
283 lines
9.2 KiB

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import glob, json, pdb
from tqdm import tqdm
import pandas as pd
import copy, os
def get_question_type(template, prior_template):
last_node_type = template['nodes'][-1]['type']
text = template['text'][0].lower()
if 'same set of activities' in text:
qtype = 'compare action set'
elif 'same sequence of activities' in text:
qtype = 'compare action sequence'
elif 'frequently' in text:
qtype = 'compare int'
elif 'how many times' in text:
qtype = 'action count'
elif 'how many' in text or 'what number' in text:
qtype = 'obj count'
elif 'is there' in text:
qtype = 'obj exist'
elif 'what color' in text or 'what material' in text or 'what shape' in text or 'what size' in text:
qtype = 'attr query'
elif 'what type of action' in text or 'what is the' in text or 'what types of action' in text:
qtype = 'action query'
assert 'what about' in text
qtype = get_question_type(prior_template, None)
return qtype
def get_question_subtype(template, prior_template):
last_node_type = template['nodes'][-1]['type']
text = template['text'][0].lower()
if 'same set of activities' in text:
if 'how many' in text:
qtype = 'compare action set (count)'
qtype = 'compare action set (exist)'
elif 'same sequence of activities' in text:
if 'how many' in text:
qtype = 'compare action seq (count)'
qtype = 'compare action seq (exist)'
elif 'frequently' in text:
if 'as frequently' in text:
qtype = 'compare int (equal)'
elif 'less frequently' in text:
qtype = 'compare int (less)'
elif 'more frequently' in text:
qtype = 'compare int (more)'
elif 'how many times' in text:
qtype = 'action count'
elif 'how many' in text or 'what number' in text:
qtype = 'obj count'
elif 'is there' in text:
qtype = 'obj exist'
elif 'what color' in text or 'what about its color' in text:
qtype = 'attr query (color)'
elif 'what material' in text or 'what about its material'in text:
qtype = 'attr query (material)'
elif 'what shape' in text or 'what about its shape' in text:
qtype = 'attr query (shape)'
elif 'what size' in text or 'what about its size' in text:
qtype = 'attr query (size)'
elif 'what type of action' in text or 'what is the' in text or 'what types of action' in text:
if '<o>' in text:
qtype = 'action query (by order)'
elif '<f>' in text:
qtype = 'ation query (by freq)'
qtype = 'action query (all actions)'
assert 'what about' in text
assert 'color' not in text and 'size' not in text and \
'shape' not in text and 'material' not in text
qtype = get_question_subtype(prior_template, None)
return qtype
def get_question_complexity(turn, template_fn):
template = turn['template']
interval_type = template['interval_type']
last_node_type = template['nodes'][-1]['type']
second_last_node_type = template['nodes'][-2]['type']
if interval_type == 'none':
return 'none'
elif interval_type == 'atomic':
if 'one_hop' in template_fn:
return 'atomic (spatial)'
return 'atomic (non-spatial)'
#return 'atomic'
elif interval_type == 'compositional':
return 'compositional'
def get_accuracies_by_type(all_types, models, all_answers, all_results, output_file):
types = sorted(set(all_types))
accuracies = {}
for t in types:
accuracies[t] = []
for model in models:
nb_corrects = 0
count = 0
results = all_results[model]
for a_idx, a in enumerate(all_answers):
curr_type = all_types[a_idx]
if curr_type != t: continue
pred = results[a_idx]
if str(pred) == str(a):
nb_corrects += 1
count += 1
acc = nb_corrects/count
df = copy.deepcopy(accuracies)
df['model'] = models
df = pd.DataFrame(data=df, columns=['model'] + list(accuracies.keys()))
return types, accuracies, df
def get_transfer_accuracies(all_types, models, all_answers, all_results, output_file, is_video_update=False, is_all=False):
accuracies = []
for model in models:
results = all_results[model]
nb_corrects = 0
count = 0
for a_idx, a in enumerate(all_answers):
if is_all:
is_single_turn = True
for k,v in all_types.items():
if v[a_idx] != 'none':
is_single_turn = False
if is_single_turn: continue
curr_type = all_types[a_idx]
if is_video_update:
if curr_type != 'video_update': continue
if curr_type != 'yes': continue
prior_pred_a = results[a_idx-1]
prior_gt_a = all_answers[a_idx-1]
if str(prior_pred_a) != str(prior_gt_a): continue
pred_a = results[a_idx]
gt_a = all_answers[a_idx]
if str(pred_a) == str(gt_a):
nb_corrects += 1
count += 1
if count == 0:
acc = 0
acc = nb_corrects/count
df = {}
df['accuracies'] = accuracies
df['model'] = models
df = pd.DataFrame(data=df, columns=['model', 'accuracies'])
return df
def get_start_end_time(period):
start, end = period
if start is None:
start = 0
start = start[-1]
if end is None:
end = 301
end = end[-1]
return start, end
def get_period_size(period):
if period is None:
return 0
start, end = get_start_end_time(period)
return end - start
def get_overlap_period(curr_period, last_period, ratio=False):
if curr_period is None:
return -1
if last_period is None:
return 0
s1, e1 = get_start_end_time(curr_period)
s2, e2 = get_start_end_time(last_period)
if s2<e1 and s1<e2:
if ratio:
return get_period_ratio_bin((min(e1,e2)-max(s1,s2))/(e2-s2))
return (min(e1,e2)-max(s1,s2))
return 0
def get_period_distance(curr_period, last_period, point='start'):
if curr_period is None:
return -1
if last_period is None:
return -1
s1, e1 = get_start_end_time(curr_period)
s2, e2 = get_start_end_time(last_period)
if point == 'start':
return abs(s1-s2)
elif point == 'end':
return abs(e1-e2)
def get_period_ratio_bin(ratio):
if ratio == 0:
return 0
for n in range(0,10):
if ratio*10>n:
bin = n
return bin
def get_obj_turn_dist(used_objects, dependencies, template, turn_idx):
all_dists = [0]
if dependencies['object'] != 'none':
if dependencies['object'] == 'earlier_unique':
obj_id = str(template['earlier_unique_obj'])
if obj_id not in used_objects:
turn_dist = turn_idx - used_objects[obj_id]['original_turn'] + 1
if dependencies['temporal'] != 'none':
if 'earlier_unique' in dependencies['temporal']:
obj_id = str(template['temporal_obj_id'])
if obj_id not in used_objects:
turn_dist = turn_idx - used_objects[obj_id]['original_turn'] + 1
return max(all_dists)
def get_stats(dials):
videos = set()
questions = set()
for dial in dials:
for turn in dial:
question = turn['question']
video = '{}-{}'.format(turn['split'], turn['image_filename'])
print('# videos: {}'.format(len(videos)))
print("# dialogues: {}".format(len(dials)))
print("# unique questions: {}".format(len(questions)))
output = {
'#videos': len(videos),
'#dialogues': len(dials),
'#unique questions': len(questions)
return output
def find_video_end_range(end_time):
ranges = [0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270]
if end_time is None:
return 9
for idx, r in enumerate(ranges):
if end_time[-1] > r:
curr_r = idx
return curr_r
return 9
def find_video_start_range(start_time):
ranges = [400, 270, 240, 210, 180, 150, 120, 90, 60, 30]
if start_time is None:
return 0
for idx, r in enumerate(ranges):
if start_time[-1] <= r:
curr_r = 9-idx
return curr_r
return 0