
69 lines
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import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
from torch import nn
class CombinerOptionC(pl.LightningModule):
def __init__(self, config, model_input_dim, use_v_state, use_d_state):
self.config = config
self.use_v_state = use_v_state
self.use_d_state = use_d_state
self.encoder_layer_d = nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(
self.encoder_layer_v = nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(
def prepare_inputs_for_transformers(self, video_emb, language_emb, language_emb_mask, v_state, d_state):
# create masks for the language inputs (video seq should all be 301 frames long and dont need padding)
d_input_mask = ~language_emb_mask # emb for pytorch needs to be True for masked tokens (opposite to huggingface mask)
# if the dialogue state is used, add a column of Falses at the beeginngin of the tensor (state should be attended -> no mask)
if d_state is not None and self.use_d_state:
zero_column = torch.zeros((d_input_mask.shape[0], 1), dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device)
d_input_mask = torch.concat([zero_column, d_input_mask],axis=1)
# prepare the input tensors for the different transformer layers depending on which state vectors should be used
if v_state is not None \
and d_state is not None \
and self.use_v_state \
and self.use_d_state:
v_input = torch.concat([v_state, video_emb], axis=1)
d_input = torch.concat([d_state, language_emb], axis=1)
elif d_state is not None and self.use_d_state:
v_input = video_emb
d_input = torch.concat([d_state, language_emb], axis=1)
elif v_state is not None and self.use_v_state:
v_input = torch.concat([v_state, video_emb], axis=1)
d_input = language_emb
v_input = video_emb
d_input = language_emb
return v_input, d_input, d_input_mask
def forward(self, dummy_word, video_emb, language_emb, language_emb_mask, v_state, d_state):
# prepare the input tensors for the different transformer layers depending on which state vectors should be used
v_input, d_input, d_input_mask = self.prepare_inputs_for_transformers(video_emb, language_emb, language_emb_mask, v_state, d_state)
# apply the v transformer to the v input and the d transformer to the d input
v_emb = self.encoder_layer_v(v_input)
d_emb = self.encoder_layer_d(d_input, src_key_padding_mask=d_input_mask)
# combine the output of the first 2 transformers and add the dummy word (cls token)
# put the embedded video and dialog states at the beginning of the combined input
v_state_emb = v_emb[:, 0, :].unsqueeze(1)
d_state_emb = d_emb[:, 0, :].unsqueeze(1)
combined_input = torch.concat([dummy_word, v_state_emb, d_state_emb, v_emb[:, 1:, :], d_emb[:, 1:, :]], axis=1)
# create combined_input_mask based on the language_emb_mask
return combined_input