1.3 MiB
1.3 MiB
In [1]:
import os os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "10" import json import cv2 import re import random import time from tqdm.notebook import tqdm import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches from collections import OrderedDict from pattern.text.en import singularize, pluralize import torch import clip from PIL import Image import nengo.spa as spa from utils import * from dataset import GQADataset RANDOM_SEED = 17 np.random.seed(RANDOM_SEED) torch.manual_seed(RANDOM_SEED) random.seed(RANDOM_SEED) DATA_PATH = '/scratch/penzkofer/GQA' print(clip.available_models()) CUDA_DEVICE = 7 torch.cuda.set_device(CUDA_DEVICE) device = torch.device("cuda:" + str(CUDA_DEVICE)) clip_model, preprocess = clip.load("ViT-B/32", device=device)
['RN50', 'RN101', 'RN50x4', 'RN50x16', 'RN50x64', 'ViT-B/32', 'ViT-B/16', 'ViT-L/14', 'ViT-L/14@336px']
In [2]:
%%time # define SSP vector space res = 100 dim = 1024 new_size = (25, 25) # size should be smaller than resolution xs = np.linspace(0, new_size[1], res) ys = np.linspace(0, new_size[0], res) ws = np.linspace(1, 10, 10) hs = np.linspace(1, 10, 10) rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=RANDOM_SEED) x_axis = make_good_unitary(dim, rng=rng) y_axis = make_good_unitary(dim, rng=rng) w_axis = make_good_unitary(dim, rng=rng) h_axis = make_good_unitary(dim, rng=rng) print(f'Size of vector space: {res**2}x{10**2}x{dim}') print(f'x-axis resolution = {len(xs)}, y-axis resolution = {len(ys)}') print(f'width resolution = {len(ws)}, height resolution = {len(hs)}') # precompute all vectors -- this will take some time VECTORS = get_heatmap_vectors_multidim(xs, ys, ws, hs, x_axis, y_axis, w_axis, h_axis) print(VECTORS.shape)
Size of vector space: 10000x100x512 x-axis resolution = 100, y-axis resolution = 100 width resolution = 10, height resolution = 10 (100, 100, 10, 10, 512) CPU times: user 7min 11s, sys: 2.2 s, total: 7min 13s Wall time: 7min 13s
Image to SSP memory¶
In [24]:
TEST = False # load questions, programs and scenegraphs if TEST: questions_path = 'val_balanced_questions.json' programs_path = 'programs/trainval_balanced_programs.json' scene_path = 'val_sceneGraphs.json' else: questions_path = 'train_balanced_questions.json' programs_path = 'programs/trainval_balanced_programs.json' scene_path = 'train_sceneGraphs.json' with open(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, questions_path), 'r') as f: questions = json.load(f) with open(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, programs_path), 'r') as f: programs = json.load(f) with open(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, scene_path), 'r') as f: scenegraphs = json.load(f) columns = ['semantic', 'entailed', 'equivalent', 'question', 'imageId', 'isBalanced', 'groups', 'answer', 'semanticStr', 'annotations', 'types', 'fullAnswer'] questions = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(questions, orient='index', columns=columns) questions = questions.reset_index() questions = questions.rename(columns={"index": "questionID"}, errors="raise") columns = ['imageID', 'question', 'program', 'questionID', 'answer'] programs = pd.DataFrame(programs, columns=columns) DATA = GQADataset(questions, programs, scenegraphs, vectors=VECTORS, path=os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'images/images/'), axes=[x_axis, y_axis, w_axis, h_axis], linspace=[xs, ys, ws, hs], visualize=True) print(f'Length of {"test" if TEST else "train"} data set: ', len(DATA)) for i in range(5): print(i, questions.iloc[i].questionID, questions.iloc[i].question, questions.iloc[i].imageId)
943000 0 02930152 Is the sky dark? 2354786 1 07333408 What is on the white wall? 2375429 2 07333405 Is that pipe red? 2375429 3 15736264 Is the tall clock small or large? 2368326 4 111007521 Who is wearing a shirt? 2331819
In [14]:
from run_programs import * def run_program(data, img, info, counter, memory, dim, verbose=0): """ run program for question on given image: for each step in program select appropriate function """ scale, w_scale, h_scale = info['scales'] img_size = img.shape[:2] results = [] last_step = False last_func = None for i, step in enumerate(info['program']): if i+1 == len(info['program']): last_step = True _, func = step.split('=') attr = func.split('(')[-1].split(')')[0].split(',') if verbose > 0: print(f'{i+1}. step: \t {func}') if 'select' in func: obj = attr[0].strip() res = select_func(data, img, obj, info, counter, memory, visualize=VISUALIZE) results.append(res) if res is None: if verbose > 1: print(f'Could not find {obj}') elif 'relate' in func: found_rel_obj = relate_func(data, func, attr, results, info, dim, memory, visualize=VISUALIZE) if found_rel_obj is not None: assert found_rel_obj in info['encoded_ssps'], f'Result of {func}: {found_rel_obj} is not encoded' selected_ssp = info['encoded_ssps'][found_rel_obj] _, selected_pos = select_ssp(found_rel_obj, memory, info['encoded_ssps'], data.ssp_vectors, data.linspace) results.append([found_rel_obj, selected_ssp, selected_pos]) if last_step: return 'yes' else: results.append(None) if last_step: return 'no' elif 'filter' in func: last_filter = filter_func(func, img, attr, img_size, results, info, visualize=VISUALIZE) if last_filter: results.append(results[-1]) else: if results[-1] is None: results.append(None) elif results[-1][0].split("_")[0] + "_" + str(counter+1) in info['encoded_ssps'].keys(): counter += 1 return None else: last_filter = False results.append(results[-1]) elif 'verify' in func: pred = verify_func(data, img, attr, results, info, dim, memory, verbose=verbose, visualize=VISUALIZE) if 'verify_relation_name' in func or 'verify_relation_inv_name' in func: results.append(results[-1] if pred else None) else: results.append(pred) if last_step: return 'yes' if pred else 'no' elif 'query' in func: return query_func(func, img, attr, results, info, img_size, dim, verbose=verbose, visualize=VISUALIZE) elif 'exist' in func: num = int(re.findall(r'\d+', attr[0])[0]) if last_step: return 'yes' if results[num] is not None else 'no' else: if results[num] is not None and 'filter' not in last_func: results.append(True) elif results[num] is not None and last_filter: results.append(True) else: results.append(False) elif 'or(' in func: attr1 = int(re.findall(r'\d+', attr[0])[0]) attr2 = int(re.findall(r'\d+', attr[1])[0]) return 'yes' if results[attr1] or results[attr2] else 'no' elif 'and(' in func: attr1 = int(re.findall(r'\d+', attr[0])[0]) attr2 = int(re.findall(r'\d+', attr[1])[0]) return 'yes' if results[attr1] and results[attr2] else 'no' elif 'different' in func: if len(attr) == 1: print('[WARNING]'+f'{func} cannot be computed') return None else: pred_attr1 = query_func(f'query_{attr[2].strip()}', img, [attr[0], attr[2]], results, info, img_size, dim) pred_attr2 = query_func(f'query_{attr[2].strip()}', img, [attr[1], attr[2]], results, info, img_size, dim) if pred_attr1 != pred_attr2: return 'yes' else: return 'no' elif 'same' in func: if len(attr) == 1: print('[WARNING]'+f'{func} cannot be computed') return None pred_attr1 = query_func(f'query_{attr[2].strip()}', img, [attr[0], attr[2]], results, info, img_size, dim) pred_attr2 = query_func(f'query_{attr[2].strip()}', img, [attr[1], attr[2]], results, info, img_size, dim) if pred_attr1 == pred_attr2: return 'yes' else: return 'no' elif 'choose' in func: return choose_func(data, img, func, attr, img_size, results, info, dim, memory, visualize=VISUALIZE) else: print('[WARNING]'+f'{func} not implemented') return -1 last_func = func
In [26]:
IDX = 444 #np.random.randint(len(DATA)) VISUALIZE = True start = time.time() print(IDX) DATA.print_item(IDX) DATA.set_visualize(False) DATA.set_verbose(1) img, info, memory = DATA.encode_item(IDX, dim=dim) avg_mse, avg_iou, correct_items = DATA.decode_item(img, info, memory) print() img_size = np.array(img.shape[:2]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) ax.imshow(img, interpolation='none', origin='upper', vmin=0, vmax=1, extent=[0, img_size[1] / info['scales'][0], img_size[0] / info['scales'][0], 0], cmap='gray') for i, obj in enumerate(info['encoded_items'].items()): name, [x, y, width, height] = obj name = name.split('_')[0] width, height = (width * info['scales'][1]) / info['scales'][0], (height * info['scales'][2]) / info['scales'][0] rect = patches.Rectangle((x, y), width, height, linewidth = 2, label = name, edgecolor = RGB_COLORS[i], facecolor = 'none') ax.add_patch(rect) plt.text(x+0.2, y+1, name, fontsize='medium', color=RGB_COLORS[i]) plt.axis('off') plt.show() answer = run_program(DATA, img, info, counter=1, memory=memory, dim=dim, verbose=2) time_in_sec = time.time() - start correct = answer == info["answer"] print() print(f'Question: {info["question"]}') print(f'Answer: {answer}') print(f'Answer "{answer}" is {"correct" if correct else "incorrect"}\n') if correct: print('\U0001F38A \U0001F38A \U0001F38A \n') print(f'Took {time_in_sec:.2f} seconds')
425457 Question #16402843: Are there any knives or glasses that are black? [yes] Yes, the knife is black. Program: 0. select(knife) 1. filter([0], black) 2. exist([1]) 3. select(glass) 4. filter([3], black) 5. exist([4]) 6. or([2],[5]) Average mean-squared error of 2D locations: 41.5312 Average IoU of 4D bounding boxes: 0.67 Correct items: 12 / 17
1. step: select(knife)
2. step: filter([0], black)
CLIP [0.5888671875, 0.4111328125] The knife is black 3. step: exist([1]) 4. step: select(glass) Could not find glass 5. step: filter([3], black) 6. step: exist([4]) 7. step: or([2],[5]) Question: Are there any knives or glasses that are black? Answer: yes Answer "yes" is correct 🎊 🎊 🎊 Took 1.90 seconds
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