import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) import as skv import torch import pickle from PIL import Image import tqdm import numpy as np from model.C3D import C3D import json from torchvision.models import vgg19 import torchvision.transforms as transforms import torch.nn as nn import argparse def _select_frames(path, frame_num): """Select representative frames for video. Ignore some frames both at begin and end of video. Args: path: Path of video. Returns: frames: list of frames. """ frames = list() video_data = skv.vread(path) total_frames = video_data.shape[0] # Ignore some frame at begin and end. for i in np.linspace(0, total_frames, frame_num + 2)[1:frame_num + 1]: frame_data = video_data[int(i)] img = Image.fromarray(frame_data) img = img.resize((224, 224), Image.BILINEAR) frame_data = np.array(img) frames.append(frame_data) return frames def _select_clips(path, clip_num): """Select self.batch_size clips for video. Each clip has 16 frames. Args: path: Path of video. Returns: clips: list of clips. """ clips = list() # video_info = video_data = skv.vread(path) total_frames = video_data.shape[0] height = video_data[1] width = video_data.shape[2] for i in np.linspace(0, total_frames, clip_num + 2)[1:clip_num + 1]: # Select center frame first, then include surrounding frames clip_start = int(i) - 8 clip_end = int(i) + 8 if clip_start < 0: clip_end = clip_end - clip_start clip_start = 0 if clip_end > total_frames: clip_start = clip_start - (clip_end - total_frames) clip_end = total_frames clip = video_data[clip_start:clip_end] new_clip = [] for j in range(16): frame_data = clip[j] img = Image.fromarray(frame_data) img = img.resize((112, 112), Image.BILINEAR) frame_data = np.array(img) * 1.0 # frame_data -= self.mean[j] new_clip.append(frame_data) clips.append(new_clip) return clips def preprocess_videos(video_dir, frame_num, clip_num): frames_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(video_dir), 'frames') os.mkdir(frames_dir) clips_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(video_dir), 'clips') os.mkdir(clips_dir) for video_name in tqdm.tqdm(os.listdir(video_dir)): video_path = os.path.join(video_dir, video_name) frames = _select_frames(video_path, frame_num) clips = _select_clips(video_path, clip_num) with open(os.path.join(frames_dir, video_name.split('.')[0] + '.pkl'), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(frames, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) with open(os.path.join(clips_dir, video_name.split('.')[0] + '.pkl'), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(clips, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def generate_video_features(path_frames, path_clips, c3d_path): device = torch.device('cuda:0') frame_feat_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path_frames), 'frame_feat') os.makedirs(frame_feat_dir, exist_ok=True) clip_feat_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path_frames), 'clip_feat') os.makedirs(clip_feat_dir, exist_ok=True) cnn = vgg19(pretrained=True) in_features = cnn.classifier[-1].in_features cnn.classifier = nn.Sequential( *list(cnn.classifier.children())[:-1]) # remove last fc layer c3d = C3D() c3d.load_state_dict(torch.load(c3d_path)) transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225))]) for vid_name in tqdm.tqdm(os.listdir(path_frames)): frame_path = os.path.join(path_frames, vid_name) clip_path = os.path.join(path_clips, vid_name) frames = pickle.load(open(frame_path, 'rb')) clips = pickle.load(open(clip_path, 'rb')) frames = [transform(f) for f in frames] frame_feat = [] clip_feat = [] for frame in frames: with torch.no_grad(): feat = cnn(frame.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) frame_feat.append(feat) for clip in clips: # clip has shape (c x f x h x w) clip = torch.from_numpy(np.float32(np.array(clip))) clip = clip.transpose(3, 0) clip = clip.transpose(3, 1) clip = clip.transpose(3, 2).unsqueeze(0).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): feat = c3d(clip) clip_feat.append(feat) frame_feat =, dim=0) clip_feat =, dim=0), os.path.join(frame_feat_dir, vid_name.split('.')[0] + '.pt')), os.path.join(clip_feat_dir, vid_name.split('.')[0] + '.pt')) def parse_args(): ''' Parse input arguments ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Preprocessing Args') parser.add_argument('--RAW_VID_PATH', dest='RAW_VID_PATH', help='The path to the raw videos', required=True, type=str) parser.add_argument('--FRAMES_OUTPUT_DIR', dest='FRAMES_OUTPUT_DIR', help='The directory where the processed frames and their features will be stored', required=True, type=str) parser.add_argument('--CLIPS_OUTPUT_DIR', dest='FRAMES_OUTPUT_DIR', help='The directory where the processed frames and their features will be stored', required=True, type=str) parser.add_argument('--C3D_PATH', dest='C3D_PATH', help='Pretrained C3D path', required=True, type=str) parser.add_argument('--NUM_SAMPLES', dest='NUM_SAMPLES', help='The number of frames/clips to be sampled from the video', default=20, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() return args if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() preprocess_videos(args.RAW_VID_PATH, args.NUM_SAMPLES, args.NUM_SAMPLES) frames_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(args.RAW_VID_PATH), 'frames') clips_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(args.RAW_VID_PATH), 'clips') generate_video_features(frames_dir, clips_dir)