
256 lines
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Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
This source code is licensed under the license found in the
LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import copy
import logging
import sys
import time
import os
import six
import pickle
import json
import numpy as np
import pdb
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
import torch.utils.data as Data
from torch.autograd import Variable
from src.utils.dvd_codebase.data.data_utils import *
class Dataset(Data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, data_info):
self.vid_split = data_info['vid_split']
self.vid = data_info['vid']
self.qa_id = data_info['qa_id']
self.history = data_info['history']
self.question = data_info['question']
self.answer = data_info['answer']
self.turns = data_info['turns']
self.q_turns = data_info['q_turns']
self.a_turns = data_info['a_turns']
self.vft = data_info['vft']
self.gt_period = data_info['gt_period']
self.program = data_info['program']
self.state = data_info['state']
self.q_type = data_info['q_type']
self.attribute_dependency = data_info['attribute_dependency']
self.object_dependency = data_info['object_dependency']
self.temporal_dependency = data_info['temporal_dependency']
self.spatial_dependency = data_info['spatial_dependency']
self.video_name = data_info['video_name']
self.q_complexity = data_info['q_complexity']
def __getitem__(self, index):
item_info = {
'vid_split': self.vid_split[index],
'qa_id': self.qa_id[index],
'history': self.history[index],
'turns': self.turns[index],
'q_turns': self.q_turns[index],
'a_turns': self.a_turns[index],
'question': self.question[index],
'answer': self.answer[index],
'vft': self.vft[index],
'gt_period': self.gt_period[index],
'program': self.program[index],
'state': self.state[index],
'q_type': self.q_type[index],
'attribute_dependency': self.attribute_dependency[index],
'object_dependency': self.object_dependency[index],
'temporal_dependency': self.temporal_dependency[index],
'spatial_dependency': self.spatial_dependency[index],
'video_name': self.video_name[index],
'q_complexity': self.q_complexity[index]
return item_info
def __len__(self):
return len(self.vid)
class Batch:
def __init__(self, vft, his, query, his_query, turns,
q_turns, a_turns,
answer, vid_splits, vids, qa_ids,
query_lens, his_lens, his_query_lens,
dial_lens, turn_lens,
program, program_lens, state, state_lens,
vocab, q_type, attribute_dependency, object_dependency,
temporal_dependency, spatial_dependency, video_name, q_complexity):
self.vid_splits = vid_splits
self.vids = vids
self.qa_ids = qa_ids
self.size = len(self.vids)
self.query = query
self.query_lens = query_lens
self.his = his
self.his_lens = his_lens
self.his_query = his_query
self.his_query_lens = his_query_lens
self.answer = answer
self.vft = vft
self.turns = turns
self.q_turns = q_turns
self.a_turns = a_turns
self.dial_lens = dial_lens
self.turn_lens = turn_lens
self.q_type = q_type
self.attribute_dependency = attribute_dependency
self.object_dependency = object_dependency
self.temporal_dependency = temporal_dependency
self.spatial_dependency = spatial_dependency
self.video_name = video_name
self.q_complexity = q_complexity
pad = vocab['<blank>']
self.his_query_mask = (his_query != pad).unsqueeze(-2)
self.query_mask = (query != pad)
self.his_mask = (his != pad).unsqueeze(-2)
self.q_turns_mask = (q_turns != pad)
self.turns_mask = (turns != pad)
self.program = program
self.program_lens = program_lens
self.state = state
self.state_lens = state_lens
def make_std_mask(tgt, pad):
tgt_mask = (tgt != pad).unsqueeze(-2)
tgt_mask = tgt_mask & Variable(subsequent_mask(tgt.size(-1)).type_as(tgt_mask.data))
return tgt_mask
def move_to_cuda(self):
self.query = self.query.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.his = self.his.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.his_query = self.his_query.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.query_mask = self.query_mask.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.his_mask = self.his_mask.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.his_query_mask = self.his_query_mask.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.answer = self.answer.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.vft = self.vft.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.turns = self.turns.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.turns_mask = self.turns_mask.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.q_turns = self.q_turns.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.q_turns_mask = self.q_turns_mask.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.a_turns = self.a_turns.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.program = self.program.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
self.state = self.state.to('cuda', non_blocking=True)
def to_cuda(self, tensor):
return tensor.cuda()
def collate_fn(data, vocab):
def pad_monet_videos(seqs, pad_token):
lengths = [s.shape[0] for s in seqs]
max_length = max(lengths)
output = []
for seq in seqs:
result = torch.ones((max_length, seq.shape[1], seq.shape[2])) * pad_token
result[:seq.shape[0]] = seq
return output
def pad_seq(seqs, pad_token, return_lens=False, is_vft=False):
lengths = [s.shape[0] for s in seqs]
max_length = max(lengths)
output = []
for seq in seqs:
if is_vft:
if len(seq.shape)==4: # spatio-temporal feature
result = np.ones((max_length, seq.shape[1], seq.shape[2], seq.shape[3]), dtype=seq.dtype)*pad_token
result = np.ones((max_length, seq.shape[-1]), dtype=seq.dtype)*pad_token
result = np.ones(max_length, dtype=seq.dtype)*pad_token
result[:seq.shape[0]] = seq
if return_lens:
return lengths, output
return output
def pad_2d_seq(seqs, pad_token, return_lens=False, is_vft=False):
lens1 = [len(s) for s in seqs]
max_len1 = max(lens1)
all_seqs = []
for seq in seqs:
lens2 = [len(s) for s in all_seqs]
max_len2 = max(lens2)
output = []
all_lens = []
for seq in seqs:
if is_vft:
result = np.ones((max_len1, max_len2, seq[0].shape[-1]))*pad_token
result = np.ones((max_len1, max_len2))*pad_token
turn_lens = np.ones(max_len1).astype(int)
offset = max_len1 - len(seq)
for turn_idx, turn in enumerate(seq):
#result[turn_idx,:turn.shape[0]] = turn
# padding should be at the first turn idxs (Reason: result of last n turns is used for state creation)
result[turn_idx + offset,:turn.shape[0]] = turn
turn_lens[turn_idx] = turn.shape[0]
all_lens = np.asarray(all_lens)
if return_lens:
return lens1, all_lens, output
return output
def prepare_data(seqs, is_float=False):
if is_float:
return torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(seqs)).float()
return torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(seqs)).long()
item_info = {}
for key in data[0].keys():
item_info[key] = [d[key] for d in data]
pad_token = vocab['<blank>']
h_lens, h_padded = pad_seq(item_info['history'], pad_token, return_lens=True)
h_batch = prepare_data(h_padded)
q_lens, q_padded = pad_seq(item_info['question'], pad_token, return_lens=True)
q_batch = prepare_data(q_padded)
hq = [np.concatenate([q,h]) for q,h in zip(item_info['history'], item_info['question'])]
hq_lens, hq_padded = pad_seq(hq, pad_token, return_lens=True)
hq_batch = prepare_data(hq_padded)
dial_lens, turn_lens, turns_padded = pad_2d_seq(item_info['turns'], pad_token, return_lens=True)
_, _, q_turns_padded = pad_2d_seq(item_info['q_turns'], pad_token, return_lens=True)
turns_batch = prepare_data(turns_padded)
q_turns_batch = prepare_data(q_turns_padded)
a_turns_padded = pad_2d_seq(item_info['a_turns'], pad_token)
a_turns_batch = prepare_data(a_turns_padded)
a_batch = prepare_data(item_info['answer'])
#vft_lens, vft_padded = pad_seq(item_info['vft'], 0, return_lens=True, is_vft=True)
#vft_batch = prepare_data(vft_padded, is_float=True)
vft_batch = item_info['vft']
vft_batch_padded = pad_monet_videos(vft_batch, 0)
vft_batch_padded = torch.stack(vft_batch_padded)
p_lens, p_padded = pad_seq(item_info['program'], pad_token, return_lens=True)
p_batch = prepare_data(p_padded)
s_lens, s_padded = pad_seq(item_info['state'], pad_token, return_lens=True)
s_batch = prepare_data(s_padded)
batch = Batch(vft_batch_padded,
h_batch, q_batch, hq_batch, turns_batch, q_turns_batch, a_turns_batch, a_batch,
item_info['vid_split'], item_info['vid'], item_info['qa_id'],
q_lens, h_lens, hq_lens,
dial_lens, turn_lens,
p_batch, p_lens, s_batch, s_lens,
vocab, item_info['q_type'], item_info['attribute_dependency'], item_info['object_dependency'],
item_info['temporal_dependency'], item_info['spatial_dependency'], item_info['video_name'],
return batch