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OLViT: Multi-Modal State Tracking via Attention-Based Embeddings for Video-Grounded Dialog

Adnen Abdessaied,   Manuel von Hochmeister,   Andreas Bulling

COLING 2024, Turin, Italy

Table of Contents

Setup and Dependencies

We implemented our model using Python 3.7, PyTorch 1.11.0 (CUDA 11.3, CuDNN 8.3.2) and PyTorch Lightning. We recommend to setup a virtual environment using Anaconda.

  1. Install git lfs on your system
  2. Clone our repository to download a checpint of our best model and our code
    git lfs install
    git clone this_repo.git
  3. Create a conda environment and install dependencies
    conda create -n olvit python=3.7
    conda activate olvit
    conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
    pip install pytorch-lightning==1.6.3 
    pip install transformers==4.19.2
    pip install torchtext==0.12.0
    pip install wandb nltk pandas 

Download Data

  1. DVD and SIMMC 2.1 data are included in this repository and will be downloaded using git lfs
  2. Setup the data by executing
    chmod u+x setup_data.sh
  3. This will unpack all the data necessary in data/dvd/ and data/simmc/


We trained our model on 3 Nvidia Tesla V100-32GB GPUs. The default hyperparameters need to be adjusted if your setup differs from ours.


  1. Adjust the config file for DVD according to your hardware specifications in config/dvd.json
  2. Execute
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2 python train.py --cfg_path config/dvd.json
  1. Checkpoints will be saved in checkpoints/dvd/


  1. Adjust the config file for SIMMC 2.1 according to your hardware specifications in config/simmc.json
  2. Execute
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2 python train.py --cfg_path config/simmc.json
  1. Checkpoints will be saved in checkpoints/simmc/


  1. Execute


Training using the default config and a similar hardware setup as ours will result in the following performance




Our work relied on the codebases of DVD and SIMMC. Thanks to the authors for sharing their code.