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Get RAM state of Montezuma's Revenge¶
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import os import random import cv2 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import gym from atariari.benchmark.wrapper import AtariARIWrapper from utils import visualize_sample DATA_PATH = 'montezuma_revenge' df = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "all_trials.pkl")) df.head()
Use AtariARI Wrapper to extract RAM state¶
labels: {'room_number': 15,
'player_x': 46,
'player_y': 235,
'player_direction': 76,
'enemy_skull_x': 58,
'enemy_skull_y': 240,
'key_monster_x': 132,
'key_monster_y': 254,
'level': 0,
'num_lives': 1,
'items_in_inventory_count': 0,
'room_state': 10,
'score_0': 1,
'score_1': 8,
'score_2': 0}
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env = AtariARIWrapper(gym.make('MontezumaRevenge-v4', frameskip=1, render_mode='rgb_array', repeat_action_probability=0.0)) #env.unwrapped.ale.getRAM() obs = env.reset(seed=42) obs, reward, done, info = env.step(1)
Visualize AtariHEAD data and RAM state labels¶
offset of player and skull locations was discovered manually
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from IPython import display obs = env.reset() screen = plt.imshow(env.render(mode='rgb_array'), aspect='auto') plt.axis('off') all_images = [] agent_locations = [] skull_locations = [] room_ids = [] for i, action in enumerate(df.loc[df.ID == '285_RZ_5619207_E00'].action.values): n_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action) img = info['rgb'] room_ids.append(info['labels']['room_number']) # agent mean_x, mean_y = info['labels']['player_x'], 320 - info['labels']['player_y'] agent_locations.append([mean_x, mean_y]) x1, x2, y1, y2 = mean_x - 5 , mean_x + 10, mean_y - 15, mean_y + 10 img = cv2.rectangle(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0,255,0), 2) # skull mean_x, mean_y = info['labels']['enemy_skull_x'] + 35, info['labels']['enemy_skull_y'] - 65 skull_locations.append([mean_x, mean_y]) x1, x2, y1, y2 = mean_x - 5, mean_x + 5, mean_y - 10, mean_y + 5 img = cv2.rectangle(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (255,0,0), 2) img = cv2.putText(img=img, text='Room ID: ' + str(info['labels']['room_number']) + ' index: ' + str(i), org=(5, 205), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.3, color=(255, 255, 255),thickness=1) screen.set_data(img) # just update the data display.display(plt.gcf()) display.clear_output(wait=True)
Number of actions with correct labeling for environment with random seed = 42¶
Discovered manually through above visualization [-1: all actions valid, 0: no actions valid]
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test = {'284_RZ_5540489_E00': 11900, '285_RZ_5619207_E00': 2940, '285_RZ_5619207_E01': -1, '287_RZ_7172481_E00': 0, '291_RZ_7364933_E00': 12000, '324_RZ_452975_E00':0, '333_RZ_900705_E00': 3000, '340_RZ_1323550_E00': 5950, '359_RZ_1993616_E00': 9000, '365_RZ_2079996_E00': 9000, '371_RZ_2173469_E00': -1, '385_RZ_2344725_E00': 3500, '398_RZ_2530473_E00': 1200, '402_RZ_2603283_E00': -1, '416_RZ_2788252_E00': -1, '429_RZ_2945490_E00': 4500, '436_RZ_3131841_E00': 10500, '459_RZ_3291266_E00': 5400, '469_RZ_3390904_E00': 14500, '480_RZ_3470098_E00': 8000, '493_RZ_3557734_E00': 10500, '523_RZ_4091327_E00': 0, '536_RZ_4420664_E00': 0, '548_RZ_4509746_E00': 0, '561_RZ_4598680_E00': 0, '573_RZ_4680777_E00': 0, '584_RZ_4772014_E00': 0, '588_RZ_5032278_E00': 0} num_frames = 0 num_labeled_frames = 0 counter = 0 for episode in test.keys(): counter += 1 num_frames += len(df.loc[df.ID == episode]) num_samples = test.get(episode) if num_samples == -1: num_labeled_frames += len(df.loc[df.ID == episode]) else: num_labeled_frames += num_samples print(f'Overall percantage {num_labeled_frames / num_frames:%} for 21 episodes')
Label Atari-HEAD data¶
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%%time df['level'] = None df['room_id'] = None df['player_location'] = None df['skull_location'] = None for episode in df.ID.unique(): obs = env.reset() room_ids = [] agent_locations = [] skull_locations = [] level = [] num_valid_actions = test.get(episode) for action in df.loc[df.ID == episode].action.values[:num_valid_actions]: n_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action) room_ids.append(info['labels']['room_number']) level.append(info['labels']['level']) # agent mean_x, mean_y = info['labels']['player_x'], 320 - info['labels']['player_y'] agent_locations.append([mean_x, mean_y]) # skull mean_x, mean_y = info['labels']['enemy_skull_x'] + 35, info['labels']['enemy_skull_y'] - 65 skull_locations.append([mean_x, mean_y]) index = df.loc[df.ID == episode].index[:num_valid_actions] df.loc[index, 'level'] = level df.loc[index, 'room_id'] = room_ids df.loc[index, 'player_location'] = agent_locations df.loc[index, 'skull_location'] = skull_locations print(f'Percentage of labeled data {len(df[df.room_id.notnull()]) / len(df):%}') print() df.to_pickle(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "all_trials_labeled.pkl")) df.head()
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