**Official code of the paper "Video Language Co-Attention with Multimodal Fast-Learning Feature Fusion for VideoQA"**
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Video Language Co-Attention with Fast-Learning Feature Fusion for VideoQA

Adnen Abdessaied,   Ekta Sood,   Andreas Bulling

Published at Relp4NLP @ ACL 2022 🇮🇪 [Paper]


If you find our code useful or use it in your own projects, please cite our paper:

    title = "Video Language Co-Attention with Multimodal Fast-Learning Feature Fusion for {V}ideo{QA}",
    author = "Abdessaied, Adnen  and Sood, Ekta  and Bulling, Andreas",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP",
    year = "2022",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2022.repl4nlp-1.15",
    pages = "143--155",


We propose the Video Language CoAttention Network (VLCN) a novel memory-enhanced model for Video Question Answering (VideoQA). Our model combines two original contributions: A multimodal fast-learning feature fusion (FLF) block and a mechanism that uses selfattended language features to separately guide neural attention on both static and dynamic visual features extracted from individual video frames and short video clips. When trained from scratch, VLCN achieves competitive results with the state of the art on both MSVD-QA and MSRVTT-QA with 38.06% and 36.01% test accuracies, respectively. Through an ablation study, we further show that FLF improves generalization across different VideoQA datasets and performance for question types that are notoriously challenging in current datasets, such as long questions that require deeper reasoning as well as questions with rare answers




Our VLCN model achieves new state-of-the-art results on two open-ended VideoQA datasets MSVD-QA and MSRVTT-QA.


Model What Who How When Where All
ST-VQA 18.10 50.00 83.80 72.40 28.60 31.30
Co-Mem 19.60 48.70 81.60 74.10 31.70 31.70
HMEMA 22.40 50.00 73.00 70.70 42.90 33.70
SSML - - - - - 35.13
QueST 24.50 52.90 79.10 72.40 50.00 36.10
HCRN - - - - - 36.10
MA-DRNN 24.30 51.60 82.00 86.30 26.30 36.20
VLCN (Ours) 28.42 51.29 81.08 74.13 46.43 38.06


Model What Who How When Where All
ST-VQA 24.50 41.20 78.00 76.50 34.90 30.90
Co-Mem 23.90 42.50 74.10 69.00 42.90 32.00
HMEMA 22.40 50.10 73.00 70.70 42.90 33.70
QueST 27.90 45.60 83.00 75.70 31.60 34.60
SSML - - - - - 35.00
HCRN - - - - - 35.60
VLCN (Ours) 30.69 44.09 79.82 78.29 36.80 36.01


  • PyTorch 1.3.1
  • Torchvision 0.4.2
  • Python 3.6

Raw data

The raw data of MSVD-QA and MSRVTT-QA are located in data/MSVD-QA and data/MSRVTT-QA , respectively.

Videos: The raw videos of MSVD-QA and MSRVTT-QA can be downloaded from and , respectively.
Text: The text data can be downloaded from .

After downloading all the raw data, data/MSVD-QA and data/MSRVTT-QA should have the following structure:

PHP Terminal style set text color


To sample the individual frames and clips and generate the corresponding visual features, we run the script preporocess.py on the raw videos with the appropriate flags. E.g. for MSVD-QA we have to execute

python core/data/preporocess.py --RAW_VID_PATH /data/MSRVD-QA/videos --C3D_PATH path_to_pretrained_c3d

This will save the individual frames and clips in data/MSVD-QA/frames and data/MSVD-QA/clips , respectively, and their visual features in

data/MSVD-QA/frame_feat and data/MSVD-QA/clip_feat, respectively.

Config files

Before starting training, one has to update the config path file cfgs/path_cfgs.py with the paths of the raw data as well as the visual feaures.
All Hyperparameters can be adjusted in cfgs/base_cfgs.py.


To start training, one has to specify an experiment directory EXP_NAME where all the results (log files, checkpoints, tensorboard files etc) will be saved. Futhermore, one needs to specify the MODEL_TYPE of the VLCN to be trained.

MODEL_TYPE Description

These parameters can be set inline. E.g. by executing

python run.py --EXP_NAME experiment --MODEL_TYPE 1 --DATA_PATH /data/MSRVD-QA --GPU 1 --SEED 42

Pre-trained models

Our pre-trained models are available here


We thank the Vision and Language Group@ MIL for their MCAN open source implementation, DavidA for his pretrained C3D model and finally ixaxaar for his DNC implementation.


For any questions or enquiries, don't not hesitate to contact the above contributor.