.array(triplet_coordinate))
if dist <= width/2.0:
raise RuntimeError("target_type %s does not exist" % target_type)
D = {'correct_code':triplet, 'coordinate':triplet_coordinate, 'correct_codes':correct_codes}
D_full = {'correct_code':triplet, 'coordinate':triplet_coordinate, \
'valid_codes':valid_codes, 'coordinates':coordinates, 'codechart_file':codechart_filename,\
return D,D_full
def generate_sentinels(sentinel_image_dir,sentinel_CC_dir,num_buckets,start_bucket_at,sentinel_images_per_bucket,\
# Set up directories
if not os.path.exists(sentinel_image_dir):
if not os.path.exists(sentinel_CC_dir):
# Start generating sentinels
img_num_offset = (start_bucket_at-1)*sentinel_images_per_bucket # start at a new index id
for b in range(num_buckets):
image_bucket_dir = os.path.join(sentinel_image_dir,'bucket%d'%(start_bucket_at+b))
if not os.path.exists(image_bucket_dir):
CC_bucket_dir = os.path.join(sentinel_CC_dir,'bucket%d'%(start_bucket_at+b))
if not os.path.exists(CC_bucket_dir):
data = {} # save to a json the filename, the coordinate of the + cross, and the triplet at that coordinate
data_with_coords = {} # also save a list of other valid triplets and coordinates (for analysis)
print('Populating %s with %d sentinel images'%(image_bucket_dir,sentinel_images_per_bucket))
print('Populating %s with %d corresponding codecharts'%(CC_bucket_dir,sentinel_images_per_bucket))
for i in range(sentinel_images_per_bucket):
img_num = img_num_offset + b*sentinel_images_per_bucket + i + 1
# generate random code chart
codechart_filename = os.path.join(CC_bucket_dir,'sentinel_CC_%d.jpg'%(img_num))
sentinel_filename = os.path.join(image_bucket_dir,'sentinel_image_%d.jpg'%(img_num))
D,D_full = make_sentinel(codechart_filename,sentinel_filename,image_width,image_height,border_padding,target_type, target_im_dir)
data[sentinel_filename] = D
data_with_coords[sentinel_filename] = D_full
with open(os.path.join(image_bucket_dir,'sentinel_codes.json'), 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile)
print('Writing out %s'%(os.path.join(image_bucket_dir,'sentinel_codes.json')))
with open(os.path.join(image_bucket_dir,'sentinel_codes_full.json'), 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data_with_coords, outfile)
print('Writing out %s'%(os.path.join(image_bucket_dir,'sentinel_codes_full.json')))
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Set these parameters
sentinel_images_per_bucket = 500
num_buckets = 1
start_bucket_at = 0 # to avoid overwriting the existing buckets
image_width = 1920
image_height = 1080
border_padding = 100 # don't put fixation cross in this region of the image
rootdir = './task_data'
target_type = "img"
target_im_dir = "sentinel_target_images"
sentinel_image_dir = os.path.join(rootdir,'sentinel_images')
sentinel_CC_dir = os.path.join(rootdir,'sentinel_CC')
image_width,image_height,border_padding,target_type, target_im_dir)