9.7 KiB
VD-GR: Boosting Visual Dialog with Cascaded Spatial-Temporal Multi-Modal GRaphs
Adnen Abdessaied, Lei Shi, Andreas Bulling
WACV'24, Hawaii, USA
Table of Contents
Setup and Dependencies
We implemented our model using Python 3.7 and PyTorch 1.11.0 (CUDA 11.3, CuDNN 8.2.0). We recommend to setup a virtual environment using Anaconda.
- Install git lfs on your system
- Clone our repository to download the data, checkpoints, and code
git lfs install git clone this_repo.git
- Create a conda environment and install dependencies
conda create -n vdgr python=3.7 conda activate vdgr conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch conda install pyg -c pyg # 2.1.0 pip install pytorch-transformers pip install pytorch_pretrained_bert pip install pyhocon glog wandb lmdb
- If you wish to speed-up training, we recommend installing apex
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex cd apex # if pip >= 23.1 (ref: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/news/#v23-1) which supports multiple `--config-settings` with the same key... pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --config-settings "--build-option=--cpp_ext" --config-settings "--build-option=--cuda_ext" ./ # otherwise pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./ cd ..
Download Data
- Download the extacted visual features of VisDial and setup all files we used in our work. We provide a shell script for convenience:
./setup_data.sh # Please make sure you have enough disk space
If everything was correctly setup, the data/
folder should look like this
├── history_adj_matrices
│ ├── test
│ ├── *.pkl
│ ├── train
│ ├── *.pkl
│ ├── val
│ ├── *.pkl
├── question_adj_matrices
│ ├── test
│ ├── *.pkl
│ ├── train
│ ├── *.pkl
│ ├── val
│ ├── *.pkl
├── img_adj_matrices
│ ├── *.pkl
├── parse_vocab.pkl
├── test_dense_mapping.json
├── tr_dense_mapping.json
├── val_dense_mapping.json
├── visdial_0.9_test.json
├── visdial_0.9_train.json
├── visdial_0.9_val.json
├── visdial_1.0_test.json
├── visdial_1.0_train_dense_annotations.json
├── visdial_1.0_train_dense.json
├── visdial_1.0_train.json
├── visdial_1.0_val_dense_annotations.json
├── visdial_1.0_val.json
├── visdialconv_dense_annotations.json
├── visdialconv.json
├── vispro_dense_annotations.json
└── vispro.json
Pre-trained Checkpoints
For convenience, we provide checkpoints of our model after the warm-up training stage in ckpt/
for both VisDial v1.0 and VisDial v0.9.
These checkpoints will be downloaded with the code if you use git lfs
We trained our model on 8 Nvidia Tesla V100-32GB GPUs. The default hyperparameters in config/vdgr.conf
and config/bert_base_6layer_6conect.json
need to be adjusted if your setup differs from ours.
Phase 1
- In this phase, we train our model on VisDial v1.0 via
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python main.py \
--model vdgr/P1 \
--mode train \
--tag K2_v1.0 \
--wandb_mode online \
--wandb_project your_wandb_project_name
⚠️ On a similar setup to ours, this will take roughly 20h to complete using apex for training.
- To train on VisDial v0.9:
- Set
visdial_version = 0.9
- Set
start_path = ckpt/vdgr_visdial_v0.9_after_warmup_K2.ckpt
- Run
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python main.py \ --model vdgr/P1 \ --mode train \ --tag K2_v0.9 \ --wandb_mode online \ --wandb_project your_wandb_project_name
- Set
- For inference on VisDial v1.0 val, VisDialConv, or VisPro:
- Set
eval_dataset = {visdial, visdial_conv, visdial_vispro}
- Run
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python main.py \ --model vdgr/P1 \ --mode eval \ --eval_dir logs/vdgr/P1_K2_v1.0 \ --wandb_mode offline \
- Set
- For inference on VisDial v0.9:
- Set
eval_dataset = visdial
- Run
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python main.py \ --model vdgr/P1 \ --mode eval \ --eval_dir logs/vdgr/P1_K2_v0.9 \ --wandb_mode offline \
- Set
⚠️ This might take some time to finish as the testing data of VisDial v0.9 is large.
- For inference on the
visdial_v1.0 test
:- Run
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python main.py \ --model vdgr/P1 \ --mode predict \ --eval_dir logs/vdgr/P1_K2_v1.0 \ --wandb_mode offline \
- The output file will be saved in
Phase 2
In this phase, we finetune on dense annotations to improve the NDCG score (Only supported for VisDial v1.0.)
- Run
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python main.py \
--model vdgr/P2_CE \
--mode train \
--tag K2_v1.0_CE \
--wandb_mode online \
--wandb_project your_wandb_project_name
⚠️This will take roughly 3-4 hours to complete using the same setup as before and DP for training.
- For inference on VisDial v1.0:
- Run:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python main.py \ --model vdgr/P2_CE \ --mode predict \ --eval_dir logs/vdgr/P1_K2_v1.0_CE \ --wandb_mode offline \
- The output file will be saved in
Phase 3
In the final phase, we train an ensemble method comprising of 8 models using K={1,2,3,4}
and dense_loss={ce, listnet}
For K=k
- Set the value of
num_v_gnn_layers, num_q_gnn_layers, num_h_gnn_layers
- Set
start_path = ckpt/vdgr_visdial_v1.0_after_warmup_K[k].ckpt
(P1) - Phase 1 training:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python main.py \
--model vdgr/P1 \
--mode train \
--tag K[k]_v1.0 \
--wandb_mode online \
--wandb_project your_wandb_project_name
- Set
start_path = logs/vdgr/P1_K[k]_v1.0/epoch_best.ckpt
(P2) - Phase 2 training:
- Fine-tune with CE:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python main.py \
--model vdgr/P2_CE \
--mode train \
--tag K[k]_v1.0_CE \
--wandb_mode online \
--wandb_project your_wandb_project_name
- Fine-tune with LISTNET:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python main.py \
--model vdgr/P2_LISTNET \
--mode train \
--tag K[k]_v1.0_LISTNET \
--wandb_mode online \
--wandb_project your_wandb_project_name
- For inference on VisDial v1.0 test:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python main.py \
--model vdgr/P2_[CE,LISTNET] \
--mode predict \
--eval_dir logs/vdgr/P2_K[1,2,3,4]_v1.0_[CE,LISTNET] \
--wandb_mode offline \
- Finally, merge the outputs of all models
python ensemble.py \
--exp test \
--mode predict \
The output file will be saved in output/
VisDial v0.9
Model | MRR | R@1 | R@5 | R@10 | Mean |
Prev. SOTA | 71.99 | 59.41 | 87.92 | 94.59 | 2.87 |
VD-GR | 74.50 | 62.10 | 90.49 | 96.37 | 2.45 |
Model | NDCG | MRR | R@1 | R@5 | R@10 | Mean |
Prev. SOTA | 61.72 | 61.79 | 48.95 | 77.50 | 86.71 | 4.72 |
VD-GR | 67.09 | 66.82 | 54.47 | 81.71 | 91.44 | 3.54 |
Model | NDCG | MRR | R@1 | R@5 | R@10 | Mean |
Prev. SOTA | 59.30 | 62.29 | 48.35 | 80.10 | 88.87 | 4.37 |
VD-GR | 60.35 | 69.89 | 57.21 | 85.97 | 92.68 | 3.15 |
VisDial V1.0 Val
Model | NDCG | MRR | R@1 | R@5 | R@10 | Mean |
Prev. SOTA | 65.47 | 69.71 | 56.79 | 85.82 | 93.64 | 3.15 |
VD-GR | 64.32 | 69.91 | 57.01 | 86.14 | 93.74 | 3.13 |
VisDial V1.0 Test
Model | NDCG | MRR | R@1 | R@5 | R@10 | Mean |
Prev. SOTA | 64.91 | 68.73 | 55.73 | 85.38 | 93.53 | 3.21 |
VD-GR | 63.49 | 68.65 | 55.33 | 85.58 | 93.85 | 3.20 |
♣️ Prev. SOTA | 75.92 | 56.18 | 45.32 | 68.05 | 80.98 | 5.42 |
♣️ VD-GR | 75.95 | 58.30 | 46.55 | 71.45 | 84.52 | 5.32 |
♣️♦️ Prev. SOTA | 76.17 | 56.42 | 44.75 | 70.23 | 84.52 | 5.47 |
♣️♦️ VD-GR | 76.43 | 56.35 | 45.18 | 68.13 | 82.18 | 5.79 |
♣️ = Finetuning on dense annotations, ♦️ = Ensemble model