
175 lines
7.1 KiB

import json
import pdb
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
import itertools
# walls
'square': 0,
# objects
'heart': 1, 'clove_tree': 2, 'moon': 3, 'wine': 4, 'double_dia': 5,
'flag': 6, 'capsule': 7, 'vase': 8, 'curved_triangle': 9, 'spoon': 10,
'medal': 11, # inaccessible goal
# home
'home': 12,
# agent
'pentagon': 13, 'clove': 14, 'kite': 15,
# key
'triangle0': 16, 'triangle180': 16, 'triangle90': 16, 'triangle270': 16,
# lock
'triangle_slot0': 17, 'triangle_slot180': 17, 'triangle_slot90': 17, 'triangle_slot270': 17
'agent': 0 , 'walls': 1, 'fuse_walls': 2, 'key': 3,
'blocking': 4, 'home': 5, 'objects': 6, 'pin': 7, 'lock': 8
# =============================== GridPbject class ===============================
class GridObject():
"object is specified by its location"
def __init__(self, x, y, object_type, attributes=[]):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.type = object_type
self.attributes = attributes
def pos(self):
return np.array([self.x, self.y])
def name(self):
return {'type': str(self.type),
'x': str(self.x),
'y': str(self.y),
'color': self.attributes[0],
'shape': self.attributes[1]}
# =============================== Helper functions ===============================
def type2index(key):
for name, idx in ENTITIES.items():
if name == key:
return idx
def find_shape(shape_string, print_shape=False):
shape = shape_string.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
shape = shape_string.split('.')[0]
if print_shape: print(shape)
for name, idx in SHAPES.items():
if name == shape:
return idx
def parse_objects(frame):
x and y are computed differently from walls and objects
for walls x, y = obj[0][0] + obj[1][0]/2, obj[0][1] + obj[1][1]/2
for objects x, y = obj[0][0] + obj[1], obj[0][1] + obj[1]
:param obj:
:return: GridObject
shape_onehot_encoder = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False)[[i] for i in range(len(SHAPES)-6)])
type_onehot_encoder = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False)[[i] for i in range(len(ENTITIES))])
# remove duplicate walls
frame['walls'] = list(k for k, _ in itertools.groupby(frame['walls']))
# remove boundary walls
frame['walls'] = [w for w in frame['walls'] if (w[0][0] != 0 and w[0][0] != 180 and w[0][1] != 0 and w[0][1] != 180)]
# remove duplicate fuse_walls
frame['fuse_walls'] = list(k for k, _ in itertools.groupby(frame['fuse_walls']))
grid_objs = []
assert 'agent' in frame.keys()
for key in frame.keys():
if key == 'size':
obj = frame[key]
if obj == []:
#print(key, 'skipped')
obj_type = type2index(key)
obj_type = type_onehot_encoder.transform([[obj_type]])
if key == 'walls':
for wall in obj:
x, y = wall[0][0] + wall[1][0]/2, wall[0][1] + wall[1][1]/2
#x, y = (wall[0][0] + wall[1][0]/2)/200, (wall[0][1] + wall[1][1]/2)/200 if u use this you need to change!!!
color = [0, 0, 0] if key == 'walls' else [80, 146, 56]
#color = [c / 255 for c in color]
shape = 0
assert shape in SHAPES.values(), 'Shape not found'
shape = shape_onehot_encoder.transform([[shape]])[0]
grid_obj = GridObject(x=x, y=y, object_type=obj_type, attributes=[color, shape])
elif key == 'fuse_walls':
# resample green barriers
obj = [obj[i] for i in range(len(obj)) if (obj[i][0][0] % 20 == 0 and obj[i][0][1] % 20 == 0)]
for wall in obj:
x, y = wall[0][0] + wall[1][0]/2, wall[0][1] + wall[1][1]/2
#x, y = (wall[0][0] + wall[1][0]/2)/200, (wall[0][1] + wall[1][1]/2)/200 if u use this you need to change!!!
color = [80, 146, 56]
#color = [c / 255 for c in color]
shape = 0
assert shape in SHAPES.values(), 'Shape not found'
shape = shape_onehot_encoder.transform([[shape]])[0]
grid_obj = GridObject(x=x, y=y, object_type=obj_type, attributes=[color, shape])
elif key == 'objects':
for ob in obj:
x, y = ob[0][0] + ob[1], ob[0][1] + ob[1]
color = ob[-1]
#color = [c / 255 for c in color]
shape = find_shape(ob[2], print_shape=False)
assert shape in SHAPES.values(), 'Shape not found'
shape = shape_onehot_encoder.transform([[shape]])[0]
grid_obj = GridObject(x=x, y=y, object_type=obj_type, attributes=[color, shape])
elif key == 'key':
obj = obj[0]
x, y = obj[0][0] + obj[1], obj[0][1] + obj[1]
color = obj[-1]
#color = [c / 255 for c in color]
shape = find_shape(obj[2], print_shape=False)
assert shape in SHAPES.values(), 'Shape not found'
shape = shape_onehot_encoder.transform([[shape]])[0]
grid_obj = GridObject(x=x, y=y, object_type=obj_type, attributes=[color, shape])
elif key == 'lock':
obj = obj[0]
x, y = obj[0][0] + obj[1], obj[0][1] + obj[1]
color = obj[-1]
#color = [c / 255 for c in color]
shape = find_shape(obj[2], print_shape=False)
assert shape in SHAPES.values(), 'Shape not found'
shape = shape_onehot_encoder.transform([[shape]])[0]
grid_obj = GridObject(x=x, y=y, object_type=obj_type, attributes=[color, shape])
x, y = obj[0][0] + obj[1], obj[0][1] + obj[1]
color = obj[-1]
#color = [c / 255 for c in color]
shape = find_shape(obj[2], print_shape=False)
assert shape in SHAPES.values(), 'Shape not found'
shape = shape_onehot_encoder.transform([[shape]])[0]
# [[[x, y], extension, shape, color]] in some cases in instrumental_no_barrier (bib_evaluation_1_1)
x, y = obj[0][0][0] + obj[0][1], obj[0][0][1] + obj[0][1]
color = obj[0][-1]
#color = [c / 255 for c in color]
assert len(color) == 3
shape = find_shape(obj[0][2], print_shape=False)
assert shape in SHAPES.values(), 'Shape not found'
shape = shape_onehot_encoder.transform([[shape]])[0]
grid_obj = GridObject(x=x, y=y, object_type=obj_type, attributes=[color, shape])
return grid_objs