2023-10-25 15:38:09 +02:00

115 lines
4.4 KiB

import os
import os.path as osp
import numpy as np
import json
import argparse
import pyhocon
import glog as log
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
from utils.data_utils import load_pickle_lines
from utils.visdial_metrics import scores_to_ranks
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Ensemble for VisDial')
parser.add_argument('--exp', type=str, default='test',
help='experiment name from .conf')
parser.add_argument('--mode', type=str, default='predict', choices=['eval', 'predict'],
help='eval or predict')
parser.add_argument('--ssh', action='store_true',
help='whether or not we are executing command via ssh. '
'If set to True, we will not log.info anything to screen and only redirect them to log file')
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parser.parse_args()
# initialization
config = pyhocon.ConfigFactory.parse_file(f"config/ensemble.conf")[args.exp]
config["log_dir"] = os.path.join(config["log_dir"], args.exp)
if not os.path.exists(config["log_dir"]):
# set logs
log_file = os.path.join(config["log_dir"], f'{args.mode}.log')
set_log_file(log_file, file_only=args.ssh)
# print environment info
log.info(f"Running experiment: {args.exp}")
log.info(f"Results saved to {config['log_dir']}")
log.info(pyhocon.HOCONConverter.convert(config, "hocon"))
if isinstance(config['processed'], list):
assert len(config['models']) == len(config['processed'])
processed = {model:pcd for model, pcd in zip(config['models'], config['processed'])}
processed = {model: config['processed'] for model in config['models']}
if config['split'] == 'test' and np.any(config['processed']):
test_data = json.load(open(config['visdial_test_data']))['data']['dialogs']
imid2rndid = {t['image_id']: len(t['dialog']) for t in test_data}
del test_data
# load predictions files
visdial_outputs = dict()
if args.mode == 'eval':
metrics = {}
for model in config['models']:
pred_filename = osp.join(config['pred_dir'], model, 'visdial_prediction.pkl')
pred_dict = {p['image_id']: p for p in load_pickle_lines(pred_filename)}
log.info(f'Loading {len(pred_dict)} predictions from {pred_filename}')
visdial_outputs[model] = pred_dict
if args.mode == 'eval':
assert len(visdial_outputs[model]) >= num_dialogs
metric = json.load(open(osp.join(config['pred_dir'], model, "metrics_epoch_best.json")))
metrics[model] = metric['val']
image_ids = visdial_outputs[model].keys()
predictions = []
# for each dialog
for image_id in tqdm(image_ids):
scores = []
round_id = None
for model in config['models']:
pred = visdial_outputs[model][image_id]
if config['split'] == 'test' and processed[model]:
# if predict on processed data, the first few rounds are deleted from some dialogs
# so the original round ids can only be found in the original test data
round_id_in_pred = imid2rndid[image_id]
round_id_in_pred = pred['gt_relevance_round_id']
if not isinstance(round_id_in_pred, int):
round_id_in_pred = int(round_id_in_pred)
if round_id is None:
round_id = round_id_in_pred
# make sure all models have the same round_id
assert round_id == round_id_in_pred
# ensemble scores
scores = torch.cat(scores, 0) # [n_model, num_rounds, num_options]
scores = torch.sum(scores, dim=0, keepdim=True) # [1, num_rounds, num_options]
if scores.size(0) > 1:
scores = scores[round_id - 1].unsqueeze(0)
ranks = scores_to_ranks(scores) # [eval_batch_size, num_rounds, num_options]
ranks = ranks.squeeze(1)
prediction = {
"image_id": image_id,
"round_id": round_id,
"ranks": ranks[0].tolist()
filename = osp.join(config['log_dir'], f'{config["split"]}_ensemble_preds.json')
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(predictions, f)
log.info(f'{len(predictions)} predictions saved to {filename}')