
168 lines
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2024-02-20 16:31:21 +01:00
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
from torch import nn
from src.models.base_model import TransformerModel
from src.utils.save_attention_weights import SaveOutput
from src.utils.custom_transformer_encoder_layer import CustomTransformerEncoderLayer
from src.state_trackers.video_state_tracker import VstLSTM
from src.state_trackers.dialogue_state_tracker import DstLSTM
from src.state_trackers.vst_transformer_based import VstTransformer
from src.state_trackers.dst_transformer_based import DstTransformer
from src.combiner.option_a import CombinerOptionA
from src.combiner.option_b import CombinerOptionB
from src.combiner.option_c import CombinerOptionC
class StateTrackerModel(TransformerModel):
def __init__(self, config, output_path=None):
super().__init__(config, output_path=output_path)
self.config = config['model']
self.ext_config = config['extended_model']
combine_state_and_emb_options = {
'OptionA': CombinerOptionA,
'OptionB': CombinerOptionB,
'OptionC': CombinerOptionC,
state_tracker_options = {
'Transformer': {
'vst': VstTransformer,
'dst': DstTransformer
'LSTM': {
'vst': VstLSTM,
'dst': DstLSTM
# if option b is used the state vector is appended to each embedding -> input size for the transformers needs to double
if self.ext_config['combiner_option'] == 'OptionB':
self.model_input_dim *= 2
# replace fc layer with a fitting one for the larger embeddings
self.fc = nn.Linear(self.model_input_dim, self.config["fc_dim"])
self.combiner = combine_state_and_emb_options[self.ext_config['combiner_option']](
config = self.ext_config,
model_input_dim = self.model_input_dim,
encoder_layer = CustomTransformerEncoderLayer(
self.encoder = nn.TransformerEncoder(
self.save_output = SaveOutput()
self.hook_handle = self.encoder.layers[-1].self_attn.register_forward_hook(self.save_output)
if self.ext_config['use_v_state']:
self.video_state_tracker = state_tracker_options[self.ext_config['state_tracker_type']]['vst'](
if self.ext_config['use_d_state']:
self.dial_state_tracker = state_tracker_options[self.ext_config['state_tracker_type']]['dst'](
self.video_emb_start_idx = self.calculate_video_emb_start_idx()
def calculate_video_emb_start_idx(self):
video_emb_start_idx = 0
if self.config['model_type'] == 'discriminative': video_emb_start_idx += 1
if self.ext_config['use_v_state']: video_emb_start_idx += 1
if self.ext_config['use_d_state']: video_emb_start_idx += 1
return video_emb_start_idx
def determine_relevant_obj_emb(self, attention_weights, vft):
# determine index of maximum values
obj_emb = self.prepare_video_emb(vft)
_, relevant_emb_indices = attention_weights[:, self.video_emb_start_idx:obj_emb.shape[1] + self.video_emb_start_idx].topk(k=self.ext_config['number_of_relevant_emb'], dim=1)
relevant_emb = torch.zeros((obj_emb.shape[0], self.ext_config['number_of_relevant_emb'], obj_emb.shape[2]), device=self.device)
for i in range(attention_weights.shape[0]):
relevant_emb[i, :, :] = obj_emb[i, relevant_emb_indices[i, :]]
return relevant_emb
def get_attention_weights(self, n_vid_emb):
if self.config['model_type'] in ['generative', 'ranking']:
# get the attention weights from the query tokens and sum all of them
query_start_idx = self.video_emb_start_idx + n_vid_emb
attention_weights = self.save_output.outputs[1][:, query_start_idx:, :]
attention_weights = attention_weights.sum(dim=1)
elif self.config['model_type'] == 'discriminative':
# get only the attention weights of the cls token
attention_weights = self.save_output.outputs[1][:, 0, :]
return attention_weights
def forward(self, batch):
# initialize the state vectors - initialize as none if we dont want to use them
if self.ext_config['use_v_state']:
video_state = torch.zeros((batch.query.shape[0], 1, self.model_input_dim), device=self.device)
video_state = None
if self.ext_config['use_d_state']:
dial_state = torch.zeros((batch.query.shape[0], 1, self.model_input_dim), device=self.device)
dial_state = None
# create the state vectors based on the previous n most recent dialogue turns
hist_start_turn_state_gen = batch.turns.shape[1] - 1 - self.ext_config["hist_len_for_state_gen"]
for dialogue_round in range(max(0, hist_start_turn_state_gen), batch.turns.shape[1]):
question = batch.q_turns[:, dialogue_round, :]
question_mask = batch.q_turns_mask[:, dialogue_round, :]
qa_pair = batch.turns[:, dialogue_round, :]
qa_pair_mask = batch.turns_mask[:, dialogue_round, :]
# pass correct answer tokens to the decoder for training a generative model
if self.config['model_type'] in ['generative', 'ranking']:
answer = batch.a_turns[:, dialogue_round, :]
answer_mask = batch.a_turns_mask[:, dialogue_round, :]
# the answer is not used, only the attention weights are relevant for state creation
_ = self.answer_query(question, question_mask, batch.vft, video_state, dial_state, answer, answer_mask, state_generation_mode=True)
_ = self.answer_query(question, question_mask, batch.vft, video_state, dial_state)
# update the states
if self.ext_config['use_v_state']:
# get the attention weights from the last "answer_query" call and determine the relevant obj
attention_weights = self.get_attention_weights(n_vid_emb=batch.vft.shape[1])
relevant_obj_emb = self.determine_relevant_obj_emb(attention_weights, batch.vft)
# add ids to match the input size of the main transformer block
video_state = self.video_state_tracker(relevant_obj_emb)
if self.ext_config['use_d_state']:
qa_pair_emb = self.prepare_lang_emb(qa_pair, qa_pair_mask)
# add ids to match the input size of the main transformer block
dial_state = self.dial_state_tracker(qa_pair_emb)
# delete state of the state tracker
if self.ext_config['use_v_state']:
if self.ext_config['use_d_state']:
# answer the actual question
# pass correct answer tokens to the decoder for training a generative model
if self.config['model_type'] in ['generative', 'ranking']:
output = self.answer_query(batch.query, batch.query_mask, batch.vft, video_state, dial_state, batch.answer, batch.answer_mask)
output = self.answer_query(batch.query, batch.query_mask, batch.vft, video_state, dial_state)
return output